Wander around an empty, bland overworld

>Wander around an empty, bland overworld
>Occasionally find a copypasted shrine or korok seed

How can anyone find this fun?

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Show me a single, Sony-produced game the past 10 years that's better than BOTW, I'll wait

God of War
Horizon Zero Dawn
The last of us 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Resident Evil 3
Final fantasy VII Remake
Astro boy
Days gone

Literally every one

Unabashedly-inflammatory threads should be banned.

Christ this list
I know this is a troll post, but people like this actually exist

Christ this post
I know this is a troll post, but people like this actually exist

3 years

desu all people ever seem to do on Yas Forums is criticise botw, it’s the most safey game to trash on because everyone already does it

hol up is there a fuckin new Astro Boy game I don’t know about?

>Generic hack n slash with boring story
>Generic open world game without a single original gameplay idea
>Generic superhero bamham trash
>Soulsborne clone x9000
>Not out yet
>Not out yet
>Anime-tier """remake""" that retcons half the plot
>Broken shit

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>press buttons
>things change on a screen

How can anyone find video games fun?

I don't think anything in games could top the sense of blueballed disappointment I felt after getting all those cool abilities, pondering all the ways I'd need to use them to get to places I wanted to go, then accidentally straddling up a smooth straight wall where Link started climbing by himself.

3 years

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>Seconds since fanboys have blackballed any discussion of BotW: 0

Yeah, definitely, the best way to find fanboys is to look at people who constantly cripple discussion and basically make it their mission to get everyone to hate the game they like.

everyone knows Yas Forums trashes the game because its popular and loved by so many people. No one takes your """""DISCUSSION""""" seriously, because it's not serious. Those images will ALWAYS be relevant on this board.

Nobody's trying to change your mind. I don't think anyone even wants to talk to you, to be frank.

Some people exaggerate (like saying it's an outright bad game, which it's not) but acting like nobody can discuss what the game could do better in future installments as if it's impossible is obnoxious and antithetical to having a conversation about anything. If you just want to gush about it, there's a whole Subreddit for that.

Playing through this right now, FUCK enemies with electric attacks.

It also doesn't help that nobody who praises the game really ever talks about the game itself, they just mudfling from their side of the fanboy fence.

can't you just a criticise a game without somebody starting a full-blown console-war?
being this butthurt over people having fun with another console, grow up.

Discussing Zelda in general is impossible on Yas Forums, because someones favorite game in the series is always hated by another, and called a hyperbolic "piece of shit".

You must be new here.
Like I said, there is no honest discussion about this game. The images above were created for that reason. There are 5+ threads creating every single day about this game. It's been three whole years of daily threads of people shitting on the game, and for much of those 3 years, people who enjoyed the game defended it. But it became too cancerous and Yas Forumss contrarianism began too much, thus the image above is now used instead of arguing.

Tbh I actually like botw, I just shitpost about it for easy (you)s

doing my part boys

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because nintendo is so behind the times that this like the first full open world game for nintenfags, of course they would have low expectations.

At this point the only thing that would convince BotW fanboys is BotW2 being a gigantic upgrade.

And to think discussion about the game was so nice and comfy before it won GotY. Threads about the game were civil.

People saying things you don't like as if it's your place to judge the efficacy of other people's experience isn't a "lack of discussion." The only reason there isn't any is because it gets stonewalled by those dumbass image macros. Nobody is trying to revise history into saying it isn't a critically acclaimed game or a massive success, nor does somebody saying "I think it could have been better" connote that its merits are wholly undeserved or that anyone who likes it is stupid. Maybe you should stop treating video games like a presidential race and let people have conversations that you don't have to butt into with epic memes.

I read the first sentence and rolled my eyes.
yeah done with you, you're an obvious newfag.

That's bullshit, those images were spammed from day 1.

I'm glad, I don't want to talk to a pretentious fuckwit who can't handle a stark confrontation with reality. Been here since 2009, by the way. Don't reply.

false BOTW threads were comfy for months until it won GOTY and rektd Yas Forums every chance it got

Not him but lol. This is why nobody likes BotW fanboys.

