No game has ever deserved a remake more than Pokemon Gold/Silver

No game has ever deserved a remake more than Pokemon Gold/Silver.
Imagine this beauty of a game built from scratch using the Sword and Shield engine. No Pokemon game has had more content

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Imagine this beauty of a game built from scratch
>using the Sword and Shield engine.
No, please God no don't let this happen I beg you

Already remade, HG and SS. You know, you need to be at least 18 to post here....

I just checked, HG costs over $300 now.
You basically can’t buy them anymore. Plus, those were remakes. Also I had Gold Version when I was a child with a Gameboy Color. I am way older than 18, niggerfaggot

Fuck, even GSC look better than SwSh. Pokemon would have still been okay if they had released Pokemon Stars as an HD version of USUM with some more stuff and better graphics/music/framerate. And then instead of SwSh they could have released LGPE. Then taken their sweet time to make a real Gen 8.

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yes we know they were remakes retard, that's what the thread is about isn't it?

no man, you can find them way cheaper just avoid the bundlepack version

Why do that when they know the mindless, domesticated drones who make up 98% of their fanbase will buy anything they shit out?

>plus those were remakes
That’s what you were asking for.

Bullshit, I just looked it up and you can get Heartgold used for under $20

More like 100 used.
But yeah, it's hard to get. The real question is why don't you have the game already?

pokémon would have still been okay if they stucked to 2D or at least super deformed characters

They already did retard

Because they lost about 25% of their fanbase with SwSh.

hes probably a nostalgiafag that stopped playing pokémon since GSC

>buying ds games

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So are Version exclusive always going to be a thing on mainline consoles?

>using the Sword and Shield engine

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You can get it for free user, but still, if you're way older than 18, niggerfaggot, you had years to buy the game at a reasonable price.

OP eats cock but I think there's a good point to be made here; even if HGSS were really good games, they weren't great remakes of GSC and didn't do them justice. The music got butchered, lots of art assets got sterilized, and many additions from later gens clashed with the charm and simplicity of the originals.

Again, it's weird to say that HGSS didn't do a good job because they are PHENOMENAL games, but what makes them great is only a fraction of what made GSC great.

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>not just emulating it for free

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if you think it would be any better than LGPE you are fooling yourself.
in fact, it would probably be worse because they'd remove a bunch of pokemon and then sell them back to you as DLC.

why can't you fags stay in your board?

>buying pokemon games

>it costs X
>basically can't buy them anymore
are you poor and retarded or just retarded

>thinking it won’t just be let’s go stanler and pichu
You don’t know what your saying

>He wouldn't play Let's Go: Stantler
I always knew this board was full of children

Not even close, like it wasn't even 2.5% as much as people (myself included) gave them shit about the state of the game.

Yep. GB Sounds pissed me off so much when I finally unlocked it. It sounded so bad compared to the original.

>haha silly diaper deer XD

Oh shit.
How much would a barely opened/used copy with an untouched box, manual, and pokewalker go for?

>lost 25% of their fanbase
>when it's probably the highest selling pokemon game to date
Ignore the date at top. The sales for SwSh were from December '19.

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>bought HeartGold when it was $40 (or 45 or 50 however much it cost with the pokewalker in 2010)
>bought a loose SoulSilver for $50 a few years later
Feels good

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The problem is that it became hard differentiate fans from those bandwagoners that defend everything. All those new Switch owners that basically buy any mainline Nintenedo game and don't care aren't really fans and inflated the numbers of sales. Most of them stopped playing the game after beating the story. They won't even buy the DLC.

>bought ds games
>haha I’m soo cool
Imagine not having a r4 card it was like 10-20$ even had a cheat function but that’s cool

>Most of them stopped playing the game after beating the story
Yes, and?

see I'm saying they lost fans, not sales. They gained sales. But of course they don't care about their fans anymore. Not after Gen 5.

Pokemon should have never had dlc to begin with

Just gimme AAA Gold and Silver remakes with all the good pokemon from later gens (I don't give a fuck if you can't bring your precious Komala or Slurpluff along for the ride) with the Battle Frontier from HGSS and the PWT from BW2
Is that so hard?

