Good thing CDPR got their priorities fixed.
Good thing CDPR got their priorities fixed
Yeah how dare they
make games for people who don't play them? oh that worked in the past.
Wow, coolâ„¢. I can't imagine a better pairing than bog standard progressive politics and CDPR's consistently rock tight gameplay.
Girls can be sex workers, too!
this is the most faggy fucking shit i've ever read
>feminist frequency
>Good thing CDPR got their priorities fixed.
Range ban for ESL third world shitters when?
give me ONE (1) good reason why it's ok to be gay or tranny
you can't
It removes degenerate, defective dna from the gene pool.
They already confirmed you'll be able to fuck minor NPC prostitutes, have one-night stands and have actual romantic relationships with specific NPCs.
Each of the Witcher games had prostitutes in some manner and at least 1 quest related to them. For example Geralt protects some in 1 and later on helps their madame cure her secret werewolf lover, the captain of the local guard.
Give me one reason why it's OK to be ESL or use reddit spacing
You can't
Cute girls
seeth harder Yas Forumstard
tell me one good reason why sexual deviants shouldn't be hanged in public spaces. you can't.
all they "confirmed" is fucking faggot shit you fucking moron
For starters, everybody on this website would be dead
and how is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Aw cute when his stupid little far left cult is called out for being hypocritical he says "go back to pol". So powerful and stunning.
It would be bad hygiene, user.
Are you a spic, by any chance?
That's not the first time it's been done before in fact the "Tough hookers that defend themselves" thing is practically a trope
I think it's funny the post was less a response to CDPR's tweet and more a flimsy reason to advertise their video
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
>2 fucking years after showing faggot v getting assfucked
>2 fucking years
fucking faggot
Notch used Yas Forums so that means we'll never get Minecraft 2
You didn't answer, and I've seen you post that several dozen times. Also, you remind me of Mac from Always Sunny.
kek, link to the tweet please??
This user is correct.
It's a tired trope which makes is double shitty.
>It's done to virtue signal and please zoomer sex workers and SJWs.
>It's done by using one of the most used and tired tropes out there.
What do you mean, "minor"?
Literal schizoid.
>support sex workers because they're real people
>but if you pay for their services you're a creep and we're ostracizing you
this is why i hate the left too many mixed wires
Like he said, he's been posting for two years and he's had no change in thought pattern. Also posts like a broken record.
I for one cannot wait to see dope cybersluts defending their right to work in an honest labor, I also REALLY hope that poster from before is a person and we could just hang out or something
>sex """workers"""
Do you mean schizophrenic or schizoid as they are two completely different things?
I hope she loves me for who I am
Kill the mox mods when?
If the twist isn't that they are actually harvesting whores for some shady shit then i'm going to refund my pirated copy
fuck those degenerate whores
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
sex heroes
you ever wondered "who the fuck draw these pepes"?
Im cracking up for some reason looking at this picture
you don't deserve this game
Did they hired anita yet? She seems ready to attack the game.
>y... you don't deserve this woke antifa masterpiece incel
hahahahaha the absolute fucking state of cdpr shills
>you don't deserve this shit game
Thank you
Get a load of this guy.
Especially the Apus/Peepos.
He's too broke to buy it.
all women are sex workers (whores)
they definitely took that trip specifically for the PR
>He's too broke to buy it.
It's DRM free my man. Free on day 0.
>He's too broke to buy it.
>free game
What did he mean by this?
>they definitely took that trip specifically for the PR
>i... it's just for pr they're playing 4d chess
>just ignore they keep giving fags and trannies exactly what they want it's just a ruse bro
you fucking retard hahahaha
Pictures like this always remind me to watch old interviews, behind the scenes or making of videos from game companies in the 90s. Pure comfiness before the disease.
>lefty Yas Forums
>pretending to be any better
Kill yourself. Don't leave a note. No one will care.
>I put things in my ass to cum
When did this become something appropriate to tell people?
