How much do you roughly invest in video games/month, Yas Forums?

How much do you roughly invest in video games/month, Yas Forums?

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Maybe $100 yearly. don't often buy or acquire new games.


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>Almost 25% goes to donations
No wonder so many people are jumping into Twitch / Youtube

>$20 for internet
Like hell

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>Internet $20
>>>House Cleaner

I will never understand how this was made by an actual person who doesn't live in some weird monopoly money world

Who the fuck is making 100k a year at 25? Some CEO's dipshit son maybe.

if only you knew how bad things really are...

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fucking americans, man

I spend around 30-60 dollars a month on games.

>600$ in donation
are you fucking kidding me

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>25 years old
>100000 a year
>almost 25% to donations
>excellent with money

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>$615 donations
>per month
What the fuck?

Imagine as a job you rip addy and play videogames all day to make well over 6 figs a year from people paying you to read their message out loud

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Streamers and e-celebs became the modern replacement for having friends or a partner. So if you look at that budget 15 years before those $600 used to go to:
>Going out with friends
>Dates with girlfriend
>Going to the movies

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Everytime this is posted I always laugh at donations like it's the first time I saw it

>825$ rent
This zoomer saves money by living in a shithole apartment in flyover country.

>100k a year
>excellent with money
>$615 in donations
>renting instead of owning

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>Thanks for the bits!

Except they don't talk to you personally or as a human being and you can't fuck them so it's not a friend or partner

He donate each month more than twice what I get each month as a student. And that's enough for me to live on it.

the only way the donations thing makes sense is if its to charity for tax purposes. $400 for 1 person for groceries for a month is insane

I don't watch streamers but this pic makes sense, based on the pics people post here of e-celebs and e-thots they usually have a few guys dropping load of cash on them.
Now everything makes sense..

nothing will replace human contact

You mean waste

It's like they pulled numbers out of a hat. Why the fuck is this guy renting a shitty one bedroom apartment if he makes 100k? What does he do for entertainment, besides apparently dining out every other night? And there's no way those donations are to streamers. Not with that shitty dial-up internet he's paying for.

maybe he buys something illegal that they're putting as a donation

yeah but im not fucking or scamming the e-celebs tho

I agree that it's a bit excessive but it's not insane. You're supposed to give 2-4% of your income to charity at least.

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>literally 0% going into savings
>excellent with money



there is absolutely no reason to own property unless you have a family

$0 anymore

>supposed to
According to who? Why in the fuck would I willingly give away my money?

Where the fuck does this dude live if his rent is only $825

>825 rent
>600 in donations
>20 internet
>100k at 25
There's so much wrong with this

How much till boomers catch up and start taxing the shit out of streamers?


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> three vacations a year
> charity
> children's lessons

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>Has a 6 figure job
>Is somehow paying for health insurance

Those two don't usually go together. Good jobs usually cover all health insurance costs.

no point in saving money if you're dead before you retire

400 on groceriea
250 on dining out
that isnt smart spending.
thats a boy whose parents give him a huge allowance.

>How much till boomers catch up
They'll start dying before they can do it

>you're supposed to
then it's not a donation, it's just a tax

>9.5k in clothes for four people
>no fancy threads
my wardrobe now isn't even worth 1/9 of that. wtf

Well not exactly true..but I see what youre saying

>1.5M home
yeah, i'm supposed to feel bad for the guy?

>not listing your drug purchases as donations since they technically since you are helping out the nig nogs

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This image is like living like a hotshot. Obvofuckingiously you'll be on the line.

>average with $500k year
>that much on 401k and taxes
>BMW 5 Series and a Land Cruiser
>that much for clothes
>three vacations a year
>violin lessons for average children
>that much to charity

Americans are a fucking joke or what?

No, streamers and e-celebs became the modern replacement for hiring an escort, while watching that person play the game he's supposed to with the excuse of "I don't have time because I'm a busy man" while spending several hours watching said streamer.

Honestly, it kind of pisses me off. Yes, people can do whatever the fuck they want with their money, but spending the almost equivalent of a house rent on fucking donations will never not be fucking retarded.

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that's expenses, not earning

Except e-celebs and streamers are the perfect replacement:
>The e-celeb / streamer will say all the things you want to hear and will agree with you always
>The e-celeb / streamer will always praise you
>The moment you get bored of the person and want to be left alone you don't have to awkwardly ask or indirectly beg tell the other person to leave; clicking on the X on the top right corner is enough for that e-friend to leave
>You will never have sex with an e-girl but she'll play the same videogames as you so you can feel you have a deep connection with her
>You won't have to put out with a girl's bad habits or annoying quirks; when you're tired of her you just need to press the X

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>Donations: $615
Going to say this every time: Buying blow from your dealer isn't charity

Given how the person in the example makes $100k a year, it's implicit that the rest of the money goes into saving.

i get what youre saying but i wouldnt give money to streamers or even my friends so they can make me feel good.

Thats what hookers are for, user

I don't feel bad for anyone who has financial troubles because it's very easy to get a good financial situation if you don't spend what you don't have. If you're a retard and don't like to reason then you deserve to crash, burn and live like a pauper.

>The e-celeb / streamer will always praise you

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>Three vacations a year

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Donations in USA are just another word for taxes.

>You're supposed to give 2-4% of your income to charity
According to fucking who?

i don't even make 20k a year and i'm 34

104k income last year. All values are USD
>944 rent
>45 electric
>15 sewer/water
>40 internet
>40 phone
>19 renters insurance
>64 car insurance
>30 gasoline
>50 gym
>500 on food, I eat takeout a lot
>110 health/dental/eye insurance
I put 10% into my 401k, and pay about 28% in taxes.
>4960 per month take home income
>1857 monthly expenses
>save $3,103 per month cash + $866 in 401k

I could eat takeout less and save an additional $200 or so, but I really don't care. It's my only real extra expense. I borrow copies of most games from my fellow internet users unless they go under $10 on steam.

