Do you feel like old games evoke the sense of an adventure better than new ones?

Do you feel like old games evoke the sense of an adventure better than new ones?

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Yes, new games have too much power and graphics - you can see the threads essentially. I know I'm playing a video game.

Old games had a sense of wonder and "How did they do this?"

Yes, in the sense that the videogame didn't hold your hand and guide you from beginning to end, I guess the limited access to internet contributed to that. Now you can solve pretty much everything by just googling, before it was up to you, a magazine or having to turn on your PC, connect to the internet and that wasn't for free.

Kind of, yeah. Especially for RPGs. These days it feels like the games are just telling you a story. It used to feel like you were playing out your own story.

I dont think so. I mean yeah, they were a lot more good Games in the past, but not all new ones are total rubbish either.
I think it has something to do with innovation. More and more Games are just dumbed down versions of older games.
Copy and paste for retards.

I did from 2001 until STALKER came out

Not necessarily, it depends on the game.

Old games literally had SOUL

Absolutely. You had to really be innovative to do some of the puzzles in Zelda games.

>do you feel like, as you get older, your ability to differentiate fantasy and reality grows exponentially more potent, the implications of which you feel tangibly as you realize you're growing out of video games?
No shit. Next you're going to ask me if I think games are getting easier because I have the problem solving and critical thinking of a grown adult and not a retarded child.

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It have less to do with "old/new" and more about how the game interacts with the player. The "sense of adventure" essentially dies when you are constantly told what to do, where to go, etc.
Using only old games as examples, pokemon games are terribly linear most of the time but all you know is that you have to defeat gym leaders. How to do it, where they are, when to follow the main path and when to explore optional locations, etc. is all up to you.
On other hand, Crazy Taxi actually have a small open world with no barriers, but you are always following your client's orders. CT is loads of fun but you aren't really exploring the city and discovering new places, you are just optimizing your route to your client's destination.

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Absolutely and it more has to do with how they choose to design games today with shit like quest markers. Games today could be so much more immersive but never will be because of crap like this.

Depends on the game. For the most part, yes. Newer games have become lazy cash grabs and lack creativity and soul.
This happens to any creative industry that becomes corporate. Movies, TV, Music, Youtube videos, etc.
There is a fine line one must walk between capitalism and socialism to allow creativity in a product to truly shine.

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yes but pokemon has always sucked

The only reason those games felt like they had a better sense of adventure to you is because you were a literal child.

Not saying you can't still get immersed into a game as an adult, it's just easier to do it as a kid.

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shut the fuck up brainlet

>Can't debate facts so goes strait to insults
Yes you are, and my point is further proven by how based 90's were, and how everything these days is censored money grabbing garbage.

lower fidelity leaving way more for imagination to fill in blanks
also way lower reliance on procedural generation and and randomized loot added up to way more tailored experience


Primitive tech/graphics made you fill in the blanks with your imagination

>Yas Forums finds 200 ways to describe nostalgia without using the word

Probably helps they didn't coddle you like a baby by giving you mini maps and hints every couple fo steps

old good new bad

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nah breath of the wild felt like a big adventure to me.

there was always something brand new to experience through out my play through.

Modern gaming often feels like you are just going through the motions. Quest markers, generic/ drawn out npc dialogue and disjointed outsourced assets just break any illusion you might hope to have.

>nah breath of the wild felt like a big adventure to me.

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new games show you what the adventure is at all times
old games leave it up to imagination

>he lost the ability to get absorbed into a setting because he's not a kid anymore
Maybe you should try reading a book and training your imagination.

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>games used to hold your hand less
>games used to have you use your imagination visually
>games used to have secrets that wouldn't be found and spread across the internet days from release


Yes, because I was 12.

Yes, when we first played these games when we were younger we still had a sense of adventure and intrigue.

>Maybe you should try reading a book
Whoah, hey chill a little buddy.
Finished the Whel of Time series, about 3/4 done with mistborn. Next on list are Codex Alera, Malazan and House of Leaves. Anything should I add on list?

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I want to make a game that recaptures that feeling of adventure and mystery I had but I am afraid it will be too obscure for the modern audiences

Nah, you just remember the good games. There is plenty of bad old shit.
Pokemon games have definitely declined in quality as the years progressed. Black and White 2 were the last ones that were actually good games.

