Have 3 interesting and handsome party members

>Have 3 interesting and handsome party members.
>Ruin it with barashit Gladiolus.

Attached: Worst.png (420x288, 277.62K)

only faggots care about male looks
you are gay

It's always funny to me when retards feel the need to state the obvious.

peak fragile heterosexuality

But the bara is the most handsome one. Kys skinny bitch.

Fag. Kys.

Adult Noctis is my dream husband.

Attached: handsome.png (540x578, 582.5K)


Attached: 1456791084432.png (499x338, 38.36K)

The actual problem is that XV's party has no female members, totally ruining the "three female party members per game" thing that had been going since IV.

??? how? he's not lean like the others

>gladio only interested in cup noodle
>he only exists to be an in-game ad

>Raphael, Michaelangelo, Donaltello, Leonardo
Which game does that?

>thinking that twink Goblin on the right looks handsome

>3 interesting party members
good one OP

why the FUCK was Iris not a party member?

Attached: iris_amicitia.jpg (600x338, 39.28K)

>b-but FFXV totally isn't fujobait, straight guys can play it
kek faggots

Because the developers were fags, user. Absolute and complete fags.

Honestly, Prompto was the worst of the three

he looks too much like John Wick for me to care

>Doesn't like Gladio
Comfirmed for having bad taste.

name ONE good thing about him

If they were fags why didn't we get the proper ending.

Attached: tumblr_owc1yl9ok01uv3gwvo1_1280.png (985x1080, 951.87K)

>skinny lanklet shitters hating on muscles.
All of you should be bullied hard by a muscle chad.

He's the quintessiential big brother personality type and I like that.
His dlc isn't bad either. On the whole I like that the dlcs differ from Noctis' playstyle.

Attached: 1584668756275.png (200x200, 16.65K)

Gay looking men aren't "fags" in Japan you fucking morons. Men that look effeminate are considered more masculine.

This. Western audiences just get raging boners from anything anyway.

This. The more effeminate you are, the more masculine you are.

>interesting characters


>Here's your female party member bro

Attached: Iris-Amicitia-FFXV.png (350x874, 259.14K)


Attached: japs on ff7r tifa.jpg (1000x1894, 908.06K)

FFXV is still fucking fujobait.

Why is it that 95% of the time, anyone who says stuff like "fragile heterosexuality" are likely to not be straight?

she is so cute

I can't believe how bad this game has aged, i couldn't even play it without getting a headache from the camera blur as you move, it is so noticeable that it makes my eyes hurt and i have really good vision

This game is awful on returning, after driving around for an hour, I decided to delete the game and never return.

I hope Final Fantasy 7 sequel is better

but its Prompto who ruins it

But that’s not Aranea.

Nothing about this game was anything above the lower spectrum of mediocre.

It is, don't worry.

they're all boring and the one on the right is outright cringe

Yeah I noticed that, I figured it was intentional but maybe it was just a series of coincidences because they just kept using the same 3 female archetypes.

Do not care for any of the characters desu. Every single one is shit and easily detestable while Noctis is some kind of magical emo. There are no good characters in the entire game (so far anyways. Not done with it.)

What the fuck does me calling a guy retarded for stating the obvious have to do with muscles you insecure moron?

meant for

I've never played it are they actually gay in game?

No, you’ve been duped by fan art.

Asian males are inherently feminine looking so they keep parroting this shit when they're just envious of superior western genetics

Gladdy is the glue that keeps the team together.

Attached: tenor.gif (380x214, 1.1M)

Episode Ignis makes it 100% clear that he's gay for Noctis.

What archetypes are those?


Attached: tenor2.gif (498x290, 2.55M)

Jessie, Wedge, and Biggs have become better party members than these clowns

>Het Noctis, GO FUCK YOURSELF for mourning your bride's death
Can't imagine why somebody wouldn't like him.

Nope, it's all just yaoicuck headcanon. Noctis has a female love interest.

>see shadows moving provocatively in the tent

Attached: tenor.gif (268x268, 1.4M)

Gladio is just a meat head, the twink Prompto keeps lusting after Cindy and Aranea, and It is is food sexual

Attached: 1585941916181.png (946x916, 600.45K)

>Kings being Kings

Attached: sup gay boy.jpg (409x683, 95.63K)

Absolute shit taste.
Gladio is second best boy.

SEETHING breeder.

100% of the time

Op is a mega faggot that can’t focus if strong men are in the game. The worst teammate was the annoying one with the camera. And if i had to think about it they all kinda sucked. The only good teammate was the lance bitch and she wasn’t a permanent party member.

>b-but FFXV definitely isn't fujobait, please believe me

This level of cope. None of you are japs so the cultural meanings for Japan don’t apply to you.

Fuck that jock bastard. The scene where he blows up in Noctis's face for no reason and gets all sanctimonious about Ignis's blindness turned me off Gladio forever.