Why are gaming headsets so shit

why are gaming headsets so shit

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Because you expect something other than what they are providing. These "why my opinion" threads are even worse.

Paying a higher price for the worst of both worlds. Just get a nice pair of headphones and a nice mic. You aren't POOR are you?

Buy Steel Series and don't cheap out.


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get 25$ mic and a 60 dollar pair of HEADPHONES jfc these people never learn


Besides that, most gaming headsets are just renamed pre-existing headphones that use shitty plastics and shitty mics. Take Cloud 2 for example, the "best gaming headset", they just use fucking Beyer drivers. Get some studio quality headphones instead e.g. sennheiser hd 559, akg k702 or Beyer Dynamics and your good.

>gaming headsets
I bet you buy dr dre airnogs too don't you

This ,headsets are a meme

what's a decent cheapo mic I can get? I tried a blue yeti snowball, but that was too good and was able to pick up all the noise coming from the other rooms in my tiny house.

All "gaming" gear is fucking shit

I learned my lesson when the sound of my first headset stopped working and when the mic of the second fucked up
so I ended up wearing a fucking headset on my neck for the mic and the other for the sound

why are gaming mice so shit

cheap as fuck, but decent enough quality for chatting
been using nearly every day since I bought it too

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you can get decent 3.5mm lav mics for 2-5 bucks

what are some good headphone amps for my PC?
I already have a soundblaster x-fi HD, but ever since windows update 1903 it has been crackling every 3 seconds

Honestly the best headset I ever had was a $12 pair from radio shack, lasted me a good decade before I needed to replace them.

buy 40 dollar head set
>Why is it so cheap, why is it breaking??

Became all "gaming" headset are cheap chink shit. Even the Sennheiser ones are cheap shit.

Buy a pait of ATH 750's and a pair of HD 650's. Best headphones for gaming, 750's for the wide soundstage and detail. The HD 650's for soul and atmosphere.

I remember getting these cheap off-brand headphones and they had this genius little thing where a piece of string was holding onto the cable beneath the ear-cup and taking off all the weight tension. They were fantastic and only broke because I sat on them with my fat ass after three years of owning them.

Never seen that string gimmick since.

>Steel Series and don't cheap out

That stupid fucking swivel that every Logitech headset has now so that the earphones can turn is fucking retarded and it's broken on the last three headsets I've bought.
I'm not rough with the things. All I do is put them on and take them off. And yet the swivel always cracks three or four months down the line, and I end up taping it to postpone it snapping it two.

Don't buy a gaming headset and let yourself get scammed like a retard, just buy studio headphones.

You can also get the hd 6xx by mass drop instead, theyre cheaper and better than the hd 640.

58x are also good, more "fun" that the 6xx, the 6xx are very detailed and clear tho.

Be sure to the buy the latest ultra surround bineural triple bass headphones only $899
You only need a $400 sound card
But dont forget to only use de-ionized platinum tipped triple layered cables on your inverse negative polarized cable lifters with armonic rocks on top

i have hd600s and can confirm sennheiser is elder god tier in terms of bang for your buck

I went through at least four pairs of these Logitech G35's. They were my favourite but the plastic swivel is so fucking shit. I
I now use the Cloud II's. Without jinxing it .. these are built like a tank. I have clattered these off the floor so many times and they are fine and they are what I would recommend to anyone for that reason.

tension in the same direction as the cord isnt much of an issue. things like are really only good for offset plugs, like on guitars

I used Sennheiser HD201s for years, when they went out of production I bought like 5 backups. Still use them when travelling or in public since they're like $20 so no one's gonna try to steal them. Incredible value for the quality of the speakers. At home I use Sennheiser PC 350s now, bought on a large discount, had them for 4 years now with regular daily use and the only issue that's come up is the ear sponge covers have started to fray a little, still completely useable though. Great audio, sturdy yet flexible, decent mic (though I barely ever use it), shame it's $300 now, I'd consider buying a backup if not for the price.

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audiophiles are fucking retarded, but apparently so are you

Because they're $10 headphones with a $200 name on them


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cuz you're paying premium for that "G" prefix

Buy something like this instead. They're relatively cheap, robust and crap like in your pic will never happen again.

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buy non-gaming equivalent, you twat

$50 headphones sound better than a $100 system

Because they put dents on your head

I have a wireless headset so I can chat while im on the shitter. it has other uses too I guess


Sennheiser is probably the only good headsets out there, i has two SteelSeries headsets but both of them broke after like 2-3 months despite being super careful with then
then i got a Sennheiser gsp 550 and it's held for almost 3 years and the sound is just as good as the day i got it
the only complaint i hear of it is that the plug thing gets worn down after a while but i havent experienced it yet

and they'll never sound better than a $800+ audio system, poorfag

How do retards still falling for the gaming headset meme in 2020?

