FFXIV Patch 5.3 Delayed


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please understand

lmao when they shift other teams to fix the remake story

Now that the history niggas are freed up from working on FF7R, they're swarming the ARR Rework department and slowing shit down.

>been capped on Nuts for 4 months
RELEASE SOME CONTENT YOU FUCK. I just about have all the new relics too, so release some new stuff to buy with Poetics while you're at it for fucks sake

Guess this is a good time as any to drop my sub for XIV and start XI

Don't be retarded. XI gameplay is dogshit compared to the action battle system of XIV.

So this is what happens when you pull wall to wall. Feels good, man.

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I was thinking of trying it at one point too.
Mainly because their cats absolutely BTFO xiv cats.

Pulling from wall to wall is the only way to run the place.

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Is this the patch that was going to fix the godawful base game content?

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5.3 is indeee the patch that is reworking ARR.

>another 3 months of 5.2

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Having to do less terrible boring quests is still doing terrible boring quests between kinos. There's no way to unfuck the system then a complete overhaul of the whole game. But would anyone really complain if the MSQ was turned into just a long automatic cutscene with the playable instanced missions? Does anyone actually like or would miss quests like finding hiding children in a red circle or killing three wolves before talking to Thancred for the next cutscene?

>1 new dungeon after an hour of cutscenes
>next trial in the ruby weapon questline
>next alliance raid
>random cooldowns reduced by 2 seconds and potencies increased by 100 SMN dots take another 5 potency hit
There's your 5.3.

>>next trial in the ruby weapon questline
next trial is related to main story

>Dungeons trial and alliance raid aren't content because I don't like them

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Worse than that.
Dengeki interview:

>No new ultimate until the end of the expansion(5.5~).
>Not enough resources/budget for deep dungeon until next expansion.
>They are trying to prepare a variety of content that revolves around "lifestyle type of content" in Patch 5.3 and onwards.
>There is too much "new content" and other games being made that they no longer have the time/money to do a deep dungeon this expansion instead they are focusing on bringing out content like the minion farm. With current leveling methods being tweaked to make up for the lack of a deep dungeon.
>At the end yoshi-p says he has other projects going on besides ffxiv this expansion, and he is trying to do all of them "without dying in the process"

>The following is a translated quote from the interview:

Yoshida: I 'm sorry, because I'm making a lot of new content, the production cost to go here has disappeared. Actually, I wanted to have a place for leveling in case the next extension package came out ... Even though the project has been completed, the cost of making it is not currently available, so I'm thinking of taking a day off in the deep dungeon. I'm preparing for ranch-like play that I've been talking about for a long time, and since patch 5.3, I'm going to have a lot of content mainly for living.

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Not him but dungeons are shit


>blatantly strawmanning
Get a better argument nigger. He never called them non-content, but he's not wrong either given that we're getting a delayed for subpar content going off 5.1 and 5.2. Plus has confirmed most of it is going to be "Lifestyle" content meaning mostly glamours. ShB is going to top the 3.0 to 3.1 delay drought.

Removing all the return to the waking sands/report to Minfilia quests would already be a huge improvement.

Did I say that?

desu i am just chill and gonna be casual and make a alt. Too old for this shit now

how about be chill and play another game...

So lifestyle content isn't content because you don't like it? All my casual friends love they've reallocated battle system resources toward comfy lifestyle and RP features. There's a reason animal crossing and stardew are so popular in the XIV community. And it's about time we got the same treatment as battlefags.

Nigger I do lel but im fina chill and play this too.

God this expac has been fucking trash the moment the MSQ ended.

>cant defend his mob tunnels of trash and trash bosses
They're straight tunnels with all semblance of CC/Utlit removed for the quickest tome grind cause they decided to go with an overly streamlined gearing path. With no way to put any reward structure that isn't invalidated by non-dungeon content they have designed themselves into a corner that can never reward long lasting dungeons nor will the DPS meta ever allow such as having to add more complex mob packs.

Why would I not want to play the mmo with the best class design on the market now?

everything will be fine if they catch up and release 5.35 4 weeks after 5.3
but we all know they wont do that. gotta milk the subs.

