Reaction image thread for those gaming discussion needs

Reaction image thread for those gaming discussion needs.
>post reaction images
>save reaction images
>make new reaction images

Fuck you it's a board culture thread.

Attached: psssh nothing personnel kid.png (738x724, 21.94K)

What games have you played today?

Attached: 5c05be08.jpg (564x420, 54.58K)

Attached: 1585640026668.png (620x818, 63.63K)

Attached: hrmhhmr.jpg (620x349, 102.62K)

Attached: still not a meme.png (351x367, 126.4K)

Attached: Winjo.png (235x214, 5.57K)

Reaction images cropped from vidya of course get bonus internet points.

Attached: power bitches.png (456x864, 796.37K)

Attached: sibsnaama.png (240x195, 28.21K)

Attached: crash.png (800x600, 203.49K)

Attached: this is not video games.png (400x839, 245.95K)

Attached: leo.png (406x433, 62.69K)

Attached: IMG-20161208-WA0005.jpg (360x480, 31.21K)

Attached: Crash and Cortex.png (840x474, 383.91K)

Attached: Cortex.png (281x281, 69.04K)


Attached: f8518f38.jpg (1050x872, 45.68K)

Attached: dol demon gameplay.jpg (486x327, 34.85K)

Attached: 1584884891529.jpg (206x216, 17.14K)


Attached: badass.jpg (1920x1440, 434.3K)

lads post your oldest gifs

Attached: 1351793850632.gif (270x270, 499.46K)

Attached: u wot m8.png (419x597, 456.1K)

Attached: 1409881889276.gif (500x281, 889.65K)

Attached: 1448037167017.png (986x832, 1.19M)

Attached: 1231248775087.png (667x375, 172.49K)

Attached: 1401656989551.gif (300x169, 342.39K)

Attached: AHEGAO.jpg (1250x460, 206.56K)

Attached: 1580824617014.gif (400x265, 932.31K)

Attached: qh3Oz.gif (336x497, 241.38K)

Attached: Croco.gif (200x200, 456.79K)

This is my favorite.

It makes me think I'm winning arguments when I have no rebuttal to retort with and I can't let that fucking faggot piece of shit cum eater make me feel stupid.

Attached: 1531708650568.png (620x581, 16.24K)

i dont even remember the context of it

Attached: 1401565447252.gif (516x465, 1.33M)

Attached: 77985597_p22.png (468x500, 393.34K)

Attached: 1565382412491.png (154x247, 71.61K)

A classic.

Attached: 1378188210389.gif (161x153, 1.91M)

Oldest vidya-related gif I have, with filename set to saving date.
I thought I was a 2008fag, but it looks like I'm older than that.

Attached: 20061215-025312.gif (480x394, 360.43K)

Attached: Glare.png (261x216, 104.84K)

I recognize that guy!

Attached: 1337632035149.jpg (908x1900, 535.48K)

Attached: 1577657369120.png (572x808, 189.39K)

Attached: metamorphing.gif (150x130, 172.63K)

Attached: Sakurai-edited.png (847x500, 443.49K)

Attached: now.png (859x706, 35.51K)

Attached: ENRAGED.png (745x747, 147.92K)

now that's a classic. Yas Forums comics used to be so good

That's a gif i haven't seen in a long time user

Attached: Earo.png (632x756, 35.06K)

I can hear that gif

holy fuck Yas Forums really is the worst board

There is no other reaction image out there that accurately displays pure rage more than this one. You can't debate this.

Attached: 1582353326755.jpg (757x1024, 46.82K)

Something absolutely retarded. Probably DE fucking up the balance of a frame or something.

Attached: 1554059532810.png (500x486, 56.76K)

Attached: 1502958425252.gif (320x240, 2.25M)

*insert wojak folder*

Attached: sony.png (572x685, 36.5K)

Attached: 1584824383294.jpg (500x368, 164.52K)

*sniff* Eagle FAAAACK

I don't see you posting only the simply the finest exquisite reaction files.

Attached: 1583028482810.webm (718x404, 2.8M)

I like this for that subtle repressed anger.

Attached: mad.png (596x685, 181.35K)

Attached: double nigger.jpg (500x461, 85.28K)

Attached: 1507062585932.jpg (985x865, 189.63K)

Attached: 4chan resume.gif (300x100, 17.02K)

Attached: NIGGER.jpg (344x315, 12.48K)

This one's my favorite.

Attached: 1571263998558.gif (400x400, 1.83M)

Never enough zetsubou in these dark times

Attached: 1536577031050.jpg (279x220, 22.84K)

Reminds me of Warframe but seems older than that.

Attached: woah.png (163x237, 17.94K)

Attached: 1568697722552.png (1043x390, 363.02K)