This game was fucking terrible and did nothing to innovate VR while also taking a big fat stinky dump on previous HL lore and fans. Why does the average retard have such terrible taste and eat up whatever Valve pukes out, hand over fist?
This game was fucking terrible and did nothing to innovate VR while also taking a big fat stinky dump on previous HL...
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree that it was a lackluster HL game, but it's the first *VR* game to feel like it truly has the backing of a AAA company and isn't just an experimental tech demo.
Now you will understand the first zombie horde that came with the first Half Life and Steam in general. End times mother fuckers.
You'll be able to afford it someday.
keep saying it
its a good VR game, but not a good HL game.
we all knew it would be gimped to accommodate VR
Great game, also why do you even care what random people think about the game lol. You should invite your friends over to play it. Then afterwards you can talk about the game.
Saying what? Half Life is the reason we have trash like Halo. Steam brought DRM. Get fucked.
>Did you just criticize muh heckin wholesome marvel quip tech demo game? Post your headset with a timestamp and validate yourself to me so that I can then say you didn't get the full experience because it wasn't a Valve Index
Yes, yes, you're very different from everyone else. You're so above the taste of the common folk. Good for you, here's a cookie
By the way to add to this, I actually like the game. Just because you don't like certain aspects of something doesn't mean that it's shit.
Time Played: ??
odd part to leave out of a ss kek
>Steam brought DRM
Half-Life lore is and always has been a fucking joke. Sure, it's interesting, but to even know two thirds of the shit that's going on you need to dive into art books, concept art, questionably canon ARGs and the wiki because fucking nothing is really explained to you in game most of the time. Which is fine, a lot of the storytely is environmental and that's incredible, but don't fucking pretend anything is set on stone. Fuck man, we still don't know if the goddamn gearbox expansions are canon.
Name one digital platform for gaming that massively popularized digitial DRM store other then Steam.
Half Life was always shit.
>Fuck man, we still don't know if the goddamn gearbox expansions are canon.
they arent. valve and mark laidlaw said so. you can stop asking now
Are you stupid? There are constant exposition dumps throughout HL2 and its episodes, and a lot of environmental detail that allows the player to glean some of the world's lore. Maybe you were just too ADHD to notice them.
>Name one digital platform for gaming that massively popularized digitial DRM store other then Steam.
xbox 360 and ps3
Holy shit you are sad.
I've come to recognize the signs of BPD so I know there's no point continuing this conversation.
Whatever lets you sleep at night.
Well first of all steam has always done a piss poor job of being a DRM service which is why publishers often implement third party solutions to doing this but also Valve didn't start selling third party games until 2005.
This is why Valve needs to go bankrupt and EGS needs to take full control of the PC market.
By all means Steam isn't even inherently a DRM. There's a good number of games that completely lack it and don't need a Steam log-in to be activated, games that would be easy to "buy", download, backup to somewhere safe, and then refund. Developers have to choose to tie it to Steam or external DRM like Denuvo or the like.
How did they manage to get the game looking so fucking nice?
If i load up a unity scene with barely anything in it i'm already pushing it.
source 2 and the game are highly optimized, especially for VR. valve also likes to use a lot of separately loaded sections
Too old or too bitter to enjoy any entertainment product, time to kys faggot lmao
"It's bad! The universal critical acclaim doesn't indicate anything!!!!"
>a lot of separately loaded sections
Yeah, you really feel that jerky loading whenever you walk into the next room.
HL Alyx is an amazing game worthy of the Half Life franchise. If it didn't take 13 years for it to come out, this wouldn't even be a discussion.
>I'm so much better than everyone cause I don't like this game everyone else does
>Everyone is below me
Fucking pathetic.
im so sorry your personal problems don't allow you to have fun or enjoy anything anymore
maybe you should consider getting in a grave?
That and basically all pre-baked lighting
i will never see an intelligent soijack post
I enjoyed it. I agree that it didn't have the 'climb anywhere' openness of Boneworks but that wouldn't have worked with the way HL campaigns are designed. You'd just keep hitting invisible walls and break immersion.
And it's a perfectly good campaign. Valve lost nothing in the time from EP2 and the retcon makes sense, given the original script was leaked and Gabe even says the team didn't like the direction it took.
it's a good half life game and a great vr game
>ant lions
>strider escape/fight
>ending sequence w/ the prison
absolute kino. cry more poorfags
I feel like most games barely do occlusion culling if at all anymore. If you find some framerate tanking area in a game, it will slow you down whenever you're looking in its direction, even if it's in a separate room behind a bunch of walls.
If Source 2 still has any of its Quake roots then it's at least culling pretty aggressively. So with all those enclosed areas it probably doesn't have to do as much. Unity I think just renders everything no matter what.
>Half Life is the reason we have trash like Halo.
What kind of crazy zoomer logic is this?
