Tell me about that game you're making

Tell me about that game you're making

Attached: 12372716.png (700x700, 103.58K)

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practically abandoned because i lack the knowledge or skill to proceed

it's about a wizard that likes cigars

plays like an adventure game meets battletoads

Attached: protag.jpg (223x197, 12.01K)

Oh, yeah yeah! It's, uh, doing well. I'll start- finish it soon.

I realise the design of the protag is a bit like avatar from wizards by ralph bakshi but he would probably like the tribute and fox doesn't give a shit about the copyright for that film.

Does anyone know of a good program for 3d models that lets you view changes to the texture in real time?
I want to see if I can implement a system like emblems in CoD for creating tattoos but before I commit to the idea I need to see how well the textures would deform.

If you read this text you won't succeed.

I don't dare tell people about a project unless I have something to show for it

I've been working on a Rogue-Lite shooter in GMS2 for like 3 weeks now. It's coming along really well but I've been putting off boss fights because I really hate making them.

Adding a new character. You can switch between them on the fly if they're split.

Attached: preview46.gif (1008x592, 1.78M)

Looks bad, stop trying.

To be more specific, I need a program that will allow me to manipulate the actual image file (panning, rotating, and scaling) and view the resultant changes on the model


That looks fucking awesome! I want to be slime bros right now. I have so many questions. How do they separate like that? Is it a command or just a button press? Does every slime have a different moveset?

Every character has an invincible special that requires 1 meter (shown at top), so the slime's special is splitting in two. Afterwards, the special button is used for switching control with no meter cost. The slimes do have different normals though they haven't been implemented yet.

I've mostly figured out the gameplay structure, and have actually started coding, but I can't think of a way to set up a plot. It's a post apocalyptic FPS that follows a perpetually fed up sonuvabitch (Who kind of looks like Carl from ATHF, from the neck up at least) as he goes on a rapidly escalating quest against his will.
It involves weird zombies, magic, and people being dipshits. Our cast is, in my opinion, weird, but not too weird. Actually, that's the main motto of design here. "Weird, but not too weird"

Our main cast, so far, includes
>The Protagonist, who I haven't really decided a name for, a buff, balding mustachioed guy who acts perpetually exasperated, as if he's mentally saying "You gotta be fucking kidding me" once every 2 seconds. You get that way when you're fucking 19 and look like you're in your early 30s. And being used as everyone's errand boy. Also a straight up killing machine who's like Walker from Rage 2, moveset wise.
>Lord Buttslut, a twink who got used as a sissy sex slave by a bunch of bloatlords, but was rescued by accident. He also behaves like your stereotypical redneck, despite the fact that he looks like fucking Astolfo. And he really likes his banjo.
>The Female. A 10/10 female from the neck down. But have you ever heard of "Butterface?" She looks like a fucking goblin. Don't worry, that's not the main aspect of her character. She's a fucking bounty hunter who behaves like Bayonetta and dual wields crossbows
>Le Cycliste. A mute guy in a biker helmet who carries around a fucking kukri and can shoot fireballs from his hands. Also extremely supportive and cheerful.

I need help thinking of a way to set up these characters to go on an adventure.

based? based on what?

what program should I use to make a vertical shoot em up

As usual I fell into a mix of minor distraction and didn't do shit for at least 2 weeks.
However in a rare 48 hour rush of random enthusiasm I got some really good shit done that I've been putting off.

None of that work is really visible in this shitty screenshot, but believe me, it exists.
I hope to have the dialog base working by next week.

Attached: ss_0.png (1920x1080, 90.06K)

I really like this idea. I imagine it's kinda hard to hit the slimes though? They look pretty small compared to Shoto over there.
What are the other characters like?

Blender lets you do that.

It's unironically impossible to learn to code

Moved back to 2D because I don't know how to model characters.

What's the dragon icon? Never seen it before.

Attached: anon ponders.jpg (600x602, 31.96K)

i think rpgmaker

Doing my first made-for-mobile game, then I'll work on converting other projects to mobile and Steam.
>always at least one spring inactive, bouncing on an active spring swaps them
>tapping before you hit a wall/block/spring increases 'taps' counter; hitting a wall/block otherwise doesn't matter, hitting a spring otherwise resets it to 0
>Gradius-style powerup/powerdown system based on 'taps'

Attached: ball_field3.png (270x480, 40.43K)

It's stealth, I know everything I want to do in depth, I just need to start 3D and Unreal

urho3d, a simple sims clone. I have a queue system and just finished building

The only thing I'm hung up on is music. How do I make music? Where do I start? What do I need?

