Should i do it bruhs?

should i do it bruhs?
my love for this character has no bounds. my corona virus stimulus check could pay for it.

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>USD$460.00 for a toy
It better comes with a blowjob, on that note, why not buying a full blown sex doll?

>should I buy a $460 paperweight?
Be yourself.

Yes but promise you post lewd pictures of it PLEASE. i wish i could buy something so beautiful but cant afford it. And hot glue it if your a chad again pics

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A toy, you can play with. Statues are for decoration. It's not really any different from when "trendy" types buy those "live love laugh" signs.


If you want, so long as you give it a few good hotglues

For that price you can get an escort.
Not your crackhead toothless junky whore, a decent whore.

Are you fucking retarded?
That money is to help see you though this plague. If, and only if, you still have that much to burn once we're well and truly past the worst of it, and I'm being the optimist here in hoping the inevitable second wave doesn't shut everything down again, then and only then should you even consider squandering your money on something so frivolous.

Just buy this

Attached: sanhui-168cm-doll-for-men-lovedoll-01-510x672.jpg (510x672, 38.27K)

The price is pretty fucking ridiculous but that's probably the best scale I've ever seen god damn. I miss having disposable income to spend on waifu paperweight bros.

Seems a bit pricey. Is there any other sites selling it for less, such as amiami? Perhaps even Mandarake?

No, PCS does their own own sculpts

wtf is wrong with you guys

Stop fucking posting about this goddamn toy and grow the fuck up, you're goddamn obsessed.

Well then I guess it's up to you. Looks really good but I feel going over $350 seems a bit much, most of the time at least. If you really like Chun-Li and can spare the money.

Who is the manufacturer?

yes, just to trigger all the angry people in this thread. post a screenshot of the order confirmation too.

my old was right. "once your money goes up so does your taste". i have a really good paying job, hell i even get paid time off because of the corona virus, i'm taking care of my family and still have money to save. not to sound cocky but my job is a real blessing. i'm still keeping my broke mentality. a older gentleman at my job told me to enjoy my money because of i die tomorrow my family will enjoy it instead. maybe i should just wait until it releases. nobody can predict the future.

PCS STATUES, it says right on the image

So what do you do once you spend 500 bucks on it? Cum on it once and then regret it once you have to clean up?

just buy a prostitute and make her cosplay as your fav char

I'd say go for it then.

>$92.00 down payment on a hotglue doll

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>Statues now have season passes
What happens after the season? Do you have to give it back?

with figures, you can't wait until release
this shit get sold out in pre-orders

For that price I can go to a nice looking prostitute 5 times.
Why would you use that much money on a fucking figurine?
Either order some whores or use the money on smarter things. Like paying your loan or save/invest it.

You can cum on it an infinite amount of times

nah, your cum will eventually start to eat it away and it will discolor

>needing to rent your statues used

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What's with all the anons in this thread who only think about ordering hookers with that money? There's more to figure collecting than just cooming, and it's preferable to collecting STDs.

I think it means Chun-Li's design there is from a season pass.

And you think being the equivalent of a “Live, Laugh, Love” basic bitch is a good thing?

The price difference is huge and while those signs are corny, that statue is outright embrassing

>muh stds
i didn't know this was a christian sunday school meeting

they make statues that are 1/4 the size of a woman?
those must be pretty big

Looks good, order it it’s only $500 everyone’s getting $2000 so why not

>not liking hotglue
What the fuck is wrong with you faggot?

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>It's not really any different from when "trendy" types buy those "live love laugh" signs.
There's about a 400 dollar difference.

I'd rather have sex with someone I actually have feelings for than pay for someone I don't even know and risk STDs.

It is a Christian Friday school meeting

Is that not a valid thing anymore?
It just looks insanley stupid, if you were doing it as a way to make money I can get that but collecting for collecting sake seems dumb especially with the prices.