I used to buy those shitty gaming headsets (all pure shit) until I bought a G433 and they are quite good.
Expensive but worth it

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>tfw the only one you liked stopped being produced

It's cheap for a reason user
If you spend a but more money you can get shit that lasts more than one year

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anything above 32 for headphones is a fucking meme and audiophile-tier garbage (you're essentially paying for someone to impede the current in your end output device and then AND force you to buy an amplifier to ramp up the output voltage to compensate for it)

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The best headphones for gaming I've ever used is the Sennheiser HD599. I got it on Amazon during black friday and man this thing is absolutely god tier. It sounds far better than the old 555\595 in sheer sound quality, and also the sound is much clearer than close headphones like the AudioTechnina Meme50 (I actually bought them and they were inferior to the Sony MDR-1 I had before in comfort and sound, kept them for a few months and sold them). I don't think there's anything better than the 599, even the soundstage is more natural and 3D compared to the 555 which feel like you're in a tunnel.

That being said, stay the fuck away from the closed HD598-CS, they're absolute garbage (don't be fooled when they put this on Amazon for 99). They're really comfortable but the sound is dreadful.

Condenser mics like the yetis are really sensitive because they're meant to be used in treated environments that have been isolated from all outside noise. Streamers have made misusing them really popular.

why the fuck would i spend $800 on a system that will sound just as good as $300 headphones? or possibly even worse if i was retard that didn't know how to position speakers for the room or work an eq? im not hosting nigger house parties, i just want to hear my video games clearly.

Stop being a dumb nigger and they won't break

It fucking sucks. I've tried many other Y50's and this one specific type is the only one that doesn't sound like shit.

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>buying overpriced garbage = good purchase
lol enjoy shitty gayming hardware desintegrate in a matter of 6-12 months if not weeks.

You'd have legit got a better purchase from buying an entry Sennheiser HD series + a 5 dollar desktop / clip-on mic

Yeah, I've tried a lot of headphones from different manufacturers, and I always come back to Sennheiser, if for no other reason than the comfort factor. With a lot of other headsets they feel too tight or loose no matter how much I mess with them, never comfortable, but Sennheiser headphones always seem to fit just right. I mean, outside of aviation grade headsets that I use for work, but the sound quality isn't nearly as good with those since the main focus is communication.

i have some 15 euro headphones from the thomann brand. i got them for free with an electric piano and after 10 years they still work perfectly fine. and sound quality is also better than any razer or logitech shit i had the chance to try but that might be due to my 300 euro soundcard so who knows

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Two years+ and so far no problem at all
Also, why the fuck would I want a microphone?
>Desktop mic
Can't be more uncomfortable than that shit

I had that shit for 4 years now, it's still fine. Just don't be a fucking retard with your headsets and they won't break.

>buy some high quality normal headphones
>buy a desk mic or an attachable microphone (they exist and they work pretty well)
>you now have a setup with better audio and microphone quality than any gaming headset, for nearly the same amount of money

you have to change the mode on it by switching the switch

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>Can't be more uncomfortable than that shit
he gave you an alternative but you just ignored that for some reason, retard

>Also, why the fuck would I want a microphone?
why the fuck are you buying a headset then?

>Also, why the fuck would I want a microphone?
if you don't need it - don't buy it, you spaz.

Even less reasons to not opt out of gayming headgear trash.

1. you pay for the brand, not the quality
2. you pay the "I am a stupid fuck and like to get scammed" tax
just get a good pair of headphones like the superlux hd681/hd669, and a good separate mic like the trust gxt 242
you'll pay less than you'd usually pay for a gaming headset and you will have better input and output audio quality

>come into headset thread
>complain about not wanting a microphone

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Because retards ((((You)))) will still pay the premium price for something that says GAMING, and they make them trash on purpose because retards like you will go out and buy a new gaming one when it breaks.

I've got the relatively cheap GSP 300 and those are way better than any previous headset I used. Had SteelSeries before. Still better to just get headphones and separate mic but if you wanna do it right you need either a pro USB mic and sound card or go straight for an audio interface and condenser mic. I just didn't want so much equipment on my desk since I have a lot already.

Snowball doesn't have that does it? It's pure Cardioid.

the 32ohm version is more expensive than the 80ohm version though

Dragon dildos are not equipment.