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We already had a remake with more content and it was really good.

HGSS is the absolute peak of Pokemon. Everything after has been downhilll. Don't (You) me

Pokemon isn't about the main campaign. It's about the meta, the community, and building hype for any events and future titles. If you hurt that, it'll eventually bleed into the next title.

You know what your asking for probably has already been done a few times in romhacks right retard?

I'd wait for a new console before i'd want any more remakes. The current shit sucks my ass.

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Has LGPE taught you fucking nothing? That game has less content than FRLG and it came about a decade and a half later. GS already got the best remake it ever could've gotten. Don't fucking ruin it.

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I agree, but if it doesn't make good number Gamefreak will just think that people were satisfied with the amount of content in base SwSh and never bother with future games.

Romhacks aren't AAA retard
Plus they always include extra gay shit no one asked for to ruin an experience that was already held together with duct tape and Elmer's glue

Part of Pokémon’s charm is its portability. I don’t want to play on PC

Was the engine really the issue with Sw/Sh? Looked more like it was just shit design choices rather than the engine itself.

>your a clown for not wasting your money on games
Really now? How does the boot taste

I wonder how much it has to do with the actual games, and not stuff like more and more advertisement and people buying more games as time goes forward. When almost every damn game is the "best selling" or "fastest selling" in it's series year after year these days it can't always be that the games are secretly really good and everyone here is just retarded.

>he hasn't hacked his 3DS yet to let him play every generation before 8

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>noooooo I don’t care if what I want already exists it has to be by gayfreak even if that will suck way worse than the romhacks
Okay bootlicker

>not having a DS with an R4 card that's loaded up with 100s of games

el oh el

>Sword and Shield engine.
Pokemon going to 3D was always a mistake

You don't "lose fans". It's not like GameFreak fucked your mom and now you've lost all trust. They sell products. If they make a better game next time, then people will still buy it, even those that didn't like the first game.

Besides, Pokemon is more about social interaction, a mere discussion piece. You think normies care about the meta? They like to discuss new pokemon designs, catch their favorite mons, dress their character, and maybe fight their friends. I know my friends do.

>what is r4 card
>what is hacked 3ds
Pleb retard

>I am way older than 18

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I just wana be able to be knotted by lucario OwO

Pokemon is FRLG
Pokemon 2 is HGSS
Pokemon 3 is Emerald
Pokemon 4 is Platinum
Pokemon 5 is Black/White
Pokemon 6 is Black/White 2
And those are the only games you need to ever play.
Although I do agree with in that HGSS should have been more faithful to GSC, but the positive changes outweigh the negative ones imo

>no jade version
Faggot pleb

>hey how come you bought games instead of hacking them for free onto my mainframe cart haha faggot
Shut the FUCK up kid Jesus

Have fun with Let's Go! Pichu and Let's Go! Azurill

>why did you blow $100+ dollars on a ten year old videogame instead of getting it for free with zero effort

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We already got THE ONLY good Pokemon remakes. FrLg was a hackjob that literally just superimposes Hoenns aesthetic on top of Kanto and ORAS is an actively worse than Emerald. HGSS is the only one that seeks out to both be faithful and improve. Expanding the Johtodex to include crossgen evos, making more pokemon available pre-kanto, gym leader rematches, a safari zone, and more expanded on while keeping the traditional japanese aesthetic of gen 2 alive and more vibrant than ever.

Johtochads don't need another revisit. Johto has already been the series apex on two separate occasions.

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Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out like 3 gens ago, user. Why did you think you;d be able to buy it new for cheap?

Its astounding how underage posters stick out like a sore thumb

They're not perfect, though.
The leveling was still fucked and trainers still had too many Kanto Pokemon.
Although you can just play some romhacks that fix these issues.

Finally someone fucking said it. I've always hated FRLG, the shitty graphics and needless restriction on things like fucking Golbat evolving make it a garbage remake and bring down third gen hard by mere association.

There is an entire board dedicated to Pokémon. repost this there.

There's also an entire board dedicated to video games, though you certainly wouldn't know it by looking.

I physically revolted when I saw this thread. Good job.