>still strawmanning this hard
If you have to strawman to make a point you had no point at all baitkun. Step up your bait next time.
>Animal Crossing
Not going to spend $10/month for something I can play any day on my Switch. Doesn't help designing my house in AC is more fun than any House decoration in XIV.

XIV bout to lose the console market to Wow Shadowlands

Gg bros


Define what "content" means for XIV and describe some sensible and good content you would like to see.

I really wish people weren't such huge fucking babies and we could have more done with dungeons.

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All your criticisms apply to every aspect of the combat and MSQ questing. It sounds like you just don't like tab targeting games. I like to boot up XIV and replay my favorite dungeons even at max level because I find the combat incredibly satisfying.

i dont mind. i hope wow will succeed and force SE to give ffxiv some workforce and budget.

Wait what’s happening to base ARR? I know they’ve already streamlined skills, are they going to pull a SW:TOR and hide all the sidequests and stuff too?
I guess it’s not that bad seeing as how the main quest is basically half sidequests anyway.


You can tell this guy is a gray parse shitter.

>Friends say to stay home
>Family says to stay home
>media says to stay home
>government says to stay home
>workplace says to come in or I'm fired

I'm sure you trannies are very happy to not have to play the game and just ERP in Limsa all day.

>only way to make really good looking houses in XIV is to exploit
>instead of seeing that people want more Z access shenanigans SE adds in lofts that are just tables with extra steps
>the layout of the insides of Mediums in general

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Yup, life's a bitch and then you LIVE

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Why are WoW faggots so obsessed with trannies? I've literally met nothing but girls on xiv, I would know cause I've exchanged lots of nudes.

>5.3 is a dead patch!
>Game is getting no new content!
>Despite us getting the most new content in years that lots of people have been asking for
>All because it's lifestyle content he doesn't play because it didn't make his number bigger
I'm incredibly happy with the direction the game is going. And I'm getting way more updates and social features then ever before. Combat updates and dungeons are once and done shit that becomes irreverent when next content, while lifestyle and RP updates last forever.

WoW won't succeed because it's a shit game. XIV blows it out of the water in literally every aspect.

imagine paying a subscription for subpar imitation animal crossing content when you could just fucking buy animal crossing instead and get a game that actually properly revolves around that. ffxiv housing literally requires glitches to even decorate properly.

theyll just axe XIV or lower the content more and put more budget into FF7R Part 2
screencap this, itll happen

I wish we had gotten a more involved first step for relics now instead of hey kid hand over 1k poetics.

Coronavirus take me

>There's a reason animal crossing and stardew are so popular in the XIV community
I've loved AC since gamecube and want more savage/ultimate content? All of my friends that play AC don't play XIV for the RP/lifestyle content either.
There's really only one type of person that wants more RP/Lifestyle content, and it's the addicted mental disorder crowd that play literally nothing else but this game (and maybe trash like league).

>tfw literally almost none is doing shit on your server anymore
>there are server with houses already

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what features are u talking about. umbrellas, fellowships and some furniture?

The game should add five fights per raid with the fifth having a gatekeeper+Checkpoint like in Omega

Glitches that aren't even hard to pull off? Have you considered that some people don't want to decorate in AC and instead want to do it on their favorite MMO?

imagine being so delusional you think ocean fishing and diadem 3.0 are good content. go grind your dhalmel and buy mogstation outfits you fucking nitwit, but don't be surprised when the game keeps losing subscribers (just lost 180k and that was before the new non-content relic and there's still three months before 5.3!)

I will clear my backlog then

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>that play literally nothing else but this game (and maybe trash like league).
I forgot, they also "play" mobile gacha as well.

When people ask for more battle content what they really mean is most likely fulfilling battle content. Things where you actually do need to pay attention, where as a dps you do need to try to be optimal, a tank needs to actually pay attention to what they are pulling and how much rather than just smash from wall to wall, a healer actually needs to watch everyone. The feeling of being engaged in what you are doing should not only be Savage and Ultimate, the rest of the games content really shouldn't be tuned down as low as it is.

