The level design in Africa is beyond awful, absolutely putrid

the level design in Africa is beyond awful, absolutely putrid.

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Mgs5 was kinda repetitive but so fun at the same time. I enjoyed it

Nah it's great

Missions/main story:
Cutscenes not strictly related to missions, plus Mission 51 (Lord of the Flies Abides)
>there's at first a blank page
>but just click on the text tab then everything should be fine.
Gameplay dialog:

>This leak is old! Nothing new here, move on
but barely anyone has heard of it on here, it needs to be spread.
>Nice try Konami shill I'm not giving your page
It's a drive link you're not getting Konami anything
>Anything that we haven't heard of
Theres at least lore about a Lieutenant John Steel (Jock) Lewes character that we never got, who fought with The Boss against Rommel. Plus you could have Chico as a buddy or kill him
>Any more of this shit
Yes but apparently it's being hoarded by discord trannies and /r/NeverBeGameOver. shame

yeah i always end up replaying it

It wasn't great but then again the entire game is so and so.

i can't believe its almost 5years tho

It's pretty fun to just fuck around.
I always thought the main missions were the worst part for some reason.

What level design?

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wow you're right

What the fuck

Infinite stamina and regenerating health were a mistake. Being able to just sprint around the overworld devalues Dick Horse and vehicles, health regen removes consequences from carelessly engaging in combat or just face checking claymores.

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>the level design
Lack there of.
Beautiful scenery and all but open world was not a good approach for MGS.

The consequence is a lower health pool in later missions unless you take a nano machine shower and sprinting is way slower than a horse or jeep.

Recommended watch:

Made me appreciate the game more.

>"With those two working together, I'd say things
won't be over for a long time yet. (leads in to DLC, linking the story to MGS1)"
>mission 51 was DLC

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good thing mods can fix these problems

Gameplay was great, but not enough cutscenes and plot was incomplete.
Fuck Konami for being so covetous and fuck Kojima for spending too much on cocaine and whores.

>health regen removes consequences from carelessly engaging in combat
Except rank and getting anything less than a S feels bad.
I disabled reflex through the entire game and I did not realize it affected FOB missions but did not care either.

I have seen people do S rank FOB and all abuse the shit out of the game to the point I feel there is no point on trying to do Stealth / No Lethal / Reflex because it only fucks you over and invaders only want to fuck things up.

Even the turbo autists that have invaded me with super deluxe S rank FOB do not even bother to do stealth and their fucking equipment is so OP there is nothing to do about it.

FOB could had been its own game, a better idea than MGS Survive. Make a dungeon or base in a level editor and watch people try to beat Super Mario Maker style. That shit would had been great.

The actual sneaking/shooting felt great but the open world level design and base management bullshit held it back
If they just strung together a bunch of GZ-style levels it would have been a far better game

the game's progression is absolutely bizarre, you start off doing expansive missions that feel epic but at some point the game starts throwing cookie cutter, side-ops tier missions as the end draws near. It's like they didn't give a fuck after mission 18. Then they try to fix it with the worst boss battles in the series and the OKB Zero level that is a fucking hallway and one of the easiest missions to get No Traces. Fucking Ground Zeroes, a demo, is harder than 95% of TPP

The game was supposed to be repetitive because it represents Big Boss' dream of a world of endless warfare where soldiers finally have a place. We realize how futile everything is without a plot or meaning for it

Stupid take

>open world MGS
>fuck all indoor sections, just empty rooms separated by empty space guarded by guards with empty loot

Kojimbo is a fucking thief. Reminder that all that money he gets goes straight up his ass and paying for his hollywood prostitute celebrity opium nobody gives a damn about
>but snake is that guy from that TV show! it's so cool! kojimber did it again!
He sounds fucking terrible as Snake

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holy shit I'm a ds apologist but this is truly retarted

That's not true! Most of the parts that weren't empty were ok. So y'know, only 90% of the Africa map was shit.

mgs was a great game but the problem is the open world game took place in a empty desert

>level design
MGSV doesn't have level design.

That's why it's shit.

We sacrificed sprawling bases and compounds for a shitty, lifeless open world.

Konami was running on fumes and Kojimbo was wasting money on pointless shit.
There was absolutely no reason to digitize everyone or getting Keifer Sutherland to voice snake.
A fortune was spent on licencing 80's music.

Why? Kojima has always done meta-narratives

Im pretty sure that was the intent of FOBs, they sure made it sound like you could customize it more in the previews. Imo I think the tech wasnt ready, and rather than scrap the tech they wanted to cash it on it with Survive. Same with the Death Stranding ideas it seems to incorporate. They didnt want to scrap Kojimas shit they were working on and cobbled it together with the tech once he left.

Mate, your logic is that Kojima made a bad game on purpose.