>pay a lot of money for something
>therefore it must be good
normie logic
Did they even finish this fucker's AI? You shoot him in the face, and he pulls out his shield and just stands there for a few seconds, and then he puts it away and shoot him in the face again and he's dead. No fight put up at all.
Yeah, the flashlights don't cast a shadow with your hands like in Boneworks
The explosions in that Game really look (and sound) like shit!
The story is a big MEH!
Other than that it's kinda ok. But not enough for "I'll buy a $1000 Index now".
lol seething consolekiddo
I'm really starting to suspect it's just one guy behind all the Alyx shitposting. Seriously if you don't like a game just don't play it.
daily reminder, valve drone still shills for source, kek, literally mentally illness
>Valve lost nothing in the time from EP2 and the retcon makes sense, given the original script was leaked and Gabe even says the team didn't like the direction it took.
>Did they even finish this fucker's AI?
No. He's retarded just like every other enemy. Most people aren't good enough to exploit blatantly shit AI, at least according to Valve.
Considering all the people celebrating the Jeff encounter despite his barebones transparent AI Valve is probably right.
It is a great game user, it is literally the first actual VR game. No it is not just great game, it is a great half life game, it is not a matter of "either or".
>but it wouldn't be as great if you controlled it with KBM
No shit, tekken would be dog shit if you decided to play with a wheel.
>That part where you get the flashlight and those dark fucking rooms
I'm usually pretty solid at scary segments but this was different. They also brought back my most hated HL2 enemy, those disgusting poison headcrabs.
THIS but unironically
Put your name back on.
I'm ready for VR only HL3.
Man, I just don't want to talk about it with anyone. Everyone's so super enthusiastic about this chapter. I admit it's the highlight of the game, but I played on Hard and I didn't fail even once. Jeff was a minor annoynace easily disposed with dozens of bottles, and you could feel how scripted everything was. He also felt like something from L4D.
I can't believe THIS is the "first AAA" game for VR. It feels like such a movie-game, I'm bored out of my mind because the ISP is shitting itself, and I'm not even considering giving it another playthrough.
I fuck a little bit in H3VR when I get the VR itch, and that's that. It's probably gonna be my routine for next couple of years because VR is flatlining hard.
Where is the porn?
I always post my Valve Index and they always never address it or nitpick at reflections in the frunk, my handwriting or whatever.
Yas Forums is not a place for serious discussion, it's just troll or be trolled at this point.
Oh no, he quoted me while posting a silly image. My point is completely invalid now.
I hate people who cherry pick data
i too am concerned about the player count of a singleplayer story game, i simply cannot enjoy a singleplayer game with less than 10k players playing at the same time as me
this is a blatant flame thread, why do the jannies allow this low effort shit to float around
Still saving up for a headset, huh?
>green text + hilarious thematic image.
I mean you might as well not even reply
nice flop
nice fake graph, post the source I wanna laugh some more
>good user reviews and critic reviews
so am i just supposed to listen to some user on Yas Forums who most likely doesnt even own a VR headset?
>buying any valve product ever
Game is very good but it's obviously nowhere near HL2.
Hopefully it sets standards for future VR games and pushes innovation.
The content may not be as good as some may have hoped, but what's important is that it's a "major" VR only title - like said.
It's success determines what happens in the future. That the game has been well received by the users shows valve, that they're on the right path. It also sends positive signals to the rest of the industry. Valve also has more VR titles in the pipes and should their success grow further, their direct competitors may follow and start their own VR projects. That's what I want.
I hope everybody can own a vr headset one day.
damn you havent played portal? you're missing out
Just search by games, it takes 30 seconds
owning vr is cringeworthy enough.
owning $1000 gaben goggles is cringe beyond belief.
They seriously dropped the ball by delivering a past gen AAA title when the next gen was already out with Boneworks.
>nice flop
>nice fake graph, post the source I wanna laugh some more
>nice fake graph, post the source I wanna laugh some more
Who even talks like this? What kind of autist are you?
>green text + hilarious thematic image.
I mean you might as well not even reply
>green text + hilarious thematic image
>I mean you might as well not even reply
>I mean you might as well not even reply
What is the killer feature of this game exactly? Being able to scavenge for supplies? That's not fun at all. Boneworks has melee, now that's a feature that only VR can deliver, a fun feature. Alyx lets you point and shoot with your hands I guess, but you could already do that in flipping duck hunt on the flipping NES
god, I bet you're the type who doesn't even own a PC and all the consoles. imagine not owning every piece of gaming hardware you have even a passing interest in, lmao
poorfags are the true cringe
VR is the future, get over it.
So obvious this game is just being shilled nonstop. Alyx should be a bannable offense on Yas Forums, nobody gives a fuck about this game.
>rage face and wojack
Go figures :^)
Buyer remorse is a hell of a drug
youre just out of touch gramps
just another tech demo valve shills love to eat up