Attached: 5i5y9ftf9c811.jpg (3000x3000, 1.33M)

At least they know how to draw.

I don't get it.


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Attached: 1585696043923.jpg (1031x497, 198.5K)

>copypaste the villager for the second panel
Can't she at least give her a new expression or something?

much better

just remove the inbetween panels like because they make the juxtaposition less pronounced

Attached: aughhh.png (1050x505, 982.39K)

You should completely remove the balloon from the second panel!

>"Brevity is the soul of wit."
Yas Forums

I'm feeling nostalgic, please post fun rage comics, Yas Forums.

haha life is bleak and depressing but good thing we have these colorful video games to distract us from the soul-crushing harshness that is reality haha so funni joke

Attached: desmond.png (676x600, 446.92K)


>even redacted the cardboard box

Attached: 1586546020986.png (1050x505, 821.41K)

sorry to bomb your thread OP but this game is frustrating me right now. it's one big missed opportunity that completely misses the point of the series. it easily could have been amazing.

>if you could live in the same town as your friends without having to share a console
>if you could visit your friend's town without them being offline
>if you could kick a ball around with your bros
>if you could build a soccer field for you and your bros to play soccer in
>if you could write absurd shit in a journal for your snooping friends to find
>if you could send a message in a bottle, to arrive randomly on someone else's beach. and if you would occasionally find a message in a bottle that another player actually wrote
>if you could take pictures, "print them out" and display them in-game
>if you could still put items up for sale

Attached: acneitch.jpg (763x763, 438.08K)

Attached: FUCK.png (1050x505, 848.92K)

Attached: kill me.png (1018x489, 785.95K)

Just go kill some mice you big baby.

desu she looks qt imagine if she'd been a qt housewife instead

Stop making this fucking thread

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Attached: 2016-12-29-beartato-newyearspast.png (800x1028, 435.19K)


Attached: asdasd.png (988x485, 808.26K)

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why is there no fucking art of this heshe getting absolutely railed from the back while their little cock spurts out like someone squeezed one of those tiny hotel shampoo bottles
as a joke haha tee-hee

Its easier to pay off all your debts in AC than it is to make ends meet IRL.

Attached: 04-10-03.27.41.jpg (2201x1058, 366.04K)

Woah, you're not supposed to post good shit in these threads.

Attached: 2008-08-19-beartato-freshing.gif (700x575, 104.71K)

Attached: dsfargeg.png (6016x4352, 3.12M)

cause nobody cares about them

i care c:

then draw/commission it

this sucks but it's good

No merge the panels halfway like a venn diagram.

Attached: 1572741752143.png (1280x4826, 1.26M)

>tomboy grows up to be 10/10

is this a loco bandito spinoff

Do you think the original punchline was "tarded" and he wussed out

ask and ye shall receive

Attached: fuck 3.jpg (777x505, 34.13K)

Attached: no more debt.jpg (3000x3000, 2.14M)

thats a boy turning into a tranny you dumb tripfag

is she watching them through an Amazon Home™

fucking saved

Attached: 1573833864101.jpg (1280x825, 110.55K)

No you just think that because you have trannies on the brian 24/7

wasn't this drawn by the fucking pizza tower guy

When I first wrote this guide back in January I initially wanted it to be a dictionary; a list of all our known desync tech and some good ways to train them so that new players would have something to turn to when they first started. I realized later, however, that writing something like that would be of use to literally no person on the planet so I scrapped it.

With the aid of the newly minted Mentor team we’ve been able to make something a little bit more comprehensive. A new attempt at making something that can help new players go from being absolutely lost in where they should start and what they should be focusing on to a place where they have a firm understanding of our synced and desynced game play and a cohesive strategy which they can use as a jump off point. We highly recommend that you learn the elements of this guide in order as the tech listed here is ordered in a way which takes you from no tech and no desync strategy to a useful and flexible desync strategy that you can adapt for your own style of play while prioritizing highly efficient and efficacious use of your limited training time.

This guide won’t cover desync based twitter combos as there is a huge and reasonably well developed list of our extended desync combos on the Ice Climbers (ics) discord. That said, all the tech we will talk about in this guide predicate those twitter combos and so you should start here before attempting those.

Overlook Hotel theme*

Attached: ac3.jpg (1396x2076, 894.53K)

wouldn't surprise me



Thanks. I really enjoy seeing efficiency in paneling.

Good ones.

Attached: 1522202557829.jpg (500x386, 68.15K)

the full comic is the freak going "we don't talk about the past" and it was drawn by a tranny you worthless nigger

>@Son of Dob

Attached: laughs in spanish.png (743x495, 893.45K)


Our character and our strategy

Ics are slow, damn slow, in fact we are the 14th slowest character in the game. Normally, with such a slow run speed, one might expect to have some sort of added advantage in ranged attacks (ie Richter and Simon), large disjoints (ie. Ike), or raw unga bunga kill power (ie. Ganon). Ics, however, do not necessarily have any of those advantages. Our hammers are fairly small, and our projectile Ice Block (ib), while certainly not a worthless tool by any means, kinda sucks. What we do have, is fairly good frame data, the ability to rack up huge damage or a kill off a single conversion, a lot of coverage on our moves thanks to Nana, and the ability to desync our climbers essentially doubling our coverage and opening up a huge realm of combo and punish opportunities and early kill setups.

With our weaknesses and strengths in mind we can begin to narrow down how one might play ics. One could play ics like one would play Fox or Captain Falcon, in which we try to rush down our opponent and then beat the piss out of them. This would be not so bad as our movement speed is so low that once we get in we can constantly press the attack and never have to face up to how slow we are. we invite you to try this strategy, but you’ll find that unless your opponent is really bad, they will out tempo you quite quickly and unless you get a lucky confirm on your opponent you’ll struggle to finish stocks as you constantly chase your opponent from one end of the stage to the other. Furthermore, given how light we are you’ll find that your opponent will more easily be able to close out stocks on you.


There is at least one.

Attached: Heshe.png (413x237, 12.24K)

People use Ice Climbers?

Not bad

this is so fucking dumb but i'm laughing

I chuckled

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