Yas Forumsermin thread

post Yas Forumsermin

Attached: 1579384827357.png (978x964, 74.12K)

Good afternoon vermbos
What have you been working on?
Anything actually happening this week?

Attached: you've raised my ghostly dander.png (280x197, 5.58K)

>coin host
>uc host probably
>d13 dungeon????
that's all I can remember besides the obvious shitposting

UC Host said this day should be the winner bracket

very early thread

I have made no other vermin this week

Attached: 1580188923798.png (1048x640, 47.47K)

>tfw i've been too busy playing minecrap to make any vermin

Attached: 1585780822473.jpg (750x707, 53.68K)

that and reading up on the Alien tabletop game

Attached: a secret has been revealed.png (290x520, 56.87K)

Post art
Team art
Lore art
Art that falls into other blue-board approved categories

Attached: McDing.png (560x1106, 62.53K)

Attached: 1555196672990.png (792x661, 22.48K)

let's do this while we wait for something to happen

Attached: template.png (1512x842, 24.23K)

all 3 are filled by pic related

Attached: testmook2.png (531x676, 28.49K)

Attached: 1561637933405.png (317x348, 5.37K)

here's a better idea for something to do while we pass the time
Think of a vermin, any vermin at all
Got one? Good
Make an anagram of its name and make a new vermin out of that

Attached: vermin creation prompt of sorts.png (1008x976, 218.72K)

>tfw the first vermin he thought of was AIIIIIIIEEEEEEE or 5

Attached: 1564753318017.png (960x540, 396K)

here's a better idea
make something unique without needing anagrams, caseflare and brolf are based but the latter sure as hell didn't need an anagram

Attached: bugsno2.jpg (720x697, 37.95K)

was too easy
now guess which vermin it is a anagram of

Attached: file.png (196x397, 8.58K)

Uuhhhhhhhh PR in 2 hours.

Attached: B3.png (379x431, 314.87K)

what format

8 mooks.


I'm looking forward to UC's tournament. I feel that I won't succeed given what I may be up against, but what happens happens.

Oh hey, you're here again.

Attached: wrapawrong.png (814x524, 37.86K)

Still no bracket or collage for the UC tournament?

Doesn't seems so, you could probably make some if you can get to the previous thread.
(from last friday)

Attached: Command and Trample.png (800x600, 24.41K)

Rate him.

Attached: djeffy.png (620x480, 12.91K)

Here's the list.

Thanks user


Give him higher blast you bully.

Attached: Patchisaurus-Rex.png (413x406, 151.22K)

Is it ok for pre posts?

He's low attack, high defense so he has more time to play his beats.

Is he rotating those disks with his wings?

He's okay.

Cool duck/10.

he needs more funk and more blast

I guess people want him to have more blast, but 3 blast isn't too bad, especially if he's going to have increased chances to blast.


Currently recording.


I'm going to make a mina mook!

Attached: 1574092543884.jpg (529x671, 55.61K)

Alright. See you soon.

Oh, really?
I think I'll just post the one I made two weeks ago. I'm going to draw something else in MS Paint.

Hey glad to hear it's happening.

Taking waifumin requests

im ready to job instantly

on /trash/ desu
if not draw dinocunny

>I think I'll just post the one I made two weeks ago
Then post it.

>no vermin thats a geek
>no vermin thats a moronic little freak
>no vermin thats a annoying pipsqueak with a unfortunate physique

Give me twelve minutes, and I'll do it.

5 minutes to mook pr fellas

where is the mook thing

>2 hours
I guess not even that was reached.
inb4 sign-ups right below this reply.

>Not on the hour
>Not literally 2 hours after the announcement


I can't believe d13's tripcode has been cracked. Who would do this?


Attached: D-aki.png (517x686, 22.67K)

Attached: bec2e7aadafb1e68f47a69ea7a6ba1db7db438f936b944ee9e45beec9895419c.jpg (560x488, 199.76K)

nice try pal

Attached: scoutmann.png (414x563, 10.12K)


attention whore

There is no vermin thread on vg

there is no vg thread, nice try tard


don't listen to this user, there is no /vg/ thread wherein I will get /in/ while you will miss it
It's just a trick, no need to check for a /vg/ thread

I miss marble host like you wouldn't imagine


Attached: Billy 2.0.png (1876x1580, 144.07K)

18 min.

Attached: eeveeextremememe.png (1795x1656, 1.78M)

Attached: DiscerningLawyer.png (631x717, 543.43K)

the idea was to submit it to the pr but d13 stands for dumb13

Alright. I'll be there.

okay time to bust out some weird mook i havent seen in aeons

Three of them.

Attached: uc tournament 2 draw 1.png (418x329, 8.81K)