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>BOTW's story was run around and do tedious dungeons, hardly anything groundbreaking
>What's so innovative about BOTW?
>Still more expansive than BOTW.
>BOTW is generic twink boy slapslash trash
>Is literally a -bourne game, hence the name.
>Not out yet
>Not out yet
>There's no saving this one.
>Anime is gay ngl
>also shit
>also also shit.

Nah. BotW 2 will be hated by BotW fanboys, but well received by everyone who felt BotW wasn't literally perfect.

Watch for cognitive dissonance as people try to talk about improvements BotW 2 makes over BotW without acknowledging the faults of the first one.

You could at least pretend to be an honest actor.

I'm curious what other open-world games people who put BotW on a pedestal have played. "None 'cuz they're all bad lol" is the most likely answer.

BOTW sold 17 MILLION UNITS. That is, without a significant price drop. Surpassed OOT in almost every way imaginable. Won GOTY. Is considered the best open world experience every created by millions and developers will look at it for inspiration for years to come. There is absolutely nothing any of you can do about it.
Have a good weekend.

>wander around the beautiful, varied geography with some of the most fun open world traversal mechanics of all time
>world is littered with good encounter design and great puzzles
>four major bosses/puzzles and Hyrule castle are all peak Zelda dungeon and boss design
stay mad

I mean most of them are bad. What is a good open-world game to you?

well ff7r is the new botw, an equally overrated game.

Sony produced RE3 and FF7?

Not him, but obviously you weren't in the "Comfy BotW threads". Were people prasied and criticized the game without spouting vitriol to each other like now. The shitposting really started in excess after it won GoTY.


you're a funny guy, trying not to be retarded


Zero effort, OP. You started a BotW thread for this?
I'm half convinced it's largely the same fags arguing both sides just to bait any hapless retards into going along with it.

I'll never understand why the success of a brand or product gets misjudged by its fans as an achievement or bragging right on their part. Did you make the game and earn all that money? Or are you just a loser acting like a video game is your girlfriend on an internet forum? inb4 cope.

yeah right, it scored a high 80. Come get me when it wins GOTY. That will drive it to BOTW levels of shit posting. It's only being shitposted so heavily because it's new. Just look at Death Stranding.

>zoomies grew up in themeparks
It must really addle your young minds.

I find it funny how these 2 posts were made in a span of 90 seconds. You honestly want us believe it's 2 different anons and how one user read the message and write a reply - all those games - in just 90 seconds.
Jesus fucking Christ, you samefags can't even do the job right.

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Don't you ever get tired of making this same thread?

What have you played to call them bad? Are you telling me you avoided the entire genre premise for BotW and effectively have no basis for comparison for all the things you think it did first, or better?

How are you calling last of us 2 and cp 2077 better games than botw when they're not even out yet? Is your brain that fucking smooth? I don't even necessarily like botw but this is literally the most retarded shit I've seen in this board in awhile. Did you run out of paint chips to eat so you can't find some better way to occupy your time than you shit out your absolutely asinine opinions. Fuck you idiot

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The fuck, new Astro Boy?
Is this finally a reason to buy a PS4?

BotW2 is inspired by RDR2, an open world game that sold vastly better and has a higher metacritic score than BotW.
BotW inspired a chinese knockoff and a dead ubisoft game.

Prove the shrines are copy pasted.

it's good but flawed and if you put it above OOT you're a fucking retard.

>muh scores

last of us is just as overrated as botw, these are not "best game ever" tier games, not even close.

lmao this thread is priceless. I'm so happy BOTW exists. Yas Forums will never recover.

Play skyrim instead, slap some sex mods on it, design your character to look like Zelda and let her get raped by falmer and packs of wolves.
Much more fun.

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TLOU is a film, so duh.
BotW however is easily one of the greatest games ever created. Truly the first one to seriously challenge the Ocarina's GOAT status, even exceeding it when it comes to the pure freedom of the unpatronizing gameplay.

