Smashfags will defend this

Smashfags will defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only fake FEfags will

>great character 1
>great character 2
>great character 3
>great character 4
>great character 5
>great character 6
>great character 7
>great character 8
What's there to defend?

Byleth, Robin, Corrin, Ike, Lucina can stay

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Ok shill

They should all be skins for 1 or 2 characters.

>Keep Byleth, Robin, Corrin, Ike & Marth
>Make Lucina an alt for Marth
>Delete Chrom and Roy


>FEfags and saltfags will defend this

>delete 6 of the 7 Marth’s

This is the worst fucking bait I've ever seen on this site, it was such fucking shit bait that it caught my anger not because I got baited but I'm furious at how fucking retarded OP is.
There is literally only one two things that 90% of smashfags agree on and it is how absolutely fucking garbage FE characters are and how there are too many of them.

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>6 of the 7 Marth’s
>anyone who has Dancing Blades is L I T E R A L L Y Marth
>"Why yes I do eat glue how did you know?"

Just make a Fire Emblem fighter.
It would honestly be pretty good, it would make FEfags and Smashfags happy, and Sakurai can put as many characters as he wants in it.

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>139 fighters
>like 9 of those are fire emblem
>Entire smash community won't stop seething
Have u considered suicide?

>Every other series that isn’t Mario or Pokémon has 1, 2 or 3 reps
>FE gets 8 despite always selling like shit

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FE fag here. I am only defending Byleth, Robin, Corrin, Ike, and Marth.

>keep marth, ike, robin, blyat
>roy, chrom, lucina demoted to skins
don't care about what happens to corrin either way

>Just make a Fire Emblem fighter
>It would make smashfags happy
>Unironically wants millions of shower dodging retards from smashboard to be happy.

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>The number of reps a series gets in Smash should be determined by sales

I think that there are too many FE characters too, but that's a fucking retarded mentality.

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>Despite always selling like shit

keep marth, ike, roy and robin

>characters that are bad editions to the game are added
>people say that they are bad editions

>in a game with literally almost 100 fighters, I'll seethe and get buttmad online CONSTANTLY for literal months/years if I have to because less than 10% of the roster is from one series I don't care for
Does this sound like a person who is all there? Why do you care so much user?


what is this, some time-travel pre-Awakening?

Because FE doesn’t deserve it

>characters that are bad editions to the game are added
>people say that they are bad editions
>people say that they are bad editions again
>people say that they are bad editions again
>people say that they are bad editions fourth time
>people say that they are bad editions despite being told to shut up and no one cares
>people say that they are bad editions again

Nobody would miss Corrin.
And nobody SHOULD miss any retard with Dancing Blade that isn't Marth.
Marth, Robin and Byleth are the only ones that should stay after this game.

This would be better. If it were up to me I'd replace Ike with Hector on top of that.
T.only like FE 7 8 and 9

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There's that word again. Yeah, and smash is also a "celebration of gaming".

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You have to consider what each series brings to the table. Some have tons of fun items, cool stages, good music, etc. What Fire Emblem has to offer is a huge roster of characters, and that's what they pull from.

>huge roster of characters
Almost every franchise in the series can also bring a fuck ton of characters that would work well in the game, retard

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Why do they only bring the boring ones?
Why no riders?

What franchise adds dozens of characters in every new game besides Pokémon?

Not based
Not based.

I like Corrin as a smash rep because they have the cool Zoan type dragon thing going on. Other Manekete probably wouldn't work as well since they dont have partial transformations so you end up with another Charizard/Ridley. Really, Corrin and Robin shine pretty bright amongst the others because they actually represent other parts of combat in the series. Though admittedly they still use swords.

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Well maybe they should pull actual fucking CHARACTERS from the roster and not the same copy pasted retard and 2 unique characters. Most of them don't even LOOK different let alone play.