Director comment from Kojima/Murata to an INTAC translator
>元シナリオのポイントは、スネークが本当に感謝して、いつになく直接的な表現を使っていること……ということを考えると、やはり"Thank you... my friend."のままが良いかも。
>The point of the scenario is that [Big Boss] really appreciates [giving Venom the title of "Big Boss"] and uses direct expressions like never before. When you think about it, "Thank you... my friend." should remain.
What the fuck did Kojima mean by this? He sounds like a Cartman-like sociopath rather than a good but fatally one-dimensional guy in that ending.

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Back in times before TPP release I believed the whole game willbe like Ground Zeroes.

The open world is Afghanistan was done fine. It did feel long when you were going all the way from Skullface's base to get Huey.

Africa sucked ass though

I love how Ground Zeroes is better than V.

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only good areas in Africa were:
>the oil refinery
used only in one missiojn
misused in shitty boss fights and a boring cooking cutter mission
>MGSV doesn't have level design.
many outposts in Afghanistan were great. Too bad that there's like 10 missions in that map while you get like 25 in shitty Africa

>It's supposed to be shit

Please be kind user, Kojima had a very small budget of a AAA game title, 5 year development, a new engine, licensed tracks, marketing out of the ass and had to settle for lesser celebrities :(

>b-but Kojima said it's complete!

>wtf why isn't African nature hand crafted
This is the thought process of antiMGSV negroids

Infinite stamina is a necessity otherwise you get shit like Breath of the Wild.

Death of the Author, bro, deah of the author

shut up with your mental gymnastics

Kiefer Sutherland was so fucking expensive that his character has very little dialogue, most conversations are carried over by the cheaper / original VA, not to mention it was only for the English version. This is very noticeable as snake is the main protagonists and he talks sparingly.

Waste of money.

Vocal chord parasites.


Male to female.

they didn't have to make a map in Africa. Heck, you're talking about the guys who didn't give a fuck about "realism" when making a tropical jungle in Russia for MGS3, and now every map has to be realistic?

also why is there only a tiny ass jungle portion in the whole of africa?

The fuck are you guys saying

It definitely is a testament that, for better or worse, the open world is a formula for a reason, because you have to actually put some serious thought into it's structure. Don't know why absolutely none of the mechanics from 3 were considered, eating, sleeping, hunting, nothing of what this character is known for is included. The world is so awfully static, and any excuse for it to be some artsy backdrop for the missions is a copout. Even the entire mission structure does nothing out pull you out of the game endlessly, nothing makes you feel like big boss more than going down your chore list of missions with flavor text dialogue and nothing else with next to almost no interaction with any characters but the same 3-4 Russian soldiers and your horse and buddies. This game had so much potential, but it's creators definitely didn't have the concept full scoped out and had no business making an open world game, because everything shows they weren't up to the task.

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We've known this for years. It's not even Mission 51, that's just a dumb name Konami gave it when they showed footage on bluray. The actual mission takes place before Mission 43.

>Wtf why isn't this video game level level designed
Actually, it's more like this.

>Kiefer Sutherland was so fucking expensive that his character has very little dialogue

Sure he doesn't have too much dialogue but I doubt it's because he is expensive. There is a shitload of cassette tapes with Venom talking.

>Don't know why absolutely none of the mechanics from 3 were considered, eating, sleeping, hunting, nothing of what this character is known for is included.
what irks me the most is that you're in a supposed war-zone but there's just one side fighting all the time. While in the previous game they had different sides battling each other while you were free to help any of them or ignore them. A lot of mechanics were downgraded or simply banished.

How retarded do you have to be to actually think that?

>eating, sleeping, hunting,
Probably because survival isn't an issue. Snake can call a chopper at any time.

The missions take place in the outposts (that are well designed), not in the open world wilderness or in the small camps like you people constantly say. Suck a dick.

Kojima's storytelling isnt suited to an open world setting. the guy should just stick to linear mission structures as that suits his wacky storytelling concepts.

I was trying to say that Kojima was saying that BB's trying to be genuine to Venom in the truth ending despite how he quite comes off like a sociopath parasite instead, as he should be.

Kojima will write any stupid shit about his games that's totally not what the games actually are. i.e. Venom being a self insert despite how he has actual character.

It was a creative decision to use Kiefer less. Had nothing to do with money

Did you retards even play MGS4? Or Death Stranding? Kojima is known for making games intentionally unsatisfying if it fits the message he was trying to say

Why even make it open world then if the whole game is instanced like that?

>Cartman like sociopath
What did user mean by this?

What I am getting at is that Konami could had made bank by making FOB missions their own separate game instead of developing survive.
Basically dividing the game into The Campaign, Online mode, and FOB as their own games.

Launching MGS Online first would had given Konami enough funds to let Kojimbo work on his master ruse through monetization / loot boxes. Konami could had also told Kojimbo to make the game episodic, for example, making the games go Chapter 0: Ground Zeroes, Chapter 1: Afghanistan, Chapter 2: Africa, Chapter 3: Nicaragua, Chapter 4 Kingdom of the Flies, Chapter 5: Amurika.