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This is the saddest thing ive read all year. Please tell me what you have posted is a bad joke, or is this what stream audiences really believe?

>Clothes for four people
>no fancy bags, shoes or threads

I could buy an entire wardrobe of decent clothes with less than 2% of that. What in the flying fuck.

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we live in a society where people will pay strangers to read their messages out loud

in times past you paid for sex. now you just pay for them to look vaguely in your direction, briefly. what the fuck happened

You forgot to list your donations

Lately maybe $60 max probably
$15 WoW sub
$9.49 FEH Pass
$30 for a game or 2 that is on discount
Getting into games that have longevity and buying the shorter games on discount with occasional launch price purchase have their perks.

That's only about $600 per season per person. Are you really saying you can do it for $12?

I can't tell if I hate boomers, millennials, or zoomers more

Don't people give to charity because you can use it to drop to a lower tax bracket or something, so you actually save more money? Never done taxes b4 btw

>muh seasonal clothes
woman detected
can guarantee woman is dictating most of the bullshit wasteful spending in the pic as well

Ask DSP, they want him to prove that 6 months of income was spent on business expenses because he claims that's where it all goes.

I don't donate to anyone except for gifts for my parents on Christmas.

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ONLY 600$ PER SEASON?!? O N L Y 6 0 0 $ P E R S E A S O N?!?! Absurd.

>$400 for food

>only $600
>per season

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Just say that you hate retards and you'll hit the three groups at once

literally zero dollars per lifetime

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You have to donate a fuckload to actually make a difference. I worked at Goodwill thank God for Corona because this would be the worst time of year to be working and the retards actually think donating makes any difference when it can only get you like 600 dollars back because of how it's done now.

650 dollars for food. Groceries and eating out.

kill yourself poorfag subhuman

>not even a single source of passive income
You budget like the average retard. At least put some money on a mutual fund you idiot. I bet you don't even have a high yield savings account either and are with some shitty bank paying you 0.00000001% of interests and charging fees for minimum balances, checks and shit.

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Not a single penny

I spend more than that in a month on donations

>50% of your money go to taxes
>which mainly go to single women for fucking mexican and blacks
>still expected to donate

lmao nah, I won't.

hmm true damn..

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What is this nigger doing riding the bus or taking the subway? Is that insurance costs? What about gas money?

There are 2 seasons to dress for: hot and cold.
Any other answers are women answers.

progressive tax my dude, you get taxed at a higher tax rate for each additional dollar you earn over the inital tax bracket
only way you save money on taxes is by contributing to an IRA/401k/HSA, which don't count towards the final tax-dollar amount

I'm not joking user; I'm just stating the obvious, something that you realize when you think about it carefully for a second. Why do you think e-celebs had such a big explosion during the past decade?

Gonna be honest here: I've never indulged on e-celebs or the like but I do visit hookers periodically so I'm not better than them.

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$615 of donations instead of investments LOL

Ahahaha OMG based. This is going on /r Yas Forums

What the fuck are these people eating? I only need $200 a month.

>100k a year
>850 rent
LMAO zero fucking chance

>per season
at best you just need two sets of clothes which you can mix between fall and spring

I haven't donated money fucking ever because i know 90% of it won't be used for the actual cause.
Donating physical items is much less pointless.


>You're supposed to give 2-4% of your income to charity at least.
10% is the tithe.

t. cryptofaggot trying to trick people into investing on his pretend coin

Do Americans really do this?

Same here
It never gets old

richfag reportin'

spent $500 on steam
spent $400 on switch games
spent $400 on 7th gen games
currently holding $2k in anticipation for new gpu/ram

Barring maybe SR3 remastered and arcade ports to switch, this is my entire gaming budget for the year already finished

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>house cleaner
>30 bucks a month
Why not do it yourself? You pay some spic's taco budget with 30 bucks for one day of work?

You need to unironically have sex and call your parents or friends

>spend a ridiculous sum on shit you don't need
>surprised you only have 7k to spare

So, hotshot, you want to fight Buu?

>32k in student loans a year for 10-20 years

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>per season

Are you fucking stupid? For starters, why would I need to buy winter clothes when most of them are sweaters and jackets that can be kept for a very long time? Why would you need to buy clothes every 3-4 months? Why would you need to spend so fucking much on a fucking shirt or pants? You fucking inbred.

>rich people actually believe this is normal
fucking subhumans

>only $600 per season

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700 a month on rent
40 a week on groceries
40 every two weeks on trinkets and books from amazon

Due to lockdown, I burnt over 600 on a music instrument to keep me away from vidya and today I just bought bannerlord and ordered a new m.2 ssd

So uhhn, it's all going downhills now. Must find a new job ASAP before I resort to twitch/youtube whoring myself for money

Taxes are paid for in brackets, but most people are retarded and have no idea how it really works. Consider this example

>0-19k 0%
>19-30k 14%
>30-50k 20%
>50-100k 24%
>100k-200k 28%

People think
>make 104k pay 28% or 28k in taxes

When in reality its
>pay 0 taxes on the first 19k you male
>pay 1.54k taxes on 19k-30k
>pay 4k taxes on 30-50k
>pay 12k taxes on 50-100k
>pay 1.1k taxes on 100-200k
>18,640 total taxes paid.
If you donated 4000 to 'lower your bracket' you would lose 2900 dollars you normally would have received and still pay 17540 in taxes.

if your income is in the millions then maybe.

how you rich?

If you're somewhere like NYC or Seattle, you can make six figures doing software engineering.
But no fucking would their rent be only $800.