Should be cut down to

Would include Roy and Ikebut that be only cutting out like 2 characters and cutting 3 is a bigger effect and those are the most Unique ones

What’s up with smashfag threads and mobile filenames

Did you mean Lucina?

lol FE doesn't deserve any reps, desu.

kids don’t have school

No, Just Robin, ROy, and Ike.

still better than western games with the same ugly sheboon in every western game now

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Why do you people obsess over filenames so badly Jesus

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Keep Byleth Robin Corrin Ike Marth.
Chrom Lucina are wasted slots.

If you cut Marth you are genuinely retarded. He's never leaving the roster whether you like it or not

Phoneposting is the cancer that’s killing the board

People aren’t going to retroactively like shitty characters just because more clones get added.

They're not even slots

Roy, Chrom and Byleth need to go.

Fuck off snoy, you have your own compilation game.

I just don't like Corrin human part. If he was full dragon all the time I'd like him more.
I agree the other draconic units from FE would be too generic dragon like Zard and Ridley, but I prefer those to Corrin's face.

You know that what matters is the arguments you use, not which device you use right? Retard

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My point is more people bitch about it than defend it. Your non-stop bitching about "M-m-muh anime swordfighters >:^(" is more annoying than the slots FE characters take up. Play one of the other 70 fucking characters.

>Lucina and Chrom are echoes
>Roy is different enough from Marth that they play completely differently
>Ike, Robin, Corrin, and Byleth all have different movesets are quite different from Marth and his derivatives
>each of them represent different games/eras of FE except for Chrom and Lucina being redundant Awakening reps, but they're echoes so whatever
>they aren't Geno
Fuck smashfags, fuck rosterfags, fuck nintendobabies, FE Chads rise up, etc.

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>no Marth
May as well keep all the Mario characters except Mario, retard.

Or we can keep telling Nintendo that they’re retarded, and keep telling saltfags to fuck off.

Phoneposters are 99% more retarded than people posting from an actual device

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>they aren't Geno
rent free

Discordfags are way worse than phoneposters.

This. As a Fire Emblem fag, I hate how piss poor the representation of FE is in Smash Bros.
1. No, FE just needs good representation of how the series is i.e. add spearusers, axeusers, prue magicusers, bowusers, and manaketes/shapeshifters and not always add the swordlord/swordlords of the newest FE game. But sadly, Sakurai has a massive autism for having the main character of any series as the rep and using that for Fire Emblem is a bad idea. The only way for FE to get good representation is for Sakurai to retire from being the director for Smash Bros and give the series to someone else that would treat every series that is represented in Smash fairly without any favoritism or poor representations.
2. Remember FE Warriors how bad the roster for that game was? If you think a FE fighting game would have a good roster, than you just fooling yourself.

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You sound more retarded than me

Where did I mention Discord?

"Slots" in other words make them alt skins or something. Use your head man.

How about these?
>The game the character came from was good.
>The character is fun to play.
Cry me a river.

You didn’t, but you said phone posting is “the cancer,” and I’m saying discord has the worse influence. Just making conversation user.

Byleth was a great inclusion from the best FE game in the series, smashbabbies and Fates trannies are the only ones who disagree with this fact.

>add spearusers, axeusers, prue magicusers, bowusers, and manaketes/shapeshifters and not always add the swordlord/swordlords
Robin, Corrin, and Byleth fill these roles. Also, learn to type better.

>I hate how piss poor the representation of FE is in Smash Bros.
As a fellow FEfag, name some suggestions then. I agree Smash has piss poor reps but I wanna know how good your FE taste is.

There's literally an ingame option that does that. Congrats, no more slots.

Based, is there anything funnier than anti-Bylethfags?
"H-Haha, actually YOU'RE the one who should be mad because a character you like from a game you like is in Smash!.."
And their legion of samefags that spam it with (You)s because they well and truly don't have a counter-argument.

Discord is also the cancer that’s killing the board, but phoneposters are usually always little kiddies who can’t afford a pc

Give them the Bowser Jr treatment about it. You don't see every Koopa Kid on the roster despite what we both know Shiggy wants. ree

The only fe character that should be in is marth