What do they eat?

What do they eat?
also was the gun its penis

Attached: 1354717-combine_strider_standing.jpg (537x960, 31.23K)

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>What do they eat?

my cum

no the gun was surgically implanted

Yes the gun part but all combine synths were originally part of an alien race they over through and mechanically/genetically modified
So perhaps fleshy bits used to be its reproductive organ

They are probably fed the same way the stalkers are fed - with nutrition paste through a feeding hole.

Ok but what did they eat before the combine weaponized them

Nigga that can be said about all alien species in fiction.

Depends on what was available on their original world. They look like apex predators to me (large and fast), so probably smaller fauna and maybe tall tree-like flora on a rainy day.

They were probably peaceful herbivores, some alien planet's version of giraffes.

Did the gunships originally have the ability to fly

it looks more like a stinger

gamer grub
yeah they evolved with a propeller and pulse thrusters

So they were fish

>absolutely unable to defend itself from any kind attack from above
I would not assume these are apex predators, probably herbivores that really benefit from having a massive gun stuck to its dick area to attack anything not as tall as it. Compared to say vortigaunts who can blast green electricity at shit from their bare hands and are capable of intelligent thought without having been given these traits by the combine, those guys were probably higher tier predators in my opinion but considering the type of horrible shit you deal with in HL1, probably still not apex predators

Can the giant tentacles move from where they are planted or are the like the barnacles and just wait for food
Thos things seem pretty high on the food chain

I always assumed the barnacles shimmy around much like starfish on earth

They're more reminiscent of giraffes, to me...


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Do combine soldiers count as synths or would stalker fall closer to that

would drink

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What's the context here what are they using them for?
I know the use the grubs to fuel health stations

in the same room is the one containers you saw in the QZ, particularly post hotel Ch5 and most of Ch6. Combine seem to use Antlion Milk to fight Xen infections? That's all I could figure.

The bad guys (Combine) harvest their juices to fight the Xen flora infecting everything and you (the good guy) have to stop them by opening said containment zones and anti infestation teams

how can someone NOT be suicidal in a Combine-ruled society?

Drugs in the water or rebelling

>the 'alien' design is literally a flea with stretched-out legs
bravo volvo bravo

Attached: Flea_Scanning_Electron_Micrograph_False_Color[1].jpg (2227x2873, 1002.54K)

name one creature that looks like this

Attached: Gunship.jpg (360x360, 18.51K)


You seem high strung, why not take a breather and enjoy a nice cool drink of water?

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I love this masterpiece.

What was the point with the greentext?

Was Yas Forums that popular when the game got published?

Combine isn't their real name right? Like, the name is probably exclusive to Earth?


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it's funny that I only just played HL just a few days ago when I technically already "played" it way back in the early 2000s through CS 1.6. it's kinda of a weird feeling

There real name is impossible to pronounce

I don't think you see the implication.


They're officially calling themselves "Universal Union".

they probably werent as tall as they are now
their legs look augmented to shit

was there even a force as powerful and influential as the Combine in other games?

Gordon Freeman

>other games

Attached: LepismaSaccharina[1].jpg (2000x1435, 1.14M)

Why does it feel like we're living in the H-L world?

Attached: WINDOWS-19.jpg (1275x1811, 378.38K)

Gordon Freeman was in other games.

What if the combine were actually the good guys all along?

Since Laidlaw said Synths are basically manufactured lifeforms, I'd say soldiers are sort of like proto synths. An augmented Combine soldier is like a strider implanted with a mechanical exoskeleton, except the soldier was never grown in a synth factory.

This is a misconception. Their official name on Earth is Combine. Breen said "universal union" (non-capitalized) to describe the Combine. not to imply that that's what their name is.

they are.

Attached: combine soldier HLA.jpg (892x1544, 125.81K)

>combine gathers armies by force so they could have a winning chance against G-Man's employers' s race
>even managed to capture G-Man until Alyx screwed them over
>and now everyone's doomed

>Valve created an iconic design from a disturbing mesh of insectoid physiology melded with alien technology that hasn't yet been seen before or since in fiction

bravo volvo bravo

>universal union
So they basically have achieved singularity and now they want us to be part of them. Really now, why resist? It's like gods have come to visit our planet and want to give us the gift of skipping a couple of thousand of years of evolution and go right to the end.

can we talk about how fucky it is the Terminals in HLA? the ones that powered with the animal brains and guts?

yeah and lose your free will slowly and probably painfully?

it made the combines even more fucked up for me , stalkers were already nightmare fuel knowing that was your fate if you resisted but this is another level

Because you'll either be turned into a stalker or a soldier with no free will
You will be nothing but a tool

>It's like gods have come to visit our planet and want to give us the gift of skipping a couple of thousand of years of evolution and go right to the end.

it's not like that at all, they've displayed no interest in furthering the human race, and appear to only treat Earth like an inconsequential resource operation among thousands across their inter-dimensional empire. Humanity to them is only an asset being used to make resource extraction on Earth slightly cheaper. Even this pitiful existence had to be negotiated by Breen rather than having the whole race annihilated.

are you defending the alien designs in hl2 for being original?

Attached: Hl2final_antlion1[1].png (947x674, 259.08K)

That purple thing is its eyes

I doubt Breen has negotiated shit, he's just there to lull the masses who are still alive into doing nothing.

>open anticitizen_2313.exe
>alt + F4

Do you have a pic of this sound neat

t. Breen

Yeah, they're largely original and striking designs. I'm aware the antlion looks like the arachnids from Starship Troopers, but it still looks pretty great along with everything else.

you just opened mine , holy shit

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