Friendly Dodo Thread


I haven't opened up to strangers before, so please don't be horrible. No tips expected, but I would be happy to take a few oranges if anybody has some.

Also, Al is giving away an Orange Hat recipe in the house right above the airport.

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whats your turnip price user?


your layout is dogshit

cool bro

it's not that bad

I've got hyacinths, tulips and pansies in the store right now! Dodo is FFTH5. I might drop off some stuff I don't want from storage if people are willing to do the same!

So when somebody quietly leaves, it just crashes the whole mp mode? Jesus christ, why does Nintendo hate mp so much?

retard has houses right in front of his airport and everything is squeezed as tightly together as it could be

connection dropped...

anybody have somewhat decent turnip prices? I'm a bit desperate for bells and I really don't want to sell at a loss like I did last week

Yeah, somebody came in and immediately quietly left.


I hope people know the games saves when someone joins
quietly leaving immediately does nothing

Well it fucking wastes my time. Maybe that's their goal.

it was probably just a disconnect

>wUH OH!

My villagers have been talking about some mysterious big event "tomorrow" for 4 days in a row now. But "it" never happens. The suspense is killing me

That's weird. Have you been timejumping?

it's the fishing tourney, it's tomorrow (saturday)

Coming from /vb//acg/ thread is closed but my island isnt !
Feel free to visit but don't trample the flowers!

Ables open for about 40minutes
Nook's selling Tulps, Roses and Hyacinth seeds.
Turnips price is useless today.

Things at the selling tables and the fruit trees are free, i have every fruit

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>and if u wanna tip
holy shit you are a massive faggot

im just a girl but ok boomer

you know the rules

Girls are the biggest faggot of all.

has duping been patched? also post QR codes

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Mable's is open. Shop flowers are mums, windflowers, and pansies; native fruit is oranges. Turnip prices suck. Local time is 7pm, northern hemisphere. Come chill, trade, and give Shari a birthday present!

It has

there is nothing to fucking do on my island now but just check in on the shops once a day. Why the FUCK did they gimp villager dialogue so badly

fuck. how the hell do you guys make money quickly? tarantulas don't spawn on my island anymore and I have terrible luck with both the stalk market and mystery islands

my nigga with Al

stalk market
joining anons islands and using the price tools online

Closing it down

Girls don't even try this hard to be girls stop the hormone injections they aint working

They started saying "tomorrow" on tuesday already, though.
I thought it was going to be the KK concert, which was on wednesday, but that day they still said tomorrow, so I thought this mystery event was postponed because of the concert, but the day after that the only news were the new villager moving in, they still said tomorrow, and today there were no news and they still talk about our first big event tomorrow. My thoughts on this are ????

>Why the FUCK did they gimp villager dialogue so badly

Because it's easier to just make them get angry if you talk to them twice.

desu I don't get why they even do new dialogue each game. They should just keep reusing the dialogue from the old games and adding more. Each game would just have more and more dialogue that way.

Check your bulletin board

did one of your villagers have a birthday you missed or something?

>people STILL think villagers doing little sarcastic jabs is them getting angry

Make a giant flower field with large patches of White, Blue and Red flowers specifically.

You can get a full inventory of peacock butterflies and Orchid Mantis in maybe 15 minutes and make about 40-75k in 20 total including selling.

Take that money and inject it into two inventory's worth of STALKS and use to sell for 2-3x your purchase price.

I get the blue for peacocks and white for mantises, but what do the red flowers accomplish besides patriotism?

Cool turnip camp. Gave her a tea set before I left. Well basically the only non-clothing item I had on me. Mainly wanted to check if a visitor can even participate and give gifts.

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Thanks for all the oranges, Anons! I hope you have a lovely day. I'm going to leave it open for an hour or so. Again, turnips at 210.

Why is there a dog playing a guitar on my town hall?

Anyone got a purple witch hat? gotta prepare for halloween

anyone trading vending machines im loking for more colors, also if anyone has arcade stuff i can buy/ catolog i would love that

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I've got a blue soda machine if you wanna trade a black or grey one, preferably black.

I picked all the weeds around the main part of my town and now it feels soulless

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Don't talk to him.

I farmed like 30 ballons at the beach and I notice a trend

in the first 10 balloons I got like 4 recipes but the more balloons I encountered the less percentage to get a new recipe , between 20-30 I just got two more recipes and rest trash

at least you'll get a 3+ star rating now

but its april

i only got the colors in the pic so if you want waht i got then thats cool with me

I have a pink drink machine. My kiosk also sells red snacks, but I'd have to order for tomorrow.

I have about 800 weeds in storage, from my town and the islands

The second I'm done with that town rating crappola everything that can fit a weed on it is gonna get a weed on it

Ken is making Crested doorplates on the right
also Kicks is here if you want


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sure i would trade for it

I feel like the multiplayer needs something else to make it worth doing more.

>Unique quests villagers can give visitors
>More instruments and toys that don't just make random noise

The sheer hassle of the online means people understandably only want to travel if there's something in it for them like item trades or shops.

Even if you just like hanging out, you're limited in what you can actually do

I've got pink drink and red snack myself. If you're willing to double up trades maybe? Haven't got any other colours myself yet.

>he isn't trying to farm lilies of the valley
just got my first one today, not reweeding my town until I've got more than 5


I thought sakura was over? There's still petals everywhere.

What's your turnip price?

Oh wait I have to go offline to pick it up first...

ok thats fine

Last day for the event. Might end at midnight, definitely by 5am tomorrow.

sell sell sell

I make a mini game I hide stuff in holes for my friends and make them play a game to get em some are bogus prizes