This will never happen though because this game is full of entitled man children who would rather complain on Reddit about a dungeon boss bring too hard than learn and remember one mechanic that could cause a wipe.

Whatcha gonna play user

>bandwagon argument
Wow you're a faggot lmfaoooooo

imagine if they nuked the limsa aetheryte and moved it to an inconvenient location like the aftcastle. game would probably lose 100k subs instantly from the deranged limsa afk gang who literally treat the game as a selfie simulator.

>Goblin Nigger
Dont you fucking lump in the best beasttribe like that

Oh no all the WoW shitters are unsubbing? Im not going to run into faggots like you who literally can't play the game? Say it ain't so! XIV is truly dead.

>force SE to give ffxiv some workforce and budget
Last fiscal year was ass in all of their sectors. MMOs all around lost subs including XIV and DQ. Budgets were decreased for nearly everything barring Gachas and the constantly rebooted 7R project. Even if XIV makes decent profit in the upcoming report it wont get an increase to the budget as it probabyl wont make up for the loss from late 2018 to mid 2019 on top of Yoshida using his insightful business knowledge in regards to operation costs to profit margins.
>having to glitch
Shit I have had more fun doing random shit on AC with my FC than I have had in years in XIV. House contests, trading Villagers/DIYs/Materials. Just having comfy fishing sessions or helping gather/terraform around. AC is the superior social game and does all social aspects of XIV better and in a more fluid motion. Fuck even the "glamour" system is better.
>Glitches that aren't even hard to pull off?
Imagine having to glitch at all, come on baitkun. Diaperfag had better bait than you.

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I'm not poor and I can play and afford both. Even do both at the same time. Combat in XIV is easy enough that it makes for a great game to catch up on shows or podcasts during when you get into that turn your brain off trance.

>the 30 year old limsa afker who doesn't understand why people stop wanting to play a fantasy rpg where the devs think buggy clunky umbrellas are content

fucking Nocontentbringers

ocean fishing is good content if ure into collectibles/achievements.
saw lots of hardcore raiders on the boats

>it's bait when I get proven wrong

I would settle for more 4man content that isn't piss easy expert dungeons. Just something to do that isn't more fucking maps when the crew for savage can't get together. The map portals were a step in the right direction but this game is severely lacking in terms of middle ground content.

People like this are why this game will always be the best scam square has ever made. They will happily pay a monthly subscription so every 6 months they can clap over an umbrella, macro afk crafting, and poor lazy ocean fishing.

>shitposters already ruining the XIV thread
All we need is for some faggot to post diapers and some guy to stir up shit between XIV and WoW and it'll be the average xi/v/ thread.

>phrasing your post like a wojak faggot
Yeah this explains alot

It's shameful playing the trial on steam, everyone can see me playing this

People have been asking for
>Less dungeons
>One of the worst savage tiers
>Umbrellas so poorly coded you can't do anything but use face emotes with
>Diadem again, this time even more boring!
>Relic step that takes not even an hour of gameplay to get
>Crafting """""""""endgame""""""""" that is already so dead most servers don't have more than 10 people still doing it.
>Instanced and time gated fishing content that instead of leaning into the comfy part of if, is just another nightmare of having to depend on other people to succeed

yakuza 0, kiwami, a shit ton of eroge , RE2 and it's remake, same thing with RE3 and Halo 1

Reading through this thread, did I pick a bad time to commit to this game? Finally getting into the heavensward content

wait what, you can't buy them yet right?

You have to be absolutely fucked in the head to think that people who subscribe to the game to take screenshots of their character and think running a shitty farm is content to look forward to can actually play the game at all lmao. That demographic is literally seething right now because they can't dye their dancer AF metallic gold without doing a really easy extreme trial. Enjoy your 50 minute long Anamnesis Anyder runs idiot.

if you havent played its fine, most of the people complaining have been playing for a long time

No it's literally just mouth breathing autists who obsess over xiv. Keep on rolling, HW has a great MSQ.

If you just want a timewaster or really like the story, go for it.

