Yas Forums only hates this game because it's popular
Yas Forums only hates this game because it's popular
I hate it because I don't like it
I don't hate it though. I liked it for what it was.
Yeah. That's the problem. It's mediocre at best but normies love it because they watched a lets player cry over it.
I don't hate it, but picking a generous 8/10 as the best game is kind of stupid
it's not bad but it's overrated
it's oscar bait, and it's dlc and second game are subversive kike bullshit both
Nah mate, Im fine with the new God of War being popular, and the Spiderman game.
I just think this game is shit in general and full of pretentious wankers in the fanbase, who laud this basic ass plot (Besides the ending) and generic, uninspired, not even very well made gameplay
I have no feelings at all for zombie games. The genre ran out of steam 10 years ago.
It's a generic third-person cover shooter that only gets praised so much because of MUH FEEELINGS.
Normally i would not care for this game at all, but i goddamn hate it for creating this shitty trend of every major game having to be a "cinematic experience" with the dullest gameplay possible instead of a proper fucking GAME
>Normies = bad
I don't hate it at all, I just think it's an average third person shooter/infliltration game with an uninteresting story and story-telling, multiplayer was pretty brutal with some nice ideas though, I had way more fun playing that than the single player.
normal is average, and average is mediocre
so yes
>the same people who praised anthem and days gone
It's not my cup of tea but there are plenty of games that aren't. However the reason I really dislike it is because 2012/2013 was the year of "artistic integrity" when game journos were for some reason out in full force shilling games like TLOU, Bioshock Infinite, and Gone Home as being "true art" for "grown-ups" that would herald the acceptance of video games as a legitimate artform. But none of them were anything special at all. It all seemed really fucking forced and obnoxiously coordinated and I still can't figure out what the fucking point was.
Tlou was fine, it's what it spawned and the direction it took the industry in that everyone hated. Same with Uncharted.
Fuck this kike hack and his anti-white faggotry
Last of Us is very overrated. Days Gone has similar ideas but did them better imo.
Its incredibly overrated, its a perfectly OK game. But I think a lot of people love it because its probably the first game they played.
>t. Is probably below average at every measurable aspect of his life
>Days Gone has similar ideas but did them better imo
b8, that edgy crapfest was even worse
>anti white
>when the two main characters are white and the biggest ennemy in the game is a young black woman
Wow, so this is the power of Yas Forums ...
I don't hate it because it's popular, I hate that it is popular despite not being very good.
I mean, kind of. It's like if everyone in the games industry came together and said Code Vein is the pinnacle of Souls-like games and surpasses them all. Like, the game is fun but are you fucking serious?? That's how I feel about TLoU, particularly when it comes to the gameplay. The opening is fantastic, the environments are great, the dialogue is believable, but pretty much everything else is pretty bad. Not much enemy variety, mediocre shooting mechanics (bow is an exception), bad AI, very similar shootout/stealth scenarios presented to you over and over again. I'd give it an easy 7.5 or 8 and enjoyed my time with it, but people suck this games dick like crazy. It's a good romp and I'd play the sequel, but people really put it up on this pedestal like it's a masterclass in game design when it's really just above average in everything except its gameplay, which to some, is the most important part.
The ending is basic, too. Seriously, just go read sci-fi pulp, you'll find "twists" by the dozen, and better written, too. The reason shit like Last of Us even gets a pass is because people don't fucking read these days, and if they do, they read garbage.
This. Probably the best ND Multiplayer and one of the best exclusive Multiplayer games of its time. Rest of the game is average to bad, with some half-baked ideas and clunky sections. Had this ironically been more like Uncharted story-wise with less boring cinematic bits and ladder and block moving it would have been better.
Yeah because when a form of art stays the same it gets better. We should never try to innovate
I don't hate it, I just think it's overrated and it represents something I don't really consider the apex of games to be, games aspiring to be as film. Same with the new GoW.
>this is the power of plebbit spacing faggots
>have this interactive medium at disposal to create interesting narrative designs
>just ape movies
fuck, I hate most AAA games and the retards that it that shit up when people throw around terms like "cinematic" to praise a game
wouldn't~ make~ my~ point~ any~ less~ valid~, you~ dumb~ nigger~
Nonono no no it's more like this
I hate this game because it's not good
you know I hate this game because it's popular
>everyone i don't like is reddit
So this is the power of Yas Forums virgins ...