Quest pointers ruin exploration for me. It just turns into close eyes, auto run to point, complete quest. Close eyes, auto run to next point, complete quest. While it's mostly my fault, it pushes you to do it. Definitely don't do this with every game, rdr2 especially I explored the fuck out of it.

Yes, there are no games that have even come close to crystal for me pls recommend

3D and voice acting killed the majority of the imagination involved in it and then designing them for casuals (telling you how to do shit rather than simply making the tools available and designing the levels to teach you to trial and error them) and mobile shit/MTX (removing the majority of the reason to explore shit for cool extras when they could strip them and sell them back to you later because "it's just consmetic!") killed the rest.

No, being young evokes a sense of adventure better than being an adult.

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No, it's the perfect time for such a game. People will accept even the most half assed looking shit if it conveys mystery.

The only problem is that dataminers will find all your secrets too fast.

How about this one?

Warning: if you install this on a cracked handheld, you may become so comfy you'll never want to leave your bed again.

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Absolutely as older games gave you much more freedom.

It's not much of an adventure when you're constantly on rails and being told what to do every 5 minutes by obnoxious immersion breaking dialogue and quest pointers etc.

Crosscode gave me the same feeling of adventure that I had when played games as a child, it constantly reminds me of DW3, FF9, Alundra, Pokemon Crystal, CC, and yes, modern games lack the feeling of adventure, and I don't think the problem is the graphics or technology, it's something else.

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>Anything should I add on list?
Did you read Gene Wolfe, Clark Ashton Smith, Jack Vance, Frank Herbert, Liliana Bodoc and Dan Simmons?

>Gene Wolfe
I did read the wizard knight, but nothing more from that writer. I will check the others too, thanks.

The Black Company

Yes. New games are shit.


>new games
>multimillion $ projects
>still refuse to hire proffesional experienced writers
I never understood this.

Older games had to really work within tight confines to evoke a players "suspension of disbelief." Because we input our own, unique, sense of imagination into it, we grew attached to it on a more personal level and wanted to take part in the adventure.

>It have less to do with "old/new" and more about how the game interacts with the player. The "sense of adventure" essentially dies when you are constantly told what to do, where to go, etc.
This, and devs catering to add zoomers & stupid journalists are at fault

Abstraction. Same with how you can have those old pre-rendered backdrops that in absolute terms have less locations, but feels far more full.

When I was a kid my cousin taught over my bellossom's giga drain to teach it cut.

I nearly killed that boy that day

It's pretty apparant in Pokemon where you're never more than two steps away from a Pokecenter or an NPC who essentially acts like one. Rivals always heal you before battles too, hell even some of the Rocket-like enemy bosses won't fight you without fully restoring your team first.
Compare that to the old games where you have massive stretches without centers and rivals who will jump out of a bush and wreck your shit.

Depends on the games, a lot of modern gaming is "soulless" because they're too conservative and formulaic to maximize profits. Some modern games are really exhilarating though. Overall I'd say older games do a better job of it because they were lower budget, more niche, and experimental.

>Gary at Silph Co.png

based. curbstomped all the mouth breathing nostalgics in one swift blow

Only way I can fix my fuck up is if I teach it Thunderbolt later. I'm so glad they stopped with HMs but the whole make the games baby easy with how linear they are and exp share universal is trash.

Just get a better electric type, like Jolteon. And don't be so stupid in the future. I bet you also saved after you did it, retard.

I prefer older games but mainly because that's what I grew up with, and I don't have the free time to really explore new games and figure out how they really work to master the gameplay. Like I know how to play FF8 and FF10, but Neptunia confuses me so I don't play Neptunia nearly as much, even though I'm sure it's actually fairly simple and I just need to put a little more effort in.

Unironically start with the greeks. Modern fantasy shit cannot compare to the iliad

Amusingly, that particular encounter was steps after a healing bed.

Wait, you're both trolling, right? They changed the games that fucking much? I haven't played since Soul Silver in like 2010, but please tell me that's not how it is these days.

that was good, why didn't they ever patch it so you could get the last few enemies


Pokemon Go eevee and Shit and Shat do.