Kawakami is the best romance option in Persona 5

Kawakami is the best romance option in Persona 5.

Also she smells like coffee, discus.

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shes a whore and smells like cum

looks nothing like her

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this. stale old man cum

My wife is cute!

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>white girl
check please!

this was here yesterday
fuCK off nignog dx

>Cosplayer is more attractive than the character they cosplay.

>check please!
No dubs here.

stop idolizing ethots

You’re a whore
Fuck you!

That’s not Hifumi

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I love Anne.

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Basic bitch

What does her feet smell like

Ann loves black cats


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I want to smell and touch her hair so bad. I want to smell all of the girl's hair so bad. Just to compare scents and the condition of each girl's hair.

I have a hair fetish and no amount of porn will ever cater to it.

You should see her Thieves Den conversations with and about Morgana she rejects him hard

based, redpilled, kino

isn't Kawakami only like six years older than he is?

I agree, though for it it's partly the fact that you have to put some work into breaking through her stand offish exterior, and then combining that with a teacher/older female figure of authority fetish.

>isn't Kawakami only like six years older than he is
Don't worry, in anime terms that's actually 300 years.

She's 32, Joker is like 16


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And yet again, this is the best thread on this board and and the entire site

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what? she's somewhere around her mid twenties. probably on the later side, but not fucking 32

>Yas Forums loves the fetishbait waifu of P5
That’s disappointing

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At least your top tiers are top tier

She’s probably 25

Based and positive-thinking pilled.

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>persona shit

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you posted the wrong list, mate

Here’s the correct one

they are the worst girls of each game though

None of your dating options are actual women with meat in their bones

How can human women even compete?

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She's comfy and her romance was surprisingly wholesome. She doesnt see Joker as some young stud. And outside of that one infamous line the game doesnt play into the teacher fetish.
Instead it's a true connection between 2 people who help eachother in their own ways. Kawakami makes a perfect domestic partner

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Say no more, Kozy-chad.

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finally a based list I do like Chie though

Right order version

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She’s less than Z

What a coomer

An Ohyafag made this. Ann being in S+ is a distraction. Ohya is fucking garbage.

She's even higher than S+

OP is for once based and redpilled

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I made this

Forgot to post the image

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Reminder that everytime you waifufags make a best girl thread Atlus lmao's at ur life. There is nothing more pathetic than playing a game about taking life and reality into your own hands to make yourself a better person while completely missing the point by shitposting about trivial nonsense as an escapist fantasy. Real persona chads recognize the use of social links as a means to become stronger by helping those in need, so that when the tables turn, there are others to depend on after you make a difference in their lives. Choose celibacy in-game, take the games' themes to heart, and stop being hikikomori

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Shut up, faggot

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What's with all the cringesona 5 threads today?

dumb yusukeposter

You don't have to be a grandma to become a high school teacher.

she's an old woman, she doesn't understand the young people

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>she's an old woman
That's the best part.

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that'll be 14,88$

How much does she charge?

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