>Tell me about that game you're making
It's a 3d jrpg but not made by japanese people, means cringe is not allowed.

FL Studio and just translate the rhytm like michael jackson did by recording himself humming

Still tweaking them so they aren't annoying to fight against because of their size, but most characters can angle their projectiles downwards to hit small opponents.
already out on steam if you want to see the other characters, it's called hyperfight.

jrpgs are cringe by default though.

It's a 3D monster catcher with turn based mechanics drastically different from pokemon.
Currently redoing the battle engine in C++ because blueprints are trash the moment you ask the thing to loop twice

I have an idea for a 2D platformer concept. I've never made a game before and I never will and I have no relevant skills at all, but I'd like to try making a test level and see if I can't get my idea to feel right. What should I use? Game Maker?

Working on a 4X TBS civ-like. I've got some of the barebones in, but it's still very early. There's unit spotting (with stealth), exploration, and it keeps track of what units you can see at any given time.

Attached: planetgen-37.png (1280x800, 19.48K)

Anyone here make something w the ps4 dreams? Is it worth learning, able to make anything good?

I want to make one but don't know where to start

How so? The Texture Paint tools aren't nearly that comprehensive.

I'm not working on it because I don't know how to plan things. I've been on hiatus since a couple of days.

some alpha gameplay, what do you think?

I made this as a practice, head looks wonky.

Attached: a.png (26x32, 548)

I had to redo my waypoint system because it was bloated and now it's not, now I'm puzzling out how I want to approach modding after going through a talk on it. I wanted to have an in-game modding editor but now I'm seeing that people seem to use assetbundles and Unity editor for stuff like that, which I'm considering because it would make my life easier.

Attached: UnderspaceItAintImpressiveButItsImportant.png (1616x1818, 1.39M)

the silent hill carousel inventorrryyyy

Attached: radial.png (960x720, 66.22K)

you should've posted a larger image, but still, I think it looks pretty cool, but that red you used it's too saturated, it can be hard on the eye on a screen with highly saturated colors.

What's the easiest engine to make a top-down Pokemon clone in?

Haven't done much since the last time I replied to this thread

RPG maker

Attached: 1555652786533.png (964x749, 618.53K)

It's fun to play around with but it's too limited to make anything more than 10 minute tech demos

Please don't wake up the sleepy BatBot.

Attached: sleepybat.webm (1812x1014, 2.77M)

Why are your .webms always scaled to such a strange resolution? The background and all the tiles shimmer like mad

Had to cancel my first project.

The patreon I set in hopes of getting gibs to hire help failed, and was only able to make 100 bucks in 4 months & the overall scope was too much for a 1 man team.

Right now I'm planning a more focused project and saving cash to hire all the help I'll be needing.

Thanks for reading my blog

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Any opinions on monogame fellow anons?

Did you have a playable proof of concept?

What actually is your game even about?

Post project.

Armored Core 1 ripoff with a first person perspective.

Better than me user. I've not been able to make a single dollar off my art. I would think, if someone gave me enough money for a coffee one day, I'd be happy. But I can't even get that :(

Threw out everything I had over a year ago. Somewhat regret it, but nothing I can do

Attached: Untitle333d.png (499x761, 738.09K)

which engine? looks great man

Im currently trying to learn to use blender so I can make basic assets. Is it worth it?

Making a 2D space game in which the player can switch between an interior and exterior view of his ship.
Otside part is done. My ships can move, crash, shoot (even made functional missiles that work with inertia), my turrets can even track moving targets.
Now working in a plugin to design ship interior layouts.
Should I put shields in the game? I'm kind of in the fence about them.

Yea, but I'm not at home,so can't post it atm.
Wish there was something I could say to make you feel better user, but I can't.

I realised that you really can't hope to make anything more than barebones shit by yourself, and even that takes ages to do.

I would love to be able to make something with the scope of a PS1 game such as MGS or Silent Hill all by myself.

Yes, don't fall for the propaganda of autodesktards with buyer's remorse. Blender is the best free software project in the world. Install blender.

Attached: 1572657006411.png (501x732, 286.79K)

A basic 2D scrolling shooter.

Being a one man army sucks.

Open world fantasy spacefighter game.

Attached: UnderspaceTauntingNA.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

how do I learn 3d anime girls in blender