In the original

In the original

> Cold, dead eyes of a killer
> Dismissive, lost in thought about greater things
> Fucks with the party because they're following him
> Never once confronts an opponent 1 on 1, unless they're unarmed
> When he does, he gets taken out in one attack
> Murders old men and back stabs girls
> Manipulates his way to power through Jenova cells
> First beast he kills in the game is a snake
> Hair bangs shaped like fangs
> In his final form, his wing is serpant like
> Name is Sephiroth, sssseeeeph....

Literal snake person.

All other appearances?

> Throw that all out the fucking window

Attached: Sephiroth_Portrait.jpg (340x381, 17.37K)

You never see him slash with his sword either, it's always stood up straight with a jabbing motion like a python or something.

In the original

>Ripoff of Psaro

All other appearances?

>Ripoff of Psaro

Attached: psaro.png (546x700, 295.16K)

Fuck, I never noticed this.
He also kills the Midgar Zolom, and snakes will often kill other snakes.

Yeah, sorry forgot the name when I was writing this.

> First beast he kills in the game is a snake

>>> In his final form, his wing is serpant like

oh yeah serpents with wings that makes sense

How can Nomura fuck up his own creations so much? Even after the travesty of Genesis, now he’s bringing Zack back to life? This game is already such a shitty FF that even Amano’s art of it is miserably boring, Nomura should only work on KH and nothing else.

Attached: BEC029EA-64D2-4531-B433-97CCB834F39F.jpg (363x500, 66.91K)

amanos art always sucked

ever heard of angels?


Bitch got old.

Nomura only did character designs originally NOT writing

He didn't understand the intention of the other writers, I mean if he was asked to make Sephiroths bangs spikier, he probably didn't realise why, and if anyone explained it to him he didn't remember.

holy shit zoomer, they need to end your coronavacation so you can get back to high school

Angels, or demon artwork (Demons are just fallen angels) specifically Satan, another reason Sephiroth's name begins with an S. He is basically the child of Lucifer/the antichrist the fallen angel. Jenova fell to earth in the same way.

Attached: 1586363503403.jpg (600x600, 266.67K)

>First beast he kills in the game is a snake
are you forgetting about the dragon in the Nibelheim flashback?

That's a flashback, but another hint at his relation to serpants.

Snake alegory is a meme, but he does represent covert jew control of the world with Shinra being the useful goy USA/Capitalism

Lol look out guys, we got a real critic over here

Attached: 0F9E5F7C-20AF-4240-B6FB-ACA774D23E28.jpg (451x451, 18.25K)


Eh, loosely inspired maybe.

wtf even the original logo has more soul . The one for the remake has that dumb photoshop emboss filter.

Amano's art only works for the more fantastical FFs, 7's setting and aesthetics don't work with it

only based Dragon Quest chads know this

Attached: Psaro.png (800x711, 359.86K)

His art for 8 isn’t too special either although he doesn’t have much to work with since it’s mostly Squall and Rinoa. His Ultimecia stuff is amazing though.

Attached: 9EE47272-C124-4F8A-B544-B729AC3D7A5D.jpg (380x512, 165.47K)

Attached: actually.jpg (1024x1152, 686.9K)

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>> When he does, he gets taken out in one attack
it was inside Cloud's head you retard.

Confirmed not true by the original writer “retard”.

based dqchad

>in the original
>actually mysterious
>very first encounter with sephiroth in person in on the ship to costa del sol and he just fucking flies at you and throws a piece of jenova at your ass

>he's some smirking shonen antagonist faggot

haha yeah so much better

Based Toriyama

Attached: 6A4E8C5E-C7B7-479A-AC14-333DF5CCE662.gif (256x223, 22.37K)

It being a fight in the lifestream is essentially the same thing

Kefka's better, mostly because the twist of what would normally be the first villain who dies instantly in every other game doesn't apply to him and he actually wins out and fucks over everyone.

Attached: kefkaa.jpg (1024x783, 116.64K)

Nomura: “You just don’t get it at all.”

*omnislash original ff7*

Nomura: “Stay where you belong, in my memories.”

I like smug cunt Sephiroth.

fuck off. You have to be literally retarded to think this. He easily has the best design sense out of any JRPG character designer.

I thought he slashes tifa?

