Well, Yas Forums?

Well, Yas Forums?

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Not having a world map in Portable makes the game soulless.

P3P doesn't have The Answer and better S. Links overall. Better battle theme as well.

P3P, if only because it lets you control teammates. It arguably makes the game too easy, but designing your party in such a way that only the MC is directly controllable is unforgivable. If there is just one instance where a character does something you don't want them to do when they could do something else, the system has failed, especially since if the MC dies it's game over. The command system only mildly mitigates this.



lol nobody cares

doesnt p3p have a gay overworld where you just navigate with a cursor? sounds soulless.

P3. Rereleases were a mistake.

P3P. The portability alone makes it 50% better. The added content is also far better than The Answer (which is a detriment).

Go to hltb and you'll see that an average playthrough of P3P is actually the shortest despite having the most content. Slowly walking around and pauses between each dialogue line add up over the course of the game which P3P removes.

Think of P3P as trimming the cut, adding meaningful content and presenting it in a easily digestible portable package. Honestly, it's the ONLY way to properly experience the game.

P3P easily. Ignore the salty FESniggers that spout "MUH CUTSCENES"

P3P only because you can actually control the other members in your party. I do wish they hadn't removed the cutscenes though. That was the only shitty part of the game.

>t. never played P1

P3P, only thing the other ones do better is that they got animated cutscenes but you can just look em up on google.

All of them. P3 always wins, baybeeee

yeah, so? no one has. you don't need to try so hard here user.

>abloo bloo muh 3 areas that I can't personally walk through constantly for 40+ hours

And I'm not talking about Tartarus.

Still a downgrade even from Persona 2

you can just look up a playthrough of the game on youtube.

P3P. I actually prefer the VN aspect of the game as it exists in P3P. No cutscenes or 3d maps, just point and click and dialogue instances.

All of the extra content, improved battle mechanics, and not to mention FeMC make it a better experience overall, but it's not for those who are brand new since the anime cutscenes are fucking amazing on first viewing and should be mandatory for first time players.

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FES. Female mc break the game's tone. She would work better in p4

FES has a mod for party control

Portable, not having the 3D town becomes a blessing as they game goes on, it saves literally hours. The answer is meh and portable has more content in the main game.

that's really subjective.

>mfw vision quest Emperor and Empress

I wanna shoot myself

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P3P has /ourgirl/
The others don't

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Portable is a watered down version for casuals.

She's another aspect of dealing with grief, by trying to overcome it and be positive despite the hole you have inside. Is it a retread of Maya? Technically but it works for P3's themes.

Based and fempilled

FES because muh cutscenes and I like walking around the city banging my head to I NEVER FELT LIKE


You and I both know nobody's played Persona 2

she has the better soundtrack too

Tried P3 for a few weeks but it was much more boring, I'll finish it eventually.

The fuck does it mean to wangle though

I love Fuuka!

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Original has the best cover
P3P changes are nice but it lost a lot too, and controlling party members is an overrated change because the game is not remotely balanced around it, everything becomes easy. They should do a release that combines FES and Portable.

Based Fuukaposter.

P3P made the game bearable enough to finish, also playing as FeMC was comfy

>it's not balanced for it

Neither is 4 nor 5, but you don't hear anyone complaining about that.

>FES and P3P content combined and ported to the current gen
>Call it Persona 3 Midnight or something
>Swim in money like scrooge mcduck

Atlus, please

I mean P3 through P5 are all easy on basically every difficulty with party member control. P3 wasn't balanced to have members out of your control, it was just as hard as P4 and P5 were in the sense that it isn't hard and the only challenge comes from your teammates going rogue.

FeMC is cute but FES is probably the definitive version I'd recommend.

The Answer is pretty hit-and-miss though.

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Why the fuck would anybody ever prefer the og over FES? The argument is between portable and FES

>Why the fuck would anybody ever prefer the og over FES
Autists who hate The Answer so much that its mere existence on the disc ruins FES.

You can just mod FES with the teammate control hack and it takes a fat shit on p3p in every single regard otherwise.