Assassins Creeds
Fallout New Vegas

I hate all those games

>Surpassed OOT in almost every way imaginable
Other than metacritic score lol
And it can't surpass what it doesn't have

>coomer thinks that fap-bait = "more fun"
Sasuga underaged teenage fags...

I really loved this game for the first few hours but after that the flaws become extremely apparent.

>no enemy variety at all - only like 5 enemy types throughout the entire game
>overworld is completely empty
>only 4 "dungeons"
>all shrines are babby tier easy
>Ubisoft tower shit
>boring collectathon content (Korok)

The weapon durability is annoying too, but they shower you with so many weapons that it's not really a problem. I hate how every time you criticize how barren and devoid of content this game is, people come to it's defense by saying "B-b-but it's a sandbox game! You have to make your own fun!". Fuck off with that.

I wonder how BotW fanboys are enjoying P5 Royal, since it's all about metacritic scores.

stop posting

it does nothing original, it's fucking AC Odyssey/Origins with a comic filter slapped on it. But people go OH WOW YOU CAN CLIMB THAT MOUNTAIN as if Assassins Creed and other games didn't allow open world exploration before it.

What is Skyrim/Oblivion?

>all these people who got filtered by BOTW

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maybe your taste is just utterly shit

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Criticism was always present. Hell, I remember it being criticized before it was even out by a guy who got it early. I remember defending it. I regret that.

personally i just like wandering around sometimes, half of my playtime in GTA games is just driving around as opposed to running over pedestrians and blowing up cop cars
thats the other half of said playtime, but still there is a appeal to just chilling in the overworld

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what a shit thread as usual
never change Yas Forums

these posts are pointless.

nintendo fanboys will shill this game.

sony fanboys will shill their game that is overrated.

no one discusses the fact that BOTW has actual major flaws like NO FUCKING DUNGEONS OR MEANINGFUL PLOT/PROGRESSION unlike OOT or other Zelda games.

It's an ok game with massive flaws but it's still the best "open world" game.

Not him, but you're lying. You're absolutely a fucking newfaggot if you think you can come to Yas Forums and discuss this game in any type of constructive form. Holy shit fuck off.


Visuals are nice and relaxing. Traversal is pretty fun too.

But I with you, it's pretty mediocre game except for celestial beasts and few other hand crafted zones.

At least try not to sound like a caricature.

Well you know, you just play skyrim normally until you want to coom. You let "Skyrim Zelda" do all kinds of kinky things, do your coomer business and then you resume on playing. No reason to leave the game.
Skyrim is the better game graphically, gameplay-wise, mod-wise and its the perfect medieval porn simulator.

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>goal oriented people vs. experience oriented people

I've been explaining why it's impossible, and you think I'm assuming I can. You're an idiot.

>people with taste and gullible consoomers

>personally i just like wandering around sometimes
When you boil it down, this all anyone truly enjoys about botw desu. The sense of exploration is great. The rest, not so much. If botw2 can make the destinations not disappointments, they'll have a good game.

They were simply just not fun to me. I can see why you’d hate botw if you love those games tho

Ironic considering all the dualsense threads about how many Instagram likes it has.

>sony fanboys will shill their game that is overrated
It's the zelda fanbase. Actual zelda fans are by far the most critical of botw and that becomes really apparent in other zelda threads.

>sales don't matter if they don't fit my narrative!
Shut the fuck up you puesdo-intellectual and cope.

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>and for much of those 3 years
>But it became too cancerous and Yas Forumss contrarianism began too much thus the image above is now used instead of arguing
Bull fucking shit. Those images are older than half the people on Yas Forums. The diehards played just a big a part in this shitfest as the naysayers did.

What narrative? What makes you think I believe sales ever matter?

Judging from the level of maturity in these kinds of posts, I think it's safe to surmise most people who vehemently defend BotW are young people who don't have to think much about how they spend their free time. And I can see why a game like this appeals so much to them. You know what? There's nothing wrong with that. You're an audience, too. This game can be for you.