Sorry fag, but the very first encounter with Sephiroth (outside of flashback) is the Northern Crater.

This is the biggest problem with nuFF7
Sephiroth is just, not the same.

He really does seem like a goofball Team Rocket character who takes Doma too far, when Celes stabs him and he sees his blood is when he hits his peak and goes beyond.

Attached: sephiroth.jpg (589x777, 125.59K)

They should have kept Sephiroth with the same voice actor, it would have made sense.

The best 3D look he has had was the alternate skin in Dissida PSP.

Attached: 396-3965418_sephiroth-hair-png-sephiroth-final-fantasy-transparent-clipart.png.jpg (880x514, 107.27K)

He's been turned by the yaoi fanbase into a prettyboi model instead of a dark, enigmatic cold-blooded lunatic who'd make you shit your pants whenever you heard that theme coming around

Definitely one of my biggest issues, Cloud coming shortly after.

>Arguing semantics


that's an FF7R fan alright

Except those Psaro illustrations come from the remake.

Zack is Nojima's baby, the guy is utterly obsessed with Zack and has put some reference to him in everything he's worked on.

The twist is that the comic relief character is actually the main villain, the problem is that only people who played the game on release got to experience that, everybody since has known beforehand that Kefka is the villain and it doesn't work nearly as well when you know about it.

Agreed, make his eyes a bit better and get a better lighting engine and we’re golden.

>facts are now semantics
At least I played the original


sure bruh

You are all incredibly fucking faggoty

all these points can be summarized into

Fuck off Steve! You’re not my real dad!

True, but the concept of a silver haired pretty boy Psaro existed long before that even if the art wasn't done by Toriyama himself.

Attached: vAj1rrI.jpg (1210x1600, 293.78K)

The original was also expressionless at all time. His portrait you posted, both his field model and his battle model, in every cutscenes, he'd have a completely neutral face.

Attached: 1547156138430.png (180x170, 54.64K)

>dude you know what happened in the game you must be a fag

nomura will cuck nojima by making cloud x aeris canon

Attached: download.jpg (228x221, 7.78K)

I get you’re kidding, but you’re not wrong. Sephiroth’s whole story is about the toxic mother son relationship and the control that narcissistic mother have over their sons.

>Nomura fuck up his own creations
Uh? What part of FF7 was his other than character designs? Somewhere along the line he hijacked and usurped ff7, sure, but that doesnt make it "his"

wrong, he has a smirk in the final clash cinematic with cloud
and at the time when he kills aeris


It’s ridiculous how early he shows up. He’s introduced perfectly in the original game and the remake writers just didn’t understand it

You guys do realize the Original still exists right? Its fine to not like the remaster but it does not take anything away from the original.

They should have kept everyones old voices

They do understand it. But because they decided to make things episodic, they had to throw in every COOL and EPIC things about FF7 in Midgar. REMEMBER SEPHIROTH? REMEMBER THE FINAL BATTLE? REMEMBER BAHAMUT?

literally me

Who do you think asked for this remake to be made in the first place?

>The original was also expressionless at all time

that was just the bad graphics

Psaro never had a human form in NES original, his human form was added in the 2001 PS1 remake.
FF7 is from 1997.

Doesn’t change the fact that was the case. Made his smirk at Aerith’s death that’s much worse.

VERY small smirk, done AFTER he's killed her, that's barely see-able on the original resolution on a CRT.

The other characters are more expressive, that's not an argument.

People who want to experience the game updated and never got a chance to play the original.

It's still a smirk. I agree on his expressionless nature, but at those rare glimpses you could see that in his megalomania, he enjoys the suffering he brings upon others, and that was also a terrifying aspect of his character

Can someone please turn this into a graphic?

You mean Lance Bass from N*sync?

Decades of fanfiction determined the market wanted what we have today. A time before internet blogospheres..

I think an important factor is that her smirked after killing her. He also has a slight smirk after he burned Nebilheim.
Now he smirks before he does anything. The original smirk is done out of weird pleasure (I won/made you suffer), the new one is being smug (I'm going to fuck you up)

Remember when he makes Cloud beat the fuck out of Aerith? And he fucks her up so bad she leaves the party and never fucking speaks to him again? I can tell you that will not happen in the sequel series.