I don't like its cinematic aspects. It's a competent survival horror game when you're actually allowed to play it though.
I got the remaster for free when I bought my ps4, dropped it 15 minutes into the movie
Why yes TLOU is my favorite game, how could you tell?
What did TLoU do to innovate, again?
reddit spacing is this
when you make a double space at first
and then so for because you need to press enter for the initial box or whatever
not him, you stupid meme-spouting faggot
That's a nice strawman you've built there but I'm not sure what it has to do with my post.
why would you enter a site for social misfits if you like "normal" people
>Yas Forumsvirgins
>Doesn't provide an actual counter argument
> Haha u must be Yas Forumstard
>Haha u must be Yas Forumsvirgin
This entire website is just fucking trash I don't know why I still come here
It's a game that was designed for last-gen consoles (one with 256 MB of RAM ffs). Not saying that it's amazing compared to GoW or anything like that, but given its limitations, I think it did very well for what it had to work with.
Cinematic shit I guess
Despite yakuza and max payne being a thing
The thing is that for the longest time, the normalshit perception of vidya was "vidya is for children." Now, normalshits are getting into vidya because hurr muh realistic graphics, so now they're starting to think video games are growing up and becoming mature and important and yada yada, when in reality video games are just chaning into the same cookie cutter bullshit that normalshits drool over on Netflix. Dumbass know-nothing normalfaggots who genuinelt believe they know more about games than people who've been into "childish" games for much longer and know far more about the medium.
reddit the post
most of the population aren't smart according to IQ statistics so yes normie does equal bad.
TLoU is an example of a good game being overrated. Few people hate it, but most of what you'll hear is influenced by the unearned praise, so people tend to focus on the flaws of the game.
Bioshock Infinite is an example of a bad game being overrated. People will focus on the flaws because the game is filled with them.
Yes, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an overrated game
Its still at least controversial ground for a big AAA ending. So I'm still gonna give it points for that.
As well at least makes you actually think a bit, and feels like the best done part of the plot in general.
The Last Of Us is fucking fantastic and one of the best video games of the past 10 years.
The redundant shit opinions on the morons on Yas Forums will remain forever irrelevant.
God i can't wait to see TLOU 2 solding by millions, getting excellent reviews and you know what ? Not a single thread, not a single one on Yas Forums will stop that.
Cry more.
show us your IQ smart man
Reddit bad
yes, now go back, you dumb nigger
>bandit slaughter of us 2: moving ladders and garbage bins
Another victory for Sony baybay
goty/gotd shouldn't ever be given to console exclusives. forever barring nintendo from winning anything.
I like the game well enough to have played through a few times on grounded and put many hours into the multiplayer.
>Yas Forums only hates this game because it's popular
And rightfully so. The amount of praise lavished on TLOU is truly absurd.
>BioShock 1
>DaS 1
>Dead Space 1 & 2
>Fucking Minecraft
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask
>Silent Hill PSX
>muh limitations
All pretty kino, all able to run on ass hardware. No excuses for mediocrity. Cry harder.
>best game of the decade
the last of us is an interactive movie. life is strange is more of a game than the last of us is.
I don't hate, I just think it was boring
I had a good time with it.
The story was not anything new but it was done very well and acted amazingly.
when things ramped but it was pretty hectic and stealth bits could be quite intense.
That being said what people say about the ladders and shit is correct, though I did like majority of the the walk and talk sections
Could have inivated a bit more by have the human enemies and infected enemies interact more outside of that one section in the DLC.
The DLC was also bad itself, I had no problem with Ellie being gay I think it was apparent enough in the main game that she liked this friend she mentioned, but the entire DLC was literally just to make it clear as day to people who can't into subtly and was pointless because of it.
Multiplayer was also real good.
I hate this game because it encourages the homosexual lifestyle.
It's a good game. Overrated perhaps but there is a lot of great game design in it people overlook.
