So apparently Gamecubes can be modded to play full size discs

So apparently Gamecubes can be modded to play full size discs.
This makes what Nintendo did even more baffling then it already was.

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>need hardware mods to play pirated media
seems like it worked

its a liitle too late tough.

op is a retard

>he thought the gamecube couldn't have been molded differently to play full sized discs

you can cut the discs smaller. but you'll need to mod the gamecube anyway with modchip or some exploit i don't remember

gamecube disks were kino desu

DVD licenses are a bitch. Plus, tiny CD fuck with pirates, make of that what you will. EX: PS2

>This makes what Nintendo did even more baffling
No it doesn't, it made it legitimately hard as fuck to pirate Gamecube games without extensively modding your console and even then adjusting the pots on the disc reader to read full sized discs was a pain in the ass and guaranteed to burn them out regularly.

Also what fucking year do you think it is?

wtf, why didn't nintendo just make the gamecube a pc

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What people actually did is that they cut their DVDs. Worked fine.

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>you can cut the discs smaller
Literally nigger tier.
This is such a fucking bad idea, given the speed at which discs spin and the read tolerances of the lasers it's a great way to not only damage the disc drive in your Gamecube with unbalanced discs but get lumped with endless read errors/freezes.

>not cutting the disc to fit the console

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This pic made me smile and nod

>implying it's hard to make or acquire a circular blade press

right? why didn't nintendo just hack our consoles so we can play free games? stupid nintendo!

I don't know man. Does this look very balanced? Must have broken millions of cd players back in the day.

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Absolutely based format for a CD

Yes it probably did

>Sacrificing more than half of the disc space and ability to play DVD's or CD's is a good trade-off for incovencing pirates.

>putting a monkey in your CD player
>expecting it not to break

Not good, but at least understandable from Nintendo's perspective


You can just play the games off of an SD card. Why the fuck would you bother with discs if you're going to do a hardware mod?

>nintendo is the only consol that required multi dick games
the only games on gamecube I remember being multi disk were resident evil 4 and the twin snakes. But hell, my 360 had to have multi disk for Mass Effect 2 and 3

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If I recall it was one of the methods used to combat piracy.
Which is fucking stupid as the space limitations of the discs made devs fuck off to sony for a second console gen in a row for largely the exact same reason as the n64.

It really showed their hubris thinking they could just ignore their competition and release a console that doesn't do anything the ps2 and xbone didn't also do and magically come out on top.

>oh no we have to use 2 disks instead of one

I never said it was good, I said it was effective means of curbing piracy.

Learn to fucking read.

Symphonia was 2 discs.

And DMC2 on the PS2 was 2 discs, though I doubt it "needed" to be.

Definitely didn't.

>It really showed their hubris thinking they could just ignore their competition and release a console that doesn't do anything the ps2 and xbone didn't also do and magically come out on top.
You mean "didn't do stuff that the PS2 and Xbox did".
If the Gamecube had full size discs it would have definitely outsold the Xbox.

Which means those were single disc games on anything else.
Also some ps2 games use dual layer discs.

God of war or star ocean 3 would have been eight discs on the cube.
Can't imagine why they decided to just roll with the ps2/xbox.

The laser can't move to read the whole width of the disc. It's only good for reading the first 1.5GB or so.
The Wii has no trouble using the whole 4.7GB though, even in Gamecube mode, so it was somewhat popular to burn multiple Gamecube games to a single disc and multiboot them.

This was back in the day. SD cards had shit capacity until at least 2006 and there wasn't even a Gamecube SD loader until about 2010 IIRC.

your reading comprehension is shit retard

smol disks are cute

Says the faggot that can't read.

Its really baffling to me, but how prevelant was piracy back in the pre 2000 days? So many games had pirate protection but it seemed way harder to do back then to the point of wondering why waste the resources for it? Of course nowadays you just download the crack and play whatever on your PC, but back when everything was cartridge based and the internet wasnt as big pirating games must have been a hassle.

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They used to use cartridge copiers that cloned cartridges for floppies on those consoles. Those things worked like shit and were a massive inconvenience.
The introduction of CD drives and burners was great for pirates because it meant you could buy a chipped console and a shitton of cheap pirated games.

the PS2 and the Dreamcast were hacked and you could burn games

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Splinter Cell Chaos Theory too.

Older consoles had novel ways of detecting copied games (PS1 titles had specific grooves that CD burners couldn't replicate, for example). By the early 00's burners were a lot cheaper for people to buy and everything became a software fight instead

A huge reason the Dreamcast does was because of piracy. Among other things

REmake and RE0 were also two discs.

you do know that you could buy MiniDVD-Rs separately back in the day, right?

