Holy based, PS5 is gonna be in real trouble. Where are the xchads at?
Holy based, PS5 is gonna be in real trouble. Where are the xchads at?
N4G was like my main gaming website for years back around 2010, then they ruined the forums and the main site had already been shit for years. The admins bungled that site.
Woah, a slightly more powerful multiplat machine that will be outclassed by a gaming PC that has far more utility. Very impressive, Microsoft. I'll take 3.
let's assume that that thing will actually not cost 800$ or something.
How much would it influence the GPU market?
I'm tired AMD not building good cards and nvidia going all in on their monopoly demanding 250$ for low end cards.
>2017's regurgitated shilling
lmao Xbox Discord, keep trying
Anyone getting both consoles with the $1200 Trumpbux check?
I still use it for news, is there a better aggregator?
>better console
literally no games on their previous platform
Nah not really unless you count here
That doesn't mean anything. PS3 had no games but everyone agrees that PS4 does.
The official twitter accounts of Sony, MS and Nintendo.
Xbox One X has more power than the ps4 pro. I purchased it and other than some multi plats looking a lot better, there are not enough exclusives to suggest that power equates to success or even "better". A console needs to pay for itself with actual software and Sony leads the way in that aspect
I''ll get a free 3080Ti in a few months instead. thanks Trump!
You’re getting nothing you fucking neet
>Sony booted out Nintendo, fucking NINTENDO of all companies, clean out of the home console business with the PS4
>Xbox thinks it can beat Sony this time after losing every generation soundly
No idea what the xbots are gonna do when the PS5 is $200 cheaper than M$'s overheater and actually has exclusives. Maybe we will stop seeing xbot shill threads.
Nintendo still has a home console retard
If Xbox will continue to have 0 exclusives, Sony wins by default.
Immense cope. More Sony games will come to PC.
Well, at least microshit ain't censoring anime tiddy with sunrays, so no matter how shitty it'll be, it's still leagues above anything sonyg*ers can shit out.
user, have you lived under a rock? ALL Xbox titles by default come to PC through the Windows store, there are no xbox exclusives.
If anyone things you can make up even a 1% power gap by having a faster nvme SSD than your competitors nvme SSD, they are single digit iq
XSX is going to shit on PS5 for the next 7 years, but normies will continue to buy ps5 for lesbians of us 2 3 and 4, while chads buy PC.
And Sony is now slowly following this path, releasing more and more of their games on PC.
Yeah, but for now Sony will have >0 exclusives, so given that the consoles are not that different in power, Sony wins by default (ignoring that PC is the biggest winner overall, as always).
You're getting the rope, after the rape
>Microsoft Exec seeks to set the record straight
man if only Sony would open their fucking mouths about literally anything about their console.
>over heating rumor thats getting actual new stories about it
>needed to be completely redesigned and delayed
>what it fucking looks like
t. sony fanboy
PC chads are team Xbox this time around, more success for xbox means more games for us.
You think I just get my neetbucks for free without any effort. I know all the forms bud. I fill out a few forms and bam I get this bonus check also. Seethe wagie.
This everyone bitches about it but Sony always follows MS's lead
>paid online
>games going on PC
>slowly adding downloadable game to PSnow (copying Gamepass)
>creating Xbox like controller
I've noticed they're not bragging about the power of the cloud anymore..
Wasn't their cloud computing going to make every xbone game run at 120fps and 4k resolution like they bragged?
Because for years now they've only used the Cloud for the same thing Sony has used the cloud for, storing of data.
They don't censor because they don't have anything to censor, the few games that they have are made by sjw trannies
you can play xcloud for free on your phone right now i believe its basically google stadia but seeing how hard google stadia bombed they most likely are not gonna waste the marketing on it just yet unless they can attach a good gimmick to it like "free Gamepass" or some shit
>Maybe we will stop seeing xbot shill threads.
They stopped for years only posting late at night when most people were sleeping.
Notice they all come out of the woodwork after new Xbox looks like it has a chance.. they don't need to hide anymore.
ps5 is sjw console
tell me what games have been confirmed for ps5 friend! i would love to start pre-ordering them now or watching trailers atleast
The next gen of these masterpieces.
why are they all so dirty and ugly?
>snoy slurpers live in urban hoods
seems about right
>Nintendo booted out Sony, fucking Sony of all companies, clean out of the Handheld Console business with the 3DS
>Sony thinks it can beat Xbox this time after Winning last generation soundly
No idea what the Sonybots are gonna do when the PS5 start overheating and has the same Price as M$'s console that actually has exclusives. Maybe we will stop seeing Sony shill threads.
It's up to the devs to implement cloud technologies for off console processing but it has been proven to be an unnecessary feature that adds more to dev time and adds nothing special at all.
Maybe not for the next 5 years.
>Not worried about power
Because they should be worried about fucking games. Anyone who gets an Xbox is a legitimate moron because it has no reason to exist.
Its a portable. If it has a portable revision, its a fucking portable. It performs like shit and most games look equivalent to 2 gens ago, its a fucking portable.
