You ARE going to buy her game, right Yas Forums?

You ARE going to buy her game, right Yas Forums?

Attached: Shin-Sakura-Taisen.jpg (1920x1080, 894.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:



The combats looks boring desu

When it comes to PC 10 years later.

Everyone agrees that it was both a mediocre videogame and a mediocre Sakura Wars game so no.
Add to that how I shit constantly on waifu games like Senran Kagura so playing a SW game would make me a hypocrite.

If it were on PC absolutely, however like I am not a fan of the combat. I like 3, 4 and 5's combat myself and I think the memers who have been jumping at this saying, "Y-you probably didn't even plat SakuraTaisen if you're saying that!!" are complete fucking cucks. Fuck bland hack and slash gameplay, they could have upgraded 3's combat and made it even better.

The biggest sin is how they treat the original cast for the soft reboot meme, and how huge chunks of the game seem missing because it's an obvious "part 1" of the Shin series.

Really, they should have remade 1-4 with the new engine, and improved the combat system from where Valkyria Chronicles brought it. By the way, fuck the hack and slash apologists. Holy shit, fuck them.

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If you think that Sakura Wars is about the combat you clearly didn't play any of them.

No but I thank her for giving me vanguard in star ocean.

My Japanese friend said it was the worst thing ever next to Hiroshima so I'll pass

Nope, Sakura Wars is shit and Sega has been garbage for the past 20 years

What about compared to Dragon quest Your Story movie

Sega realized that PC is a worthless platform so don't expect any of their games to come to PC ever.

>But Football Manager and Total War
Strategyfags are the sole exception to the norm; they're pretty much like gacha addicts.

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>SW1 got shot down for localization by bernie stolar
>SW1&2 on PSP was denied by Sony, even though western localization was part of the reason they fucking made the PSP ports
>SW5 actually released here but sold like shit because NIS had to publish it
>SSW releasing during a fucking global pandemic after they blew their entire advertising budget on a fucking P5 rerelease

this series really is fucking cursed isn't it

Nah, it already bombed in japan, the west release is irrelevant.

I was going to buy it back when it came out, but I was glad I didn't after watching a playthrough.

The game was a mess.

SW5 bombed because it was fucking shit; not even the Japanese liked it.

she's super cute but I played the demo and the action gameplay was awful. Will probably pass

>1-4 remakes literally fucking never ever thanks to this game

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No I will not
But i will go back to playing 2
Its been a few months since I last played and I have a second monitor again so it'll be easier.

And I may watch the first movie since I heard it's really good.

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>first hour
>zero (0) gameplay and instead talking with generic waifubait characters with retarded faces
yeah no, shovel your shit elsewhere weebnigger

please buy it it's a little rough but they'll find their groove dont let the series die again

Then again, I'm not sure if I really want to play because not a single girl appeals to me. Flower Troupe had Sakura, Sumire, and Maria. Paris has Erica and Glycine, and even New York had Gemini and Ratchet.

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>Bitch non-stop about modern videogame catalogs being nothing but remasters or remakes
>Demands a remaster and gets mad at Sega for not remastering some old game and instead daring to make a new game.

What is with Yas Forums and hypocrisy when it comes to waifu games? Yas Forums shits on all the action games released due to failing to "live up to the standards established by Soulsborne / Sekiro / Devil May Cry" and still defends Senran Kagura to death.

Eat shit faggot.
You waifufags were responsible for killing Valkyria Chronicles 4 and the series as a whole. Why should we help you? Especially when the game itself is mediocre as fuck?

No one defends SK for its gameplay except for the most die-hard fans. Both its 2D and 3D beat em ups are below mediocre.

>No one defends SK for its gameplay except for the most die-hard fans
Try browsing a SK thread and you'll see. They act like Sony killed Ninja Gaiden or something.

But this game was a soft reboot that also managed to be the blandest title in the series by a mile.