The stealth is highly intense thanks to great enemy design i.e. the Clickers and somewhat intelligent yet inconsistent human AI. The combat is highly frantic and visceral. It's admirable that Naughty Dog committed to the survival aspect by making health not regenerate and making supplies scarce when lesser developers would have just followed trends or tried to appease casuals...looking at you Rockstar. The cutscenes are well directed animated and written. The story in general is really good. The levels are open ended with lots of opportunity for flanking and getting a drop on enemies. Art direction is fantastic with all the overgrown buildings.
There's just a lot to like. Don't how anyone can hate the game desu.
I'm above average but smart enough to realize that your line of arguing is incorrect and now you are pivoting after being proved wrong.
I played it on PS3 a year and half after it came out. My feelings about it haven't changed.
I love the multiplayer, though I also like uncharted 4 multiplayer though for different reasons.
Swinging around and climbing in that shit is lots of fun, there isn't really other multiplayer like it.
This correct
>It's a movie, not a game
Yas Forums hates it because it goes against everything a good chunk of Yas Forums likes
>Cinematic focused
>Director being a Jew
>Playstation exclusive
>Western game
That's because they played and reviewed it before New Vegas came out, user.
Same reason I thought it was good until I played New Vegas.
The multiplayer was just slower Gears of War
The single player was nothing but a generic written zombie apocalypse story. But man, that multiplayer ended up being the one thing that caught me off guard. Wasn't expecting it to be actually fun. Shame the sequel isn't going to have one, it was the going to probably the only reason I would have bought it. But instead they went against adding it just to focus on the shitty single player
A guy tried to shill tlou to me for a very long time. He kept trying to shill it to me. It was that moment I realized the memes were true, the ps3 had no games. Hence why he had to keep trying to sell me a movie. I never have and never will play tlou. It looks boring, bland, worst of all, unoriginal. Anything it does is done better elsewhere.
People only like it because it's an exclusive.
The PS3 was a more worthwhile machine than PS4
>haha ur reddit
>uh, no
>wtf you have no arguments this website sucks
Not even the guy you're replying to, you're fucking retarded
>fedoras in 2020
>reddit spacing
>TLoU is the GOTD
I don't give a shit about TLOU but how can anyone ever look at Neil (((Druckmann))) and not be utterly repulsed.
Yeah and a dumb nigger is a more worthwhile person than a fucking tripfag like you. Slit your wrists you dumb retard. No (you) for dumb tripfag cock suckers.
kinda of like a tripcode?
All of last gen was more worthwhile than the current gen
Besides the fucking WiiU
I don't hate it, but it is definately overrated. Most of my game of the decades i've played more than once, I never felt a reason to play the last of us more than once
No I find it boring, you only say I hate it because it's popular because you like the game.
Unless they port the Wii U's games to Switch, I'd say a Wii U is worth getting to hack
>woah the ai is amazing
>it's actually shit that completely ruins any possible immersion
>woah the gameplay is so good
>it's actually dull and by the numbers
>woah the story is incredible
>it's actually mediocre oscar bait-tier at best
>woah the graphics are astonishing
>it's actually standard AAA console affair
If this game wasn't popular I would never think about it at all, outside of maybe seeing it referenced in a "see that mountain you can climb it" thread once in a blue moon with reference to its "advanced AI" bullshit.
notice how they type, even the memes that they use
it's literally, unironically reddit
jesus christ
I don't hate it. It's an alright solid game. Not the best thing ever, not the worst thing ever. It just gets way too hyped up by a lot of people. If the people who constantly go "this is the best thing ever," toned it down, the people who disliked it wouldn't be as hostile about it.
I saw the entire game on YouTube and it was alright, nothing special
Normies like normie games and normies are the majority. More news at 5
yes. go back
Mate, I'm not a Yas Forumsack
I even have a slight crush on a Jewish girl I know
I'm just saying that Yas Forums hates anything related Jews
I had fun while I played it but it does not lend itself to replayability. the combat is nothing to write home about which would be fine if this 60 dollar game offered hundreds of hours of other content but it doesn't. a really well written 12 hour game with ok gameplay is not 60 dollars worth. maybe 10 dollars.
Video games are for normies though?
>why would you enter a site for social misfits
bro you're the only social misfit you faggot get ur dick sucked queer.