The decisions that are being made in the industry baffle me.

Resident Evil 3 for example, Capcom bundled Resistance when it could had been its own game and I would had paid for it, at the same time that would had made dosh while Team A finishes the campaign. Instead, we get two very incomplete games.

Doom 2016 got more content than people realize but nobody plays snap maps and barely anyone touched MP despite it being really good. The reason why Eternal size is smaller in size than Doom 2016 is because Snap maps are missing and nobody seems to mind because more focus was given to the campaign.

What I am getting at is that smarter business decisions could had been made and everyone would had been happier for them.

A sociopath like Cartman. It's not hard, user.

I'm replaying it since I had a shit setup when it came out.

>17" tube TV
>360 version running through fucking composite video

Now I'm playing the PS4 version in HD and I'm having a blast just like last time. I forgot how slow collecting resources can be during the early game though. Just started mission 6.

Also, I wanted to play something with more action since Death Stranding was fucking boring

Unironically watch S5+ southpark. Cartman from there on is a devious bastard and in Cartoon Wars he parasites Kyle into joining his quest to end Family Guy

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>playing previous games

why the fuck would i do that?

The same exact copout response about how they all got wiped out is going to be posted to you by someone, but that's contradicted by that mission later that implies there are still rebels in the area fighting, and we see none of it. The game is such a fucking letdown on a technical level. I can forgive the story if they wanted le phantom pain, but actually breathe some fucking life into the world. Give me something to do beyond choke out endless cardboard cut out guards, or at least give me some good story context for even an imaginary reason to do it. You'd think for someone that claims to love movies so much he'd understand how to convey a good gameplay narrative so the game doesn't become a chore.

I post on Yas Forums but change my mind.
>There is a shitload of cassette tapes with Venom talking.
Most of the time he only asks short questions while the other VA's talk.

>So is like that
>Oh i see
>So this and then that Mmm....

Really compare that Snake in MGS3. You could argue Venom is more down to earth but even in his hallucinations he barely even talks.

Nah, he just couldn't keep up with modern video games.

MGS4 was not directly directed by Kojima you fucking retard. It is the same case for Portable ops.

>Make a dungeon or base in a level editor and watch people try to beat Super Mario Maker style
That is the exact thought I had when I first heard about FOBs. Decide on platform layouts and place catwalks, patrolling and stationary guards, cameras, etc. etc. within a resourse limit.

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That doesn't change anything. Trying to be genuine while actually coming out as a sociopath and not even knowing it is still being a sociopath.
Just like how ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

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Um, actually, it's supposed to be shit, and therefore it's a triumph.

Yes, but he also fucked up the schedule and along with unsatisfaction there has been feeling of incompleteness, and I mean over the line.

Kojima should try making shorter games without the fucking padding bullshit. Ground Zeroes was perfect. I would've rather TPP be an 8 hour version of GZ than what it was.

Imagine this.
>Styles: MGS 2 Big Shell, MGS1 Shadow Mosses, MGS 3 Jungle, MGS4 Middle East, MGS:GZ Cuba or MGSV Africa.
Neato burrito.

I don't watch South Park, so I barely know who Cartman even is aside from being a tubby fat kid who hates Jews.
Thanks for the info

MGS V is actually the greatest meta-narrative in gaming that will only be appreciated years from now.

He actually made players have their own phantom pain

>"He sounds like a Cartman-like sociopath"
>comparing cartman to Big Boss

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I don't necessarily agree, but he definitely needs to cut the padding. I liked Death Stranding but it was about 10 hours too long.

Holy shit same here down to the 360 version
Im having a blast so far but it does feel bad knowing that TPP is pretty much incomplete

Remind me again why Big Boss has DD on his leather jacket when he's clearly going to fuck off to Outer Heaven?

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How is MGS so niche despite selling 6M+ copies every title?

Like Sonic. Niche now but still massive autistic fanbase willing to buy SEGA's shit even if it's crappy.

niche in what sense? just because it doesn't appeal to fortnite kids doesn't mean it's not popular

Nah, it would've happened already if it was going to. This game died with a whimper in the grand scheme of things, because all that's left of it's legacy that's gonna be remembered is "imagine what could've been" for pretty much every possible reason. Be it funding, kojima, the game itself. The only way it's gonna get a Renaissance is if kojima or someone high up the food chain eventually comes out and does a spill all tell all type of thing.

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Zero was the one who made Venom, Big Boss didnt do nuffin wrong. He was a sociopath cause he loved war not because he was a parasite who preyed on people. The people who worked for him, even the clone, all wanted to. And he was genuinely happy to call venom his equal.

My basketball American. Yeah same here but what can ya do, gotta just enjoy it for what it is I guess. I had fun with it back then and still am so there's that.