Based homo.
I'm gonna be honest, I totally forgot about that.
Normalfags are going to eat tfo of this gargabe
Reminder that "sex worker" is feminist newspeak with the implication that spreading your legs is just as valuable as building a house. Prostitution is not work, it's trade in dignity.
>working girls
Why don't they just call them prostitutes?
>I don't want to fuck a tranny
>this game is not for me
Do you realize how retarded that sounds?
yeah 3 years ago
that gang sounds cool to me
Also the same people advocate all drug legalization so that you can get cocaine and heroin for free and it will just "work out"
Women do it all the time
Or better, whores. I thought they wanted to embrace that word during their slut walks.
Uh huh
Whether you like it or not, the future is being inclusive and considerate to others.
That's not strictly accurate, though. All prostitutes may be whores, but not all whores are prostitutes, so in that sense whore isn't interchangeable. "Working girl" is just a euphemism for prostitute.
Hypocrisy and Doublethink
nah, whore seems appropriate. empowerment is what whores are after nowadays apparently.
Can progressives make up their minds already if they hate harlots or not? Some time ago I recall those were equal to Hitlerâ„¢ because their work drives value of dry holes belonging to progressive activists down, but now they decided to wank them.
It's like being fat. They don't wanna get fit, but they don't wanna be called fat.
>Definition of whore. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 somewhat old-fashioned : a person who engages in sexual intercourse for pay : prostitute.
It's literally the same thing.
there is nothing glamorous in letting random men cum in you for 40$ or posting your butthole on twitter for 2$
there is nothing lower in life than being a whore
If you sell your asshole for money: good
If you sell your asshole for attention: good
If you sell your asshole for attention and tell your friends who are jealous: bad
If you use your asshole for social standing: good
If you use your asshole for social standing and a group of women notices and they're jealous: bad
DARPA created SJW term
Pretty much
>They already confirmed you'll be able to fuck minor NPC prostitutes
E-excuse me? What did you mean by this?
>1.111 employees
>20 of them took part in fag parade
That's less than 2 percent.
I don't want your shitty deus ex clone
I hope none of you preordered this game.
I'm really disappointed. I can't believe I was hyped for this for years.
Tfw govt and corporations. Ade all memes big
Having corpses hanging around public spaces would quickly deteriorate the health of people walking around said spaces.
Also, a sexual deviant isn't a criminal. As long as they have not done someone wrong, they can be considered normal. Imagine being so low IQ that you want thought crimes to be an actual thing, thus thinking of killing someone makes you a murderer and a sexual fantasy makes someone a rapist.
Projection: the post
I always wondered why the fappening nuked moot from Yas Forums, that's an interesting hypothesis.
I hope they are putting as much effort into making a good game as they are trying to earn brownie points on social media.
bro the dude at subway is getting exploited by the system
sex workers are beautiful though :)
there is so much wrong with what you just typed, even disregarding stance on the matter
>As long as they have not done someone wrong, they can be considered normal.
Not committing crime doesn't mean you're normal. Bathing in feces is not normal, nor is it illegal.
>Imagine being so low IQ that you want thought crimes to be an actual thing
Thought crimes only exist in the head, if you're acting on whatever the other user defined as sexual deviancy you've gone beyond the realm of thought
>helps their madame cure her secret werewolf lover, the captain of the local guard.
I don't remember this quest?
good. i hope you never get to play it
Isn't the one on the left a bloke?
wtf, what happened to the word whore/prostitute?
For starters, define sexual deviancy, and then explain why it's bad.
what's wrong with going to a pride event? there's nothing wrong with being gay.
>they can be considered normal
Wrong. They can only be considered normal among other deviants. Sympathisers like you belong on the rope too.
The 50th president guy got banned right after because they have a hotline to twitter to ban people.
It's offensive to people who let fat unwashed truckers cum in their ass
Being gay is a matter of preference
Being trans is mental illness