>PS5 start overheating
Yeah, because we clearly have active evidence of this and not just seething tendies trying to downplay actual next gen.
>posts fan made wish list
wow this is the power of PS5
and almost all of them are ps4 titles and take dreams and knack out and you literally have what looks like the same game over and over
>search twitter for ps5
>there's entire accounts dedicated to baseless rumors and made up shit about the ps5 capabilities
>comments full of fanboys getting excited over schizo fantasies
what the fuck is wrong with snoys
Sounds like Nintendo, but for the past 6 generations of platforms. Seriously, there hasn't been a good original Nintendo game is so fucking long, and dont say splatoon. Its literally a pedo shooter with worse mechanics than most shooters and ZERO competitive scene.
read the OP M$ is taking time to stomp theses silly rumors that the ps5 will be as powerful as it is, where is sony doing the same about its nasty rumors? oh? they are silent thought so
>what the fuck is wrong with snoys
Show me a fanbase that isn't fucking retarded. Nintendo and Xbox are just the same.
YOU are being a fanboy by using fanboy words, you idiot.
i always wondered why everyone i met on ps was faggy liberal but everyone i met on xbox was a cool right winger. that image make so much sense of everything
>b-but Nintendo!
hahahahaha RENT FREE
>nasty rumors? oh? they are silent thought so
Why address false rumors of a console that hasnt released? If they reacted to every fanboy rumor, it would make them look insecure.
i mean yes nintendo milks its fucking IP's like a fucking champ they need new shit
Yeah, I have a Shitch, so I'm pretty aware of how little I use it and how shit the library has been. Regardless of Sony existing, the Switch has been trash so its a good point to bring up.
>ps was faggy liberal but everyone i met on xbox was a cool right winger.
>cool right winger
Man American politics is fucked when the poorfags cheer for rich people and getting fucked. LMFAO.
Holy shit, Americans are the most cucked society of all time, soon to be Russia 2.0.
>nu sony
It's over and it hasn't even started GG Snoytards
more evidence in that software and power mean dick all in sales.
the wii was a potato with a attach rate lower than the switch and wiiu and curbstomped both in sales
trumps republicans wanted 600 for single people originally before the dems pushed them back into the negotiating table and got 1200 as the default number
snoydevs just cant compete with playgod games. fh5 japan and their fable reboot will both be +90 killer apps
anti- trump sony fag
of course
>Xbutt controller still needs batteries in 2020
this is why no one wants to buy Xshit aside from having zero worthwile games.
>sorry sweety pie. But next gen the new sony players are coming.
how are these cunts still doing this shit
does no one fill their comments with hate or has the internet just become a hugbox of
>omg so awesome! glad you got the game wooow wish I could play!
>have fun Brian!!!!
Does it really matter that you have more power if 99% of your games are garbage?
People haven't exactly been running out to buy One X's.
>Better console
>Identical fucking hardware for both new xbox and PS5
It's your own tax dollar stupid. Prolly took yous a lot of work to get to 1200.
is this the new cope?
where do you fags even find pictures like these lmao
>shhhh xbox fanboys
is this the spin sony fags are going with now? the magic ssd will make up the power gap story sure got smacked by reality really fast.
>Look at PS5 and Xbox Scarlett specs
>Zen 2 CPU, 8 cores 16 threads 3.5 GHZ for both
>Navi GPU for both
>16GB GDDR6 ram for both
>Not Identical
Nigger what?
>better cpu and gpu for xsx
From an engineer perspective, the drive in the PS5 is so fast that it can load in assets as the game needs them, so games will have more overhead because graphics that are not being displayed on the screen will not need to be rendered.
Also, because the Series X uses split RAM, it spends less time at peak performance, and only reaches peak performance when under ideal conditions.
The PS5 is literally designed to run at peak performance at all times, so optimizing games for it will actually be easier than for Seris
Pretty much evidence speaking for itself, the One X is a fucking dud, and this will have even less games.
>Zen 2 CPU, 8 cores 16 threads 3.5 GHZ for both
Nope, ps5 will have 2.8GHz of clock on the CPU reaching 3.5 only when overclocked, while xbox will have 3.8GHz as base performance
>Navi GPU for both
Xbox will have a better GPU with 12TF as base performance while ps5 has 9.2 as base performance
>ps5 has weaker CPU at max overclock, when pulling all power from GPU
>ps5 has weaker GPU at max overclock, when pulling all power from CPU
>PS5 has slower RAM
>PS5 has 45% less compute units, the most important thing in navi
The ps5 is a solid 30-40% weaker than the xbox. The "identical" cope is hilarious, but admittedly less pathetic than last week's magic SSD cope.
oh, the magic ssd cope still hasnt gone away. lmao at @ engineer perspective.
Every "spec list" when you google it lists the same shit though. I don't even own a console- Just it's embarrassing to see a slap fight based on pic related.
If you don't have a counter point or anything to prove otherwise just say so
lmao, the SSD cope, i present to you, the Xbox Velocity Architeture, not only xbox will also have that but they also have an architerure around it.