Maybe its just my poorfag mind that can't wrap spending that much money on somthing you can pretty much make for yourself

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This. I would never own such a thing unless I had truly given up on ever having anyone over. If you like Chun-Li so much why not get a figure of her in her usual outfit? It's far less embarrassing.

funny how western statues are triple the price of good japanese ones

>not getting all your waifus figures to sate your gamer.

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Her tits are huge for Chun-li in that fig

Hotglue is literally gayer than getting fucked in the ass

Everything in the west is more expensive and worse than in Japan

You're right that it's rather illogical but I still find enjoyment in collecting figures so I don't mind. At least you're wise with spending. Though the figures can be sold later down the line, even if it's for less since it's not mint condition.

Shes a pretty stacked obasan.

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Buying figurines will never ever make sense to me
Download a 3d program, move it around, coom and move on

Don't have a bunch of them in your house, I can't imagine even trying to explain that to anyone

Get Ada instead.

Attached: ada1.jpg (1594x2522, 251.22K)

It isn't because you're poor, it's because you're a materialist.

>being this much of a coomer

Just save the money for when all this blows over and get yourself a night with an escort. We all know you're just gonna fap to this thing anyway.

the real question is wtf is wrong with women and why am i more attracted to a pice of plastic, a caricature of a "woman". But to answer your question the hotglue part is more of a meme but i do want qt pics of Chun li cus i love her

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I love Chun. I love hot figures but.
This industry needs to take a fucking hit. So they stop thinking their little plastic molds deserve a fucking 5000% markup.

Be fucking reasonable. I get it, the figure is detailed. Unless its make of fucking diamonds, there is no fucking way in hell it would EVER cost that much to make. Too many industries out there are beating people on the fucking head for like a 500% markup, and they need to get fucking checked. You can sell really great looking figures for like 100-150 for maybe the best ones. 400 dollars is absolute fucking ass rape.

God, imagine if in SF6 they use the face cap tech from ResiEvil remake. The amount of coom alone would be glorious if they could find the perfect face and keep the same body proportions.

help a tech illiterate idiot like me out what type of programs? you to view figurines or ingame models. you got me interested buddy t. someone who never bought a fig

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>2nd quarter 2021
Nigga that's literally in over a year

have you lost all hope to someday have sex?
then yes, waste 500 dollars on a plastic figurine

Do NOT start buying figurines.

It's a fucking awful rabbit hole were you feel compelled to buy more to add to your collection, and after a while you're stuck with a bunch of fucking overpriced plastic taking up real estate.
>You can apply this logic to most things people collect
Correct, but figurines are worse than most. You're paying a lot for very little in return. Get yourself a nice plant, or if you want something nerdy just get a fucking poster. Collecting figurines is just the millennial version of pic related.

Attached: One day this will all be yours.jpg (900x600, 191.31K)

okay but STDs aren't really a thing with modern medicine and if you just wear a condom if you're not sure about the woman
it's overstated by christians to keep their kids away from sex

Mirin that biceps.

at least get a better statue of Chun -Li, damn.

This. People who buy figurines are the worst kind of consumers on the planet.

Fair enough if that's the case but I'd still rather not, even if it meant never having sex. I'd prefer it to be actually special.

you know what helps?
being poor
i bought like $1k in figures when i was working
now i just wish i could buy but i don't have any money or credit cards lol

Her tits are way too big

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Yeah I fully agree. Like if there werent tons of idiots out there buying these things, I could by a Cammy figure, sexy enough to fap to, for like, 40 bucks.

get a poseable figure instead and put her in lewd poses if you need to fap that badly

>You're paying a lot for very little in return.
Dont't be a retard, people collect shit because of the intrinsic value. People collect insanely stupid shit all the time like shoes, luxury goods, cars.

So who gives a fuck what you spend your money on as long as you have a job and lifestyle to support it.

why would you fap to a figure?
i just like to watch them

I have plenty of money to spare and don't feel compelled to just buy endless figures. Only the ones I like every now and then.

because clearly that user is horny.