After ST1 took the fuck off, they upped the stakes with the second game and made it more edgy. The third game brought brand new combat that wasn't as awful, better minigames, and while it was more of a return to the style of the first game, it was still entertaining.

The new game has boring girls, a boring story, was pretty blatantly rushed, and the money they wasted on all the 3D environments, while cool, wasn't even slightly worth it.

They should've taken a risk with the story.

They should have included ports of the older games so the new audience could see only Sakura 3 is worth a damn.

I like Erica

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i don't buy games

>not posting
What's wrong with you?

I'm not shitting on the people like you that expected better and are right on hating the new game.
I'm shitting on the people that just wanted ANOTHER remaster of ST1.

>pos4 exclusive
nah miss me with that gay shit, sega

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Most of what I see in those threads are image dumping (which is why I don't generally go into them because SK girls are pretty damn generic) and them whining mainly because they're not getting any more games to fondle tits and asses.

I hope you're talking about the Switch and not PC.

>Port to PC
>Everyone torrents it
>No one buys it



Most aren't translated and would be expensive to do so for what is basically a bonus no one asked for

why the fuck is the fan translation of 1 on the goddamn saturn and not the dreamcast/PC ports?

But the main problem with this game is that it was a straight up retread of ST1, except not as good. I would've preferred a good game, but even a full on remaster would've been better.

I'm guessing the reason they didn't make a remaster is because they'd have to re-record all the voices, and none of the cast can do them anymore given it's been 20 years.

>Yas Forums is one person
you sound like a tranny

Because the people working on the translation were more familiar with hacking Saturn games than DC games.

I was gonna buy it just because Kubo did the art, but apparently the game itself is an affront to the series so I'll pass.

I don't care what fantasy world your mentally ill mind lives in. In reality switch and pc and even fucking xbox with gamepass is free money for every publisher doing the minimal work it takes to press the output multipat versions button.

In japanese only, of course. Direct ports to PS4 because there is currently no way to play those games in modern consoles.

Yes, already ordered it from Amazon, hopefully it won't be too severely delayed from shitty ass corona-chan

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>Actually choose your wife unlike Valkyrie Chronicles 4

I will now buy your game SEGA

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Because the Saturn version is the very first game, the original Sakura Wars, and the translation team wanted to introduce westerners to the origin of the franchise.
I agree with their decision because re-masters and re-releases are not the same and usually ruin things or shove a lot of unnecessary crap (see: Dark Souls Remastered, all the ports of Chrono Trigger)

Sure. When it drops below 20€.

If it comes to PC or Switch, maybe

Is there anything funnier than EOPs defending garbage because they're absolutely clueless? Both the PC and DC versions are direct ports, only the PS2 was a remaster.

ill buy it, looks better than the old games

I am

No, I don't play dating sims.

Switch and Xbox? Sure.
PC? See pic

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a month after release when it's 50% off

It failed on Japan, where the franchise is pretty big; it will bomb harder than VC4 in the west.

Fuck off. I enjoyed the TBS combat. I even enjoyed the janky old shit with ST1 which I played a huge chunk of in Japanese with my best friend and the translated version recently. I beat about two thirds of ST3 with him as well. TBS games are my favorite genre, so eat a dick. That's the whole reason I hopped on board VC with the first game as well, which I loved as well though they stagnated with 4.

Guess what, it's a part of the game so it's important. The VN parts are obviously the core, but the combat is not a part you can ignore. Additionally, you ignored every other component of my post because you probably lack reading comprehension skills. Proptip - mosou styled gameplay is the WORST type of hack and slash. Injecting it into ST was the worst move they could have made, and between beautiful 3D VN sections they just fucking drag. They could have made the TBS stuff much more enjoyable had they upgraded it to something like Valkyria Chronicles 3, which was a fucking amazing game which somehow I doubt YOU played.

I refuse to buy any game associated with shitty low effort template threads.