FES wipes your fucking memory card so p3p because of that.

>can't lez out with elizabeth in p3 or fes
P3P instantly wins for this reason alone.

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P3 or FES
Mitsuru casting marin karin is a core part of the experience

3 original. FES added practically nothing to the main game, some of what little it did add was fucking retarded (resurrecting Chidori) and The Answer is a shitty epilogue. P3P cuts too much shit and the feMC isn't as good of a fit, just fuel for dumb coomers.

How worth it is it to go back and play P3P just for FeMC if I've already played FES?
Does it significantly change S.Links and dialogue or is it just changing pronouns and shit?

P3P is for the nuPersona autists that want an even MORE watered down turn based RPG than what was originally made. Fans are all waifufags and trannies who are too braindead to use tactics
P3FES is what most people will suggest but if you ask me most of the additions aren't worth shit. aigis' social link is shit, the answer is humongous shit, hard mode isnt hard at all if you're not braindead, its all a bunch of useless additions wrapped up in a fully priced bundle
Vanilla or FES tbqh, same difference nowadays, atleast youll get more out of your money with fes, even if more is shit
The real REAL answer is to not play any of them, persona is trash

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>just fuel for dumb coomers.
I resent that.

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You could just ignore the answer. FES has a better main manu

P3 FES for your first run, P3P for all subsequent ones unless you really like 3D cutscenes. Way easier to skip through shit you've already seen, and way easier to get around the map as well.

Do you like S-links?

P3P has some of the best in the series. Oh, and vision quest is also pretty neat. You gwt to fight the full moon bosses again except they're not pushovers anymore. Margaret is also added as a second superboss.

>P3P is for the nuPersona autists that want an even MORE watered down turn based RPG than what was originally made.

You sound like someone whose first game was P4 Golden while trying desperately to fit in.

P3P, but they really should've added some cutscenes for key points (betrayal, party member's death). I feel bad for anyone who created perfect orpheus telos for elizabeth fight in FES.

The slinks given to Shinji, Ryoji, and Junpei add a lot more character to them than the original did. The other FeMC slinks are good too or at least better than the original’s

>P4 Golden
the KING of useless content additions
the answer was shit but it pales in comparison to marie, jesus christ what were they thinking

Are the cutscenes really that good? I still don't know which version to play. I don't plan on using FeMC

Marie was the least of that game's problems. Nerfing bosses in an already easy game to begin with while letting you choose which skills could be inherited.

P4G is a moviegame without the movie or the game part. It's just an even worse wannabe VN than Fire Emblem.

If you can date Elizabeth in the game its official and canon

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FES with cheat to control your party member > P3P > FES > P3

I didn’t miss them when they gone

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Yes, but that may just be my fanboy bias talking. Seriously though, they're incredibly animated, have such a good tone and style to them, and add a lot of impact to emotional scenes that otherwise can't be conveyed as well through text on a screen or static portraits delivering lines at you.

If you aren't gonna go with FeMC then there isn't a lot of reason to play P3P other than the fact that you can control your party members in battle, but seriously, unless you're a retard the AI is not that bad and the game is still easy on all but the highest difficulty.

hence why im sick of persona at this point
1 and 2 were no masterpieces far from it infact but atleast you got to the game relatively quickly and stayed in it
no dumbass friend sim BULLSHIT padding out 90% of the games runtime

What the fuck is a slink in this context? Did you try to say sprites and the auto corrector changed it?

Social links -> s. links -> slinks

Choosing which skills can be inherited is the best change they made
Carefully planing and making your perfect persona is much more enjoyable without all the retarded RNG

But P3P has objectively better gameplay and content than FES.

If you're not going to use the FeMC anyway then just play FES. Not having direct party control is not as big of a deal as people make it out to be.

completely agree with this user. P3P might have a Fmc route but at the cost of cuts and downgrades.

Ahh, that makes sense, it's still retarded though, slink is an actual word in English.

Yeah but no one who knows how to speak english and is familiar with Persona at all would be confused by it, pablo