>game has a minigun
>has to rev up for a second or two before it fires
ITT: Vidya tropes that piss you off
That's half of what makes miniguns cool, though.
>game has a sewer/underground facility section
>game has a minigun
>It spray pattern is almost like a shotgun
You know what a cat like me would do for some lasag-na?
>game has a minigun
>is one of, if not the biggest guns in the game
>game has sniper rifles
>they're outclassed by non-sniper weapons that do a better job at sniping than actual sniper rifles
>minigun sounds like it shoots 2000 bullets per second
>actually shoots maybe 1 or 2 bullets per second
Heh, G36 with 12x scope in Bf3 was fun
Timesplitters 2 let you set the revving function to always be on, with the stipulation that you overheat faster. Shit was neat.
Fucking Siege does this so badly. Honestly a lot of shooters do this to a degree.
The snipers in Bad Company 2 had fucking bullet drop while none of the other guns did. I can still remember head shotting someone across heavy metal map with the machine pistol.
Fuck RE5 for doing that. What's the point of giving me a super powered unlockable weapon if it has the accuracy of a fucking geriatric palsy chimp?
>Game has a sniper rifle
>It outclasses every other gun at close range
>game has sniper rifles
>game ruined
>early game sewer section: i sleep
>late game sewer section: real shit
>one-dimensional love interest
>game has rocket launcher
>big and clunky with very small ammo capacity
>game has a rare consumable
>beat the game having never ever used it because you were saving it for just the right moment
I found JRPGs to be more enjoyable when I stopped doing that.
>see enemy with a cool looking gun
>kill enemy, pick up gun
>it just adds to the ammo pool of my current shitty weapon instead
>Shotgun is just a sniper rifle that only works from a foot away
resident evil
>kill enemy with gun
>doesnt drop gun
>game has driveable vehicles
>car drives like a shitty rc car
>doesn't have a proper gearbox, just a repeated looping sound of upshifting noises every 3 seconds
>car has no crumple/damage physics whatsoever
>if you roll it or smash it into a corner, it just blows up instead
>Set enemy on fire
>They don't react and keep shooting at you
>They spam enemy pain sounds
>Reload animation show character change a Magazine / Clip and throws away the ones taken out of the gun
>The left over ammo you didnt shoot doesnt get lost
I actually don't mind this.
Only because I'm a chronic reloader.
>first person reload animation does not match up with thirdperson perspective
>the thirdperson animation is atleast half a second slower than the firstperson counterpart
>stealth kill enemy
>pick up unfired gun
>only +3 ammo
This pisses me off too much. I dont even play sim racing games and yet it pisses me off to no end
>enemy drops a shotgun
>gives pistol ammo
>Reload animation is shorter than the actual time it takes to reload.
That is not that uncommon.
Thats why its a trope. Did you read the OP?
>game's guns are 'fictional'
>they're just real guns with slight exterior changes renamed stupid shit to do with birds
You see Ivan, when loading only 3 boolit into gun, enemy will only have 3 boolit when you are of dead.
Just wanted to point that out.
>Assault rifle
>Can't hit anything past thirty feet, no semi-auto and no sights
>your melee weapons bounce back for hitting walls and objects
>enemies are unaffected by level geometry and can hit you through 2 foot thick walls.
>Shotgun does fucking nothing from 4 ft away
>enemies have unlimited ammo
>go to loot the enemy
>only has 1 bullet
>you have unlimited ammo.
>Game has relentless self-aware, ironic humor
1 shot kill guns are just the fucking worst, they ruin the fun and feel cheap because 90% of the time you have to play in a boring as fuck way to counter them. Someone rushing with shotguns? Play slow like a camping faggot or also use shotguns. Sniper rifles? You better hope to god they aren't good in CQB too, otherwise you have to play slow to not get instakilled indoors but also be careful at range because they will also instakill you there too. Dont have either but are in close quarters? No worries here's a instakill button that requires no skill, only for you to press it first. I fucking hate that crap in any game, it's for low skill shitters who can't use any other type of weapon. It's not even that you can't outplay them, it's just dying to them feels cheap as fuck and the way you typically have to outplay them isn't fun.
Every game like this has a right moment. It's called the final boss.
>game has "assault rifle"
>instead of being a reliable jack of all trades, it's a hot garbage starter gun you have no excuse to ever be using
>game has a huge difficulty spike before the final boss which requires you to blow through all your mega rare consumables that you've been collecting all game just to stand a chance
Which game, Yas Forums?
gep gun.
>Game has sniper rifles
>game saved
>Aliens attack the Earth
>We reverse engineer one piece of their technology and this causes the Alien invasion fleet whose personnel alone outnumber all life-forms on Earth and their 10,000 planet interstellar Empire to be abruptly nullified.
then die
>walk into enemy standing still
>take damage
>"This isn't a video game, this is reality"
>walk into enemy standing still
>you move them slightly
>walk into teammate standing still
>you move them slightly
>you push them off a cliff while they're afk
every time
>Beginning of game
>Character has amnesia and doesn't remember who they are
you might not like it, but he's right you know.
I think Borderlands 2 has completely ruined my ability to tolerate cheesy writing in games.
>Teammate rages in chat when they comeback
>They mic spam until they're banned
>game addresses the player
>Secret boss can only be beaten before you decide to do the final level
>Is much harder than the final boss
>Gives you a reward to make the final boss even easier
In the same vein
>Final level has new items to equip to your inventory
>No New Game + to fully utilize them
>final boss isn't the hardest or most satisfying boss in the game
>male childhood friend who obviously wants your dick
>can't romance him
>game has a minigun
>overheats after 5 seconds of continuous firing
>monster closets
>recorded dialogue on individual computers / papers / floppies everywhere through out the ship in order to relay story
>if you kill him you're just like him
>escort missions
>game introduces a new mechanic or element 0.2 seconds before the final boss / level / stage
>snarky borderlands morty tier humor
>final boss is too easy / unsatisfying
>cooler looking items are useless or less effective than stock items
>poorly hidden invisible walls, or things the player can clearly jump / get past
>game railroads you into romancing x when you wanted y
>y has flirtatious scenes and dialogue, but you literally cant get her
>character's in a precarious situation
>starts talking
>subtitles end in a dash
It's just a subtitle problem in gen-
>I'm talking, but I'm about to be interrup-
>long pause
>I'm now interrupting you because our dialogue-heavy game can't handle two lines being played at the same time!
>game has a minigun
>the shells can burn you for % hp damage