Damn this warmed up my heart.

Its weird how even SNES games had copy protection even when maybe like 100 people in the world were in the know enough to pirate videogames in the early 90s.


That's a myth. Dreamcast piracy wasn't in full swing until it was already obvious the console was dead. That's why only a handful of late production models have the MIL-CD backdoor patched out.

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun had separate discs for Campaign and Multiplayer

Brainlet here. Wouldn't it be cheaper to produce smaller discs? Considering they could fit so many large games like Zelda and Mario Sunshine on it, why do you need large discs anyway? Would needing two small discs equate to the price of one large disc?

Very few games that I know of needed two discs, usually long-ass rpgs. The only games I owned that needed two discs were Tales of Symphonia and Baiten Kaitos, and I had like a dozen other games.

>thinking Nintendo chose small discs to fit the size of the console

Jesus Christ how fucking stupid are you?

Just use a Wii

Dude there’s like three gamecube games that are on two discs. 1.5Gb was more than enough for most games.

There are a bunch of obvious, easy ways for cartridge-based consoles to check if it's not being played in a real cartridge. Memory mirroring tricks for example.

Check out ModernVintageGamer on Youtube
>inb4 eceleb
He's based and actually wrote a lot of homebrew 10-15 years ago like the PSP port of Doom

Yeah because third party devs didn't want to bother optimizing the game to fit on 3 discs. That's why GTA wasn't on the Gamecube.

I'm 27 and I've been playing games since I was 6. I've never seen a non pirated PS1/PS2 game in my life.

Now gamecube is the easiest system to pirate compared to ps2 and xbox.

GTA didn't appear on the Gamecube because it had shit RAM and a CPU that was too slow for the driving physics. GTA III could easily have fit on a Gamecube disc if capacity was the only issue.

Dolphin is so fucking good.

The Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2, of course any PS2 game could run on it.

Gamecube is still the most inconvenient console of that gen to pirate on. Everyone uses the Wii instead.

The Gamecube had 43mb of RAM vs the PS2's 32mb
And that's before you consider that face that the Gamecube was more powerful in literally every single way compared to the PS2

>PS1 titles had specific grooves that CD burners couldn't replicate, for example
you mean can't to this very day

Why would you need to just swap the disks out on boot if you're one of the last people on the planet with a stock PS1

i have one of those lids and a modchip. pretty legit, but my gamecube started failing. no longer puts out audio. not really worth replacing. wii and wii u do it all.

ps2 piracy was fucking based. I got into so many different series because of it. Ace Combat, dmc, Disaster report, ar tonelico, tales of, etc

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>Dude there’s like three gamecube games that are on two discs.
Because the rest are on the ps2 where they have enough space on the discs to not have to deal with that shit.
Also, nintendo paid namco an ass ton of money to make symphonia, one of the few two disc games on the cube, because they were desperate for jrpgs on the thing.

>This pic made me smile and nod

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>The Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2
It had less system RAM and worse SIMD performance, both of which were very important to GTA III's game design. You are wrong.

The Gamecube's system RAM is only 24MB compared to 32MB in the PS2. That's a big difference for a sandbox game which relies heavily on memory capacity.
The 16MB ARAM is an IO cache that was over 10x slower than the system RAM making it far too slow for anything except reducing load times.
The remaining 3MB in your figure is GPU memory, but you neglected to consider the PS2's 4MB VRAM because you are a disingenuous fanboy who doesn't know a thing about the consoles you're discussing.

The PS2 is the greatest console ever. The Snes comes second.

Meanwhile the mainline Need for Speed games of the era all came to the Gamecube with no fuss. Criterion are and always will be a bunch of hacks who ruined my favourite franchise

okay snoy

Re4 legit looks shittier on PS2

Those games didn't have the collision physics that Burnout 3 did. The Gamecube was notoriously weak at vector arithmetic, important for any physics computations, since it only had 2x32 bit "paired singles" instructions while the PS2 had a 4x32 bit SIMD coprocessor.

The PS1 and Dreamcast has massive piracy problems to the point that even normies could do it.

Of course, that game doesn't depend on those features.
It may be difficult for a zoomer like you to understand but back in the day consoles were distinct in ways other than muh teraflops and had particular tasks that they were better at than other consoles and vice versa.

Viewtiful Joe and Spiderman 2 also look shittier on PS2. Also Gamecube had more games that ran at 480p than the PS2.

From my understanding the ps2's processor was fast as fuck but graphically the gc and xbox were far superior. It's kind of like with the genesis and snes, the snes was technically superior but the genesis had faster processing.

I'm 32.