I beat FF6 last week and 8 this week, moving onto 9 now. Have about 20 hours into 12, want to play V soon since that’s the only one I haven’t played aside from X.
Why don’t you guys try playing a real Final Fantasy game instead of arguing about Warcraft?

maybe you should buy a few more mogstation outfits to cope lol

The fun of the game plummets once you hit endgame so it doesnt matter

14 is unironically a better FF than most FF games.

>committing to XIV
You play for Late ARR MSQ, HW MSQ and ShB MSQ. Once you have that done you fuck off to a fun game and wait for a whole expansion to finish and log in during a Free Weekend event to do more story before fucking off again. This isn't a MMO, treat it like a FF single player game.

>Nobody likes playing dungeons
>Easier doesn't mean bad
>Works on my machine
>Lots of people loved Eureka even if you didn't
>It's the first step and better than fate grinding
>Your server maybe
>Relying on eachother in a multiplayer game is good and fishing is comfy

>I've literally met nothing but girls on xiv

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There's enough content for a new player that will last you until the next set of patches. You should keep in mind that most of the people in these threads have been playing for over half a decade.

no, most of the complaints are about the current endgame with no content. it took me like 1500 hours to reach endgame

>t. Gray parse shitter

He's not wrong if you play on JP Datacenters. Granted most of the girls ive met on there are shut ins or diaperfags.

Any thread on Yas Forums will talk shit about a game you just started. If you’re enjoying it keep playing, lord knows there’s enough content for it. Threads here on Yas Forums are literally fake generals made to discuss patches, while the actual general on /vg/ is just people posting their outfits for their dragonfus.

the game isn't tuned for autists like you
just unsub and play something else

You have a like 100 hour jrpg to look forward to and a bunch of catch-up to do once you get to endgame.

Unfortunately once you catch up, the current expansion has some of the lowest amounts of relevant endgame content to do, which is why people are so upset in this thread, but it'll be a good while before you get there, so enjoy the ride and then you can decide whether you want to keep playing or you just wanna take a break until there's more to do at endgame.

now is the best time

You will be told theres a lot of content but they will nevr tell you how much content is ignored and invalidated by the game's iLvl design. People will generally only play the newest content to gear up before doing Savage or afking. Treat it like a Single Player game and then do something else.

Sure kid. You mmofags always try to say Minfilia’s gang of retards and Emet-Selch are interesting characters when you’ve only played like two games that aren’t mmos.

Maybe if you're a retard.

There's more Sea MtFs, Thai ladyboys, aussie trannies on JP dc's than there is on NA

FF co op with friends sometimes

is there some cool aussie bros though at least?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, faggot.

Oh shit is that mizzteq? I love her reviews

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Did I hurt your feelings with the Emet-Selch comment, kiddo?

5.3 is the catch up patch anyways so I don't care.

I actually think Eden's Verse savage is the only saving grace of this patch, simply because it's better than Eden's Gate. E7s is a joke of a fight that brings the entire tier down though, but it feels like these days they're unable to make a savage tier without at least one total stinker.

Even though mizzteq looks weird as fuck I'd smash the fuck out of her just because of that voice

If someone is bothered by that, I recommend they play with friends and do everything min-iL synced.
It's not perfect due to combat changes since when stuff was introduced, but it's a lot better than facerolling everything. Some of my best memories from this game were from that.

If hating dress up and sex rp is retarded then yes i am a retard

Which means 5.4 is will be delayed too idiot

>Granted most of the girls ive met on there are shut ins or diaperfags.
... How do I speak to diaperfag girls? I'm on Odin

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>Copperbell mines
>Aurum Vale

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Cool I don't care.

Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about after all lmao

>Mizzteq will never instruct you how to raid her

A better term is recycled content. Like if you didn't enjoy dungeons or the MSQ. Saying there's 80 more linear hallways with different visuals and reskinned Coincounters likely isn't new content to you. Same can be applied to most core systems like crafting gathering and the gold saucer.

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Shadowbringers post-launch support has been dire and the fact the relic was seriously delayed only to turn out to be nothing is the drop that spilled the glass for a lot of people. The game has already lost around 180k players before this and will continue to do so because 5.3 looks thin on content and is THREE months away.