Remember, never pander to gaming journalists. You cannot win

Remember, never pander to gaming journalists. You cannot win.

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There's two groups you should never pander to: journalists and Yas Forums.
Both of them will never be happy no matter what you do.
In fact, you generally shouldn't pander to anyone and just simply make the game you want to make.

What if the game I want to make is one that makes fat stacks

>"your should sell hotdogs"
>*start selling shitty hot dogs*
>"wtf these hot dogs are shitty"
wow never listen to customers

>if you pander to retards, you cannot win
wow, what are going to tell me next user?

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I see different people saying different things in reference to different games

Wasn't Hulk Hogan supposed to take polytaku down?

and trannies

rent free

>food anomalocaris

why is it that Mexicans get this more then you do? If you want these journalists to stop doing this, you have to make them deeply afraid and threaten them or get rid of them institutionally. In fact, why do you even call them journalists when the very idea of a game journalists should be the ultimate social shame?

jason shrier writing in the NYT should serve as a warning to the kotaku writers that they are on a sinking ship

yes, and he never did. Yas Forums was wrong yet again hyping hogan up

Name just one game ruined by an easy mode.

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yeah, journalists and Yas Forums

Let me get this straight
>two articles come out talking about including easy mode in games
>another article comes out saying the game's easy mode is too easy, apparently not even selling an opinion on the game's quality
>somehow the second article is some grave mistake and is supposedly a direct contrast to the original articles
Are you completely retarded?

Yas Forums at least has the benefit of the doubt of not being one person.
But journos will literally slap their names to two opposite positions without any shame or remorse at all.
It's all clicks for them.

Gawker were supposed to shut down but some faggot company bought them for peanuts.
Only their sports section got closed.

>"your hotdogs are too spicy"
>*start selling bland hotdogs
>"wtf these hotdogs are not spicy"



Someone post that webm of a game journo trying to play Doom.

>people having different opinions on a topic within an occupation

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Kill yourself


It's the CNN of gaming

Nah, CNN is remotely successful in their political niche.
(((Kotaku))) is more like the Buzzfeed of gaming.

you failed even in your analogy retard, nice job

>wanting ni no kuni 2 to have an easy mode

this is dangerous levels of casualness.

Yas Forums failed us again

i know, people should be eating bratwurst, with its superior quality

how does his analogy not work

hot dogs are requested, like an easy mode
FF7 releases a shitty easy mode
"wtf this easy mode is shitty"

where did it lose you

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Then make a highly realistic pancake simulator.

By your own logic I shouldn't listen to you because you posted this on Yas Forums.

I dropped 2 because of how easy it was. I literally killed a boss in less than 30 seconds, not even enough for the music to loop.
I know they patched in a harder difficulty, but I have other stuff to play right now.

The analogy should be
>"This hot dog isn't shitty, I want one covered in shit"
>Gives them a hot dog covered in shit
>"Wtf this hot dog has way too much shit on it"

Except there is no such thing as too easy for an easy mode.

Truer words have never spoken in this place. If a time ever occurred where I wanted to gander at the opinion or suggestions of a community if game development was ever something that I wanted to take seriously, Yas Forums would be the absolute LLAASSTT place I would go to. This place has become a joke in it of itself where I don't even look to this place anymore for game news like I did in the past. The drivel of Steam reviews and Metacritic would hold a better light than the fucking shitstains of this place.

>no the analogy should be stupid because i say it stupid durr
also wtf do you mean there is no such thing as too easy for an easy mode? if none of the enemies attack or do damage is that a good easy mode?

Why wouldn't you start selling normal hot dogs?

normal is too difficult

>This place has become a joke in it of itself where I don't even look to this place anymore for game news like I did in the past.

It's been the same for literally a decade. If you ever took it seriously at any point, your braindead opinions on anything forever are invalid. Even though you were able to recognize and correct your own stupidity, it doesn't and never will make up for being that retarded in the first place. Literally hang yourself.

Easy mode is pretty much just a "show me the story" mode. So yes, thats fine for an easy mode.

If you don't want the game to be easy, maybe don't play it on easy, you fucking retard.

How can anybody take these retarded faggots seriously?
>The Bad
>Casual mode is too easy

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Fuck off you blithering retard, never did I say that I took this place seriously but discussions used to be had here when news came around, there were periods of grace during the early morning where people would genuinely discuss games like Thief, before TORtanic people didn't immediately act reactionary, and people would give opinions. Before everything diverted to buzzwords, calling people shills, and everything being the conspiracy of trannies and ES JAYS and the politics fags started permeating the site.

Yas Forums is not a single person so there is always some person with any opinion.

Because the 'spicy' ones were the normal hot dogs..

when you like games, lack the skills to make a game and have no other redeemable qualities you become a game journalist

Nope. You were just less retarded than you were now so you didn't notice that this place was always ass.

Considering this fit of autistic screeching fit of yours, you haven't come very far since then


>tries to make a food analogy


big bouncy boobies

there's literally nothing wrong with that analogy you fucktard

pro players should also be ignored. removing the fun elements of a game to make it as formulaic and predictable as possible is terrible

Why do game companies go to such insane lengths and even bankrupt themselves just to appeal to these cunts who don't even like video games?


same could be said about journalism :)

Reminder that you are retarded and can't stop falling for click b8.

Why did you hide who wrote the bottom article? Is it because it was written by a different person?

Except when you can see a single person put their name on two contradicting articles.

Despite what that other niggerfuck replied, this place used to actually hold more quality post than the barren wasteland of shit that we have today. It's just the nature of entropy, for you to maintain a high quality incline over years, such place would have to be locked, constantly monitored and maintain it's standards. Obviously it has to let in chaos and newness or else it will stagnate. There are other sites where quality discussion is much higher, but they are mostly locked or they only allow certain people with an abundance of knowledge.

It's pandering or getting cancelled, make your choice.

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I see what you did there.

I want a picture of kaz throwing a playstation at a wall shouting "Gajin", and then in the next frame he is just frowing looking into the distance standing still

>i-it's black or white
Or you could just not engage with either side and do your thing like most sensible developers do.