You did get all recipes. right?

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yes, got my final sakura recipe this morning

I've got spares of blossom floor and picnic.
Will trade for pond stone, branches or rug.

Do villagers show guests letters they've recieved from the island owner, or talk about the islands owner's interests like they did in they first game?

I've told my villagers "cunny" is my favorite food, drink, music, hobby, etc and have been sending them vulgar letters non-stop.
My little sister wants to visit my island today.

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Nah I'm missing a bunch and don't give a shit anymore.
Only thing balloons drop for me is clay

Nope. You'll be fine.

Does anyone know the size measurement for the camping site plot? I want to move it somewhere but won't be able to until tomorrow

I want to ____ that dog!


Is anyone selling cherry-blossom petals?

I need to buy about 60 or so.

Attached: headdesk.gif (800x450, 1.08M)

Fuck I have so much to do today, but it's also the last day to get petals I only have a few stacks aaaaa

it feels good

>camera app in the phone
>it just lets you zoom in to take clearer screenshots on the switch
>can't actually save pictures and print them out as posters in-game

You'd better not be shitting me user. My life is on the line here.

>goto /vg/ since the mods keep deleting threads but leave literal blacked porn threads up here
>/vg/ thread is full of literal ERP dodo codes and Tranny cock picture trading for DIY's
Really mods? You REALLY expect us to go over there to talk about a fucking VIDEO GAME?

I shit you not. I was worried like you were, but my cousin was able to visit my town with letters shown or anything.

The /vg/ threads are such shitholes that they make Yas Forums look normal. They're like /trash/, Yas Forums, and /lgbt/ rolled into one.

>non egg balloon respawn changed to every 10 minutes

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need 3 more. can i still them before midnight today?

can time travel to still get?

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Cute pupperino

Fuck, did they really change it?

I got all the cherry blossom recipes and didn't have to "farm" balloons. Just pop the ones that you hear going by.

in japanese culture sakura represents the fleeting nature of existence.

any real japanese like me will destroy all sakura products when sakura is gone.

Do you feng Shui

Attached: fengshui.jpg (1199x456, 66.71K)

No because I'm not autistic


no, you can force a 5-minute spawn still.

what is the point of having isabelle keep doing announcements if theres nothing for her to say

Do I take her or go for someone else? I want her but there's other people I want more!

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don't understand what that means, it needs a key for the colours

The red squares represent red, yellow squares represent yellow, and green squares represent green.

Yes. You can use her psychic powers to increase the probability of knowing exactly what an enemy is going to do. She's a must have for those late game horde battles.

>You can use her psychic powers to increase the probability of knowing exactly what an enemy is going to do.
I already have Graham providing that with his technological prowess, not to mention he and Nana have spammable crowd control. Does she provide ANYTHING my other party members can't?

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why are my flowers not making hybrids? I set them up next to each other diagonally with spaces in between like all the diagrams show, yet every day despite watering them i have no new flowers.

Enough's enough user. You can't have both of us.

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you put items of that colour in them spots? then what happens?

I only want cherry's wallpaper, otherwise Id kick this coomerbait out faster than you could say S-SUGOIIIIII

He's fucking with you. They do tell people your favorite thing at least. Idk about letters though

Do your feng shui.

Attached: judy.gif (540x303, 3M)

She has access to long range star beam when she ranks up. Other than that, she doesn't have much. If you have anyone with decent range, she'd be pretty redundant.

I just need the wand but I keep getting dupes

You do as I say, dog. I've told you once.

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I didn't even know this was an event until today. Only got 7/10 recipes. The drop rate for these fucking things is pure cancer.

I've got Doc for sniping enemies with his signature Carrot Missile. Guess that's a pass.

Good things happen.

I have an extra Cherry Blossom clock DIY, looking for Cherry Blossom branches DIY

what dupes you getting? i can trade a ticket or something for a dupe

Same console islander, or internet visitor?

enter and exit a building (tested with nook's cranny and museum, I'm uncertain if it works with other buildings) BEFORE 0:04 minute or 0:09 minute

Not that guy but here's my luck
>Want more sakura recipes
>bunny day wall is all i find
I swear to fucking god I've found 5 of these fuckin things.

I have just about every egg recipe and I don't give two shits about any of them.

On the other hand I only have two sakura recipes.

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I stayed up way too late last night getting them all and tracking down petals to craft them, only to find out it's still going on today. I am mildly annoyed. At least work is well underway on my new hotsprings.

I got all of them a while ago. was disappointed only sakura wood wall and floors were a thing while the rest were cherry blossom, would have enjoyed sakura wood tables and chairs and the like. The cherry blossom animated wallpaper is gorgeous though.

Does this shit actually work in new horizons?
I get why they might implement this in the original cause who cares with no online, but in NH want my house to be a house, not a shrine to autism.

My house has gotten a S rank two weeks in a row and i have zero of that shit so i don't think it's a thing anymore

Just time travel. But your turnip will not enjoy this.

Attached: nookandoff.png (1350x761, 1.55M)

How little?

Does anybody have a spare cherry blossom bonsai recipe? I'm desperate.

Attached: NH-Cherry-blossom_bonsai.png (256x256, 44.14K)

>still having turnips
i sold that shit on monday for 534 and made a cool mill. step it up!

you can still farm them you'reself

Let's see user, I've got dupes of the bonsai, the lantern and the wood wall

>its the tenth
>trees still blossoming

Figured itd be over in the morning but I just woke up and it's all still there. Is that not the case for everyone else?

Anyone have a shop selling red cosmos or white hyacinths?

>settling for 534 on a Monday

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