So when is the remake being announced? It is the 30th anniversary of Fire Emblem after all.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
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FE6 remake or Tellius remasters will come first
You wish
I wish too. I wouldn't be surprised. Have you seen how much money FEH has made off of those characters? Nintendo follows the money.
At the same time they said they would be doing things in order, and Echoes did alright in sales
It was a boring, overrated game.
zoom zoom
Not much offence intended but
Same. Remakes are lazy cash grabs, but fuck, it works too well. If people truly enjoyed these games, they would still play the originals. Updating these games won't make them perfect, and their flaws that fans tolerate will still exist to some extent.
Too kino and based to be Remaked.
FE4 is a big game and the maps work so differently. I think they'll do an FE6 remake first because it's a lot easier. Plus Roy is more marketable cause Smash.
sorry bro we gotta give shadow dragon one more try
Not this shit again
Wind Waker HD was a cash grab, Echoes was a full redesign of a game most in the west never played. I like remakes if they add something significant to the game.
>Plus Roy is more marketable cause Smash.
>byleth is added to smash with a unique moveset
>smashfags have fucking aneurysms, hating byleth like no other
>roy is added to smash as a marth clone
Melee nostalgia. If he wasn't in Melee, he'd be just as hated as Corrin and Byleth.
Roys dumb jab is more fun to use then anything byleth has
plus do more damage while closer is a funny and stupid gimmick
>unique moveset
You know that's exactly what they'll do. I can see it now: Shadow Dragon: Definitive Edition.
It's just a 1:1 remake with modern mechanics for gameplay but everything else is the same. Enjoy your slop, fag.
>Nostalgia for a Gamecube game
Zoomers deserve death.
>everything else is the same
There's no way they'd leave the artstyle and sprites the same as that was one of the biggest complaints about SD.
The time is ripe, if they don't ride off of Three Houses success and people's familiarity with crests and a very similar set up that has a pre and post timeskip, I doubt they'll ever do it.
But then again, let's say a Divine Pulse-like mechanic makes it into the game. Will they add a lot more shit like that? Will they keep the game as close to the original as possible? Will they keep the same inventory system?
Honestly I'd rather they remake any other FE game, the only thing I'd change about 4 is it's slow speed but emulation fixes that anyway - the original is good enough that a remake can only make it worse.
i have nostalgia for a sandwich i ate last week, don't think to hard about pointless things
I agree with your sentiment but all remakes aren't cash grab. The only FE remakes we had for now were NES games that never came to the west and got a full overhaul, comparable to what Capcom did with REmake 1 and 2.
>That balance
>Those maps
Considering how they didn't fix shit with Echoes I'd rather not.
Melee came out in 2001. Unless you're 40, you were a kid or teenager when it came out
It's a 6th gen console, only zoomers have nostalgia for that era.
that gen started with dreamcast in 1998
Fags asking for a “divine pulse” mechanic in an fe4 remake deserve the rope. The fucking game had the option to save every turn.
Casuals will still cry about that because then they'll complain that they saved at a point where they can't win and have to start over anyway.
30 years of selling like shit on a stick until they took the anime waifubait pill and went gacha.
they actually nerfed a lot of broken shit in echoes but in a way that actually made the game less fun
FE had decent lifetime sales before the waifu shit
This. While I enjoyed Echoes, some parts of it actually became more tedious than the NES game which is really funny when you think about it. In particular, I'm not a fan of what they did with the final dungeon. In Gaiden, it was a gauntlet of original maps followed by the floor maze to get the Falchion. It was actually over with fairly quickly. In Echoes, they just made it yet another long dungeon with random encounters and the only unique ones were Berkut's boss fight and Alm's trial for the Falchion.
Biggest Tellius fanboy alive here.
Go fuck yourself Jugdral or we riot.
My point is that it's to say what needs to, or doesn't need to, change in a remake. I don't think 4 is perfect. I think a different inventory system could be nice, but it makes sense why the inventory is set up the way it is. I think you could have both a rewind feature and saving at the beginning of each turn be a thing, and just let people use what they like. Time-saving mechanics are never a bad thing in my eyes.
Must've been a damn good sandwich
Post recipe, user.
Elibe-Tellius alliance time
I appear to have made a minor error in my post.
Go fuck yourself, Jugdral or we riot.
No way did they give this song the special treatment only to not remake fe4.
FE4's too dark for a remake, unless they want to strip out its dark parts and sanitize it.
I wish Jugdralfags would follow Sigurd's lead and become a ghost
Only if Ellibe-Telliusfags go head first
This one too, user
Both premium albums have the song list sorted by game release order except these two tracks. It's suspicious that FE4 and 6 songs got the vocal treatment and are two of the final songs on album 2.
Is 4 waifushit? Are the GBA games waifushit? What's the waifushit? And Tellius-Remakes were the dark age of FE, I have to wonder how they convinced themselves that Awakening is/was their best work when they released it. Is it hindsight due to sales? Is Three Houses now their best game?
Next game is actually a joint remake of 4 and 6 confirmed
Awakening was them just saying "Fuck it, if this is our last FE game, we're going out on fanservice galore".
Fire Emblem was waifushit from day 1.
It was fanservice without any thought put into it at all. Like what the fuck is Priam doing there in Archanea?
They already pissed and shitted all over Archanea's established lore in Awakening. I don't think they really cared.
Didn't one of the developers say they were more likely to do 6 first? I'd love a 4 remake as long as they don't add a stupid MU or change the characters too much but it's so different from the other games it's probably lower on the priority list.
As far as I remember he was just stating he wanted to remake that one the most out of all of them.
Thiccness aside, Lyn was my best unit in the game. She maxed out her skill at Blade Lord lvl 15, she had 22 strength and like 26 speed. Crit the Dragon with Sol Katti 4 times. Eliwood might have been the best if not for his very late promotion, there were chapters I just had him wait since he was already a level 20 lord. Hector was the one doing the least damage to Dragon.
If any remake was going to insert a MU, it'd be most likely 7 since it already had one they'd just give him a bigger role and especially push Lyn hard on you. But I think 4 would be second most likely since it was the only game prior to Awakening with children.
This is not the natural order of things.
Even weirder, my tactician's affinity was lightning.
>22 Str
How many Energy Drops did you give her user?
I rather have FE Warriors 2 announced instead of a remake of Genealogy of the Holy War for the switch.
I think I gave her a Talisman and that's it.
I'd rather have an arcsys FE fighting game
Dude, they have smash bros ultimate.
So there is no need for a arcsys FE fighting game.
Hopefully never. I don't want them ruining Kaga games with their new persona bullshit.
Gaiden's remake was perfectly accurate, user
They already remade 3 out of 5 Kaga games though.