You're getting your free Stadia right Yas Forums?

You're getting your free Stadia right Yas Forums?

Attached: stadia.png (1119x963, 871.02K)

Not worth my time

Can I gut the hardware for anything?

>it's real
Nice finally. been waiting for this.

>Buy games whenever you want: Yes

Can you at least use the controller for other stuff for PC? It's not a great looking pad, but the more I can get for couch co-op, the better.

So this means it's out of beta now?

It is a streaming service, right?
I can already pirate any single player game I want.


Can you play PS4 games on it?


I got a jewmail, now how do i get it?

Do I get the hardware for free? If so, how?

>Stadia now free [permanently?]
>Stadia Pro free for two months
So what's included in the non-Pro version of Stadia that wasn't free before?

If I can get this shitty controller for free, I'm all in.

oh baby time to inflate their user numbers


was there a non-pro version before? isn't this its launch.

Does it come with free chromecast and controller? Coming for Canada too

yea there wasn't. it's now launched

That's just for the service not any hardware

It's just a two months free trial, you don't get a Chromecast or a controller.

Shit, I don't know.

In any case, OP apparently expects us to know all about what's included in standard Stadia, and I have no idea.

this is the standard stadia.

Still, though, what's included in the non-Pro version of Stadia?

Does "Stadia is free" just mean you don't need to pay a monthly subscription on top of buying the games at full price?

Pro version allows 4K and free games

-- including access to nine games --

Attached: Untitled.jpg (294x235, 14.55K)

nothing is included. pro gets you 4k and better sound plus "free" games a'la psn+ and xbox subscription thingy

>200ms+ input lag
>streaming compression
No, thanks.

>you still need the hardware
>you only get like 9 games with the service
>you still have to pay 60 dollerydoos for the privilege of streaming your games from their service
>you'll lose the games when Google inevitably shuts down the service in a few years AND have a paperweight console to boot

Yeah, I'll pass


Also I want Google's shitty attempts to get a slice of the gaymen pie to fuck off.

where was the demand to begin with?

>still need to buy the games
Absolute jews

honestly this.
Also, fuck google and their mass censorship and global goal of control

>nothing is included
So basically, when it comes to the non-Pro version, "Stadia is now free" is just how the shills say "Stadia exists".


Stadia pro games:
currently provides access to nine games: Destiny 2: The Collection, Grid, Gylt, Metro Exodus, Steamworld Dig 2, Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, Thumper, the Serious Sam Collection, Spitlings, and Stacks on Stack (on Stacks).

You need Stadia premiere to play anything remotely decent

Attached: 1548824891624.jpg (226x250, 20.12K)


>Still have to pay money for worse versions of games


This is getting sad now.


If it had the division 2 then i would've tried it. Don't wanna spend money on that game to play it for half an hour but I wanted to give it a try,

>don't have a chromecast so no tv gaming
>no pixel so no phone gaming
>have to buy the games
>the free games line up is shit
Just kill it already google.

Attached: sad booz.jpg (500x375, 24.18K)

There's a free trial for Division 2 on the ubisoft launcher.

You don't get the hardware for free, you fucking retards.

Holy cringe

Neat thanks bro

This is the top post image on the Stadia subreddit right now. People are amazed that 50 people are playing one of the games which you get free as part of the free 2 month pro subscription. Really shows how dead Stadia was and is.

Attached: u25iojeu7zr41.jpg (1760x810, 162.86K)

Ok. So, why would I use it?

Destiny 2 is free. Grid? Old grid or the weird remake Grid? Old either way. Metro was free on EGS a few weeks ago. Serious Sam is old. Never heard of the rest.



If I remember correctly Stadia is just the streaming service and you have to "buy" the games separately, as in, rent them at full price.
So basically what they are giving away for free is the ability to purchase games from them.
This must be a scam, some kind of tax evasion or something like that. There is no way they expected to make money from this.

Attached: 1464037511942.jpg (1024x1024, 182.17K)

They're also desperate for players so keep an eye out for free weekends.


Thank you for believing.

Imagine making a product so shit that people don't even want it for free

Attached: king homer.jpg (900x900, 87.12K)

It's not about making money user.
But it is about money. Google has spent so much time and effort on a piece of trash they lied about constantly. They want a win and this is the closest they can get to it.
Chances are they'll balance the extra costs by calling it charity.

luring in any fish is a win.

But Nvidia shield is better.

serious sam is stadias best game

idk spitlings might be fucking fresh

No, the idiots behind this project genuinely believe terminal computing is the future, that no one will have a desktop or console when everything can be done "just as well" in The Almighty Cloud™
Google's already pioneered this with their online office software and their Chromebook laptops.

Simply put they're ivory tower cultists.

Game streaming is such a meme. Can't believe Google actually thought people would use them when so many people in America have shitty broadband, myself included.

It's weird how free trials of things always make me put in a card anyway. It's like they're hoping I just forget to turn it off and won't be pissed off enough to just backcharge it once they do charge me.

If it really is free I can see it being pretty successful. I have a good gaming rig but by no means does everybody and normal fags are blind to input lag.

It's literally an entire experience that revolves around input lag. No point in bothering with it if you know it will be shit.

Gave it a try just to see what it was like, the input lag wasn't really noticeable. That said, bit disappointed with the graphics, they were worse than on my computer. I might use it if I'm ever at someone else's house, I guess.

thanks captain obvious