Dark Souls is difficult, but fair. Every time you die, it's always your faul-

>Dark Souls is difficult, but fair. Every time you die, it's always your faul-

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AOE attack does area damage OP you are a retard

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Maybe dont go down the ladder when an enemy is on it

why did he kick instead of sliding down the ladder?

Welcome to Anor Londo, faggot.

>you see this wouldn't happen if...
why fromdrones feel obligated to defend their sad game like this if this shit were made on purpose by devs?

DaS1 is incredibly easy to the point where the few times it robs you it shouldn't matter. Same with 2. 3 has a few bosses that are somewhat difficult/lasting difficulty because of their lack of gimmicks and just dodge/punish simplicity.

Sekiro actually was somewhat hard. I don't like it much but it was actually hard. But Souls games in general are rather easy besides maybe Nioh1/2 if you don't use some slimy ass builds action rpgs are just super easy in general. Honorable mention to some bosses in Code Vein too.

If you're doing AOE it's your job as a game designer to communicate the area in question to the player

Damn you just got outplayed. Shit is rough.

>enemy dabs on you and then gets back to the ladder
literally outplayed

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>3 has a few bosses that are somewhat difficult/lasting difficulty because of their lack of gimmicks and just dodge/punish simplicity
3 has more gimmick bosses than any other game, and even fewer that are actually hard

>I've never played Demon's Souls: The Post

Ya it's your fault for playing a shit game.

>Slides down on top of you while you're on the ground so he can force you into standing back up, preventing you from rollspamming away
Holy shit, this game is incredible

I mean the respawn system is very forgiving. Is this boss perfect? NO. Does it go with the theme of the game and is it easy to learn from? YES. It is a trial and error game but learning from your mistakes and demolishing every enemy in one run can be rewarding. Not everything can be beaten eith raw skill. Sometimes you gotta have a big brain

>When he climbs back up the ladder

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i fucking hate ladder battles in this game
it's even worse in ds2 because there's a scripted sequence at the beginning of forest of the fallen giants where you LITERALLY can't beat the hollow because he has infinite stamina but also completely drains yours in 2 hits

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Lol get rekt


Because no sane person would act like the retard in the webm

Based painting Guardian.

don't have 1 health
use a range weapon

souls games are only considered hard because people are used to years or games being made so that people can completely turn their brain off and just do whatever they want and they'll be fine

This is obviously a bad hitbox, I'd argue even a bug. This isn't really saying or unveiling anything about the overall design of the game. If your goal was to find a single example contrary to the statement in your original post, then I don't think you set yourself to very hard challenge. Could you elaborate further on the broader issues you find with the game, OP?

I'm a shitter and game hard. Prease understanderu

>Well you could have not died if you did this instead

>enemies swords pass through walls while the player's weapon clashes against them

>he climbs back up the ladder after murdering him

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Lol stop hugging walls you pussy faggot. Then git gud

>I don't know what AOE attacks are. Oh, and I suck dicks.

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there are so many great things about this webm but my favorite is that the character is naked, meaning they probably stripped while opening the door

Please don't post videos of you being anally raped by common mooks. This is a sfw board. Thanks in advance.

>noooo we dont need the visuals to properly show how wide the aoe is shut up meanie!

>Sekiro actually was somewhat hard.
Sekiro is the easiest of all the games mentioned

>got the one frame backstab
kek what a retard

Let me guess, you tried to run away without lokcing on, this turning your character around. Sucks that it was the moment you got attacked and the hitboxes got moved to align.

Every time a big fucker in DS blops down, it does an AOE a few feet around.

You learn in DS by trial and error.

If you want a roller coaster game, play COD.

>gets backstab because obviously shit development
>lmao gitgud fagget, what a retarded

>Gets thoroughly outplayed by a fucking AI

All these games are easy once you know the enemies attack patterns.

Attached: dark souls is a shit game.webm (853x480, 2.74M)

>not just rolling off the ladder's edge

you asked for it retard

Attached: dark souls is a shit game 2.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

cope,seethe,dilate and git gud

Attached: dark souls is a shit game 3.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

No, he got backstabed because he turned around, brainlet.

>t.doesnt undertands mechanics

>using an actual clip of DSP to try and prove the game is bad
Nigger what in the actual hell are you doing?


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>Posts CMON DOOD of all people to shit-talk Dark Souls
There's a million fucking clips of him blaming the game for his shitty playstyle, and you chose him?


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>Dark Souls invented Mimics
Stopped reading there

is caused by player holding button responsible for moving backwards or moving away from the enemy, not a bug

I genuinely should have known this would be your response

this is the only one I can get behind. If my weapons are gonna scrape, and get stopped by a wall then the enemy has no reason to clip through one.

found the zoomers

>I genuinely should have known this would be your response
>Must reform program to deal with threat and defend product

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I bet you're the kind of faggot who complains about no map or quest markers in games too

This game fucking sucks

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holy fuck

>Dark Souls hater is a Wojak-posting zoomer
That explains a lot

>Meltdown! Meltdown! Must avoid system shutdown!

This might be helpful to you

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Don't let me stop you now m8, just empty your whole folder like you've wanted to since you entered this thread.

The entire point of Dark Souls is to learn from your mistakes of dying and taking different approaches

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>Magic-spamming pussy getting outplayed by Honest, Hard-Working Nordic Chad
Does the heart good

I will just sit and wait to see how Dark Souls cultists will defend this.

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It never said that, retard

Yeah dark souls 3 is easily the worst in the series

You're doin a piss poor job boyo

The only problem with the series was DaS showed that you needed to git gud
DaS2 tried to slow down the people who got gud.
Everything after just tried to bullshit the player with contrived setups and traps to kill the player in unfair and ways you can't do much about.
In DaS3 I lost count of the amount of times they tried the whole "Chase the lizard and something will attack you from the side or a hole will drop you into a rapefest"
Bloodborne even just pops things behind you.

No, you don't get it, if I can't immediately ascertain every system of a game, it's shit and designed badly.

Fucking rekt lmao

>Nnnnurrrrrr how was I supposed to know Mimics exist in a dark fantasy game?!?!?!
Drooling retards getting caught as God intended

Nothing wrong here. Magic pussies get dab on.

works on my machine

Not as bad as Dark Souls though :^)

Because he's right


>Dark Souls is difficult

you are new to the snowfields, he was born to it. To him the land is not an obstacle, but an ally

Worse even. Dark Souls is beloved by millions of people. Your own mother wishes you'd hurry up and die already

Is this the new darksouls thread? I'm looking for a nice weapon for a Pyro-Knight quality build i'm making, and i'm not sure which weapon to use.

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Why are all Dark Souls fans this autistic?

What about the game make these people gravitate towards it?

just play statsfag

>dsp baldur knight all over again.

not every dark fantasy game has mimics