Steam Thread

Why people do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

autism most likely

Sounds like a pretentious bitch.

People who treat their steam profile like it's some social media page needs to be shot. Especially if they act like this autist

mental illness

unironical autism

Sounds like someone just interesting in trading shit?

>on someone's profile
>have question about what they do
>afraid of confronting them
Why aren't you just asking them?

High level profiles always got added by randos and bots though. Can't fault them for their autism after mass deleting requests.

that never happens anymore so his autism is unwarranted

Maybe not bots but some random people from all over the world adds you if your profile is high level and leave some upvoted reviews.

My level isn't 75 or higher and I don't have 100 friends.

Who is honestly worst?
>Friend collectors
>The antisocial spergs like in the OP image that have guidelines and rules for adding them

Since the other steam thread is pretty much dead. r8 my profile friends

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You know what is fun? Going to a person's friend list, finding the cringiest pfp you can find, then going to their friends list and watch the profiles get progressively worse as you repeat this process. It's a fun game.

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I would block people with profiles like that

Im putting you in the gay niggas list user

That's not an antisocial sperg. That's a woman.

I'm still getting invites from random chinese profiles with the exact same name structure (or very similar, fuck me if I'll ever learn that shit language) trying to link me to scam websites at least once or twice a week

>level above 50
>47 meme groups
>anime girl profile picture
>welcome to my profile

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How do you even level up your stream acc? I've been on steam since 2008 and am only level 10

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delete your account anytime

i think you gotta collect those badges things only reason i've ever levelled up is because i wanted some wallpaper so i had to buy cards to make badges or something


>level above 50
most people who participated in the past grand prix event went way above that without even trying, I made it pass 100 by buying about two games and I didn't even do the retarded minigames

I havent bothered with trading cards and all that in years. The lunar sale thing where you could level up your profile super fast helped a bit. Some of my groups are not exactly memes but i've also stopped bothering with that there used to be worse shit in there. Nothing wrong with GuP. The welcome to my profile part links to this


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please delete your account everything comes off as super faggy and ironic

reeks of underage

>super faggy and ironic
please explain

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Do these people actually get so much unwanted attention that a huge info page like this is needed? Is it TF2 players or something?

what's there to explain
look over your entire account
>that many groups
>788 games
>level 79

im bad at coming up with a good nickname and i stopped bothering with levels a long time ago. the rest are pretty understandable.

Don't listen to the retards on here. It's fine.
You're just going to get responses from contrarian retards who have private profiles.

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Heck isn't much of a nickname retard


Sorry, tardo. Try again.

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meh i'll just stick with it for now. i've seen worse steam profiles and at least im not someone like the tomokofag.

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>people who post rig specs

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Did hunt get any better or are you just addicted to a bad game

Yeah, don't listen to the retards on here, listen to discord trannies like

Well look at that, the only one who thinks that profile is fine is a literal homosexual.

what did he mean by this

i'll give you that much but take yourself out of the groups at the very least my brother

sad as fuck. that's not how you start a youtube gaming channel, you just can't do that anymore in this day and age. either start up with something more original or something that will get people's attention, then once you gained some sort of following, only then you can maybe try to transition into games everyone now and then.

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these threads are also so fucking dogshit
you have absolute autists who conform so much to the le epic pessimistic /vee/ mindset that their profiles must always contain either nothing or only things related to 4chin memes
imagine basing your own profile off of the opinions of literal shitposters

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I'm not a weeb tranny

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shut the fuck up faggot

shut the fuck up faggot

shut the fuck up faggots

>things related to 4chin memes
That's one of the biggest redflags.

When was the point you start/stopped playing? I've been pretty much playing it since late 2018 it has its ups and downs but yea its pretty addictive. The 1.0 update ruined the menu UI a bit but thats fine. I think they did remove some of the aiming jiggle thing because consolefags but i dont know if it has crossplay. They also added skins but you can at least farm for them instead of giving real money but it has some shitty dlc that are basically skins. Also for le ebin 4chin memes they added females in the game so idk how you feel about that. But i still enjoy the game.

t. got his profile shit on

>imagine basing your own profile off of the opinions of literal shitposters
this is what the chan has become thanks to reddit

shut the fuck up fags

t. cowardly beta male that makes his profile private everywhere

if you're in any Yas Forums related group you need to delete yourself, i cringe every time i see someone on my friends list being in one

turning steam into some myspace social media bullshit was a mistake that i never agreed to

>keep my profile clean and simple
>bland boring still get shit on
>try to spice it up a bit with one of the showcase shit
>get called an obnoxious tranny or underage
i just want to play video games

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What's your problem with Hunt?

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>craving attention and the need to express yourself

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if you want to just play video games my brother stop caring about your profile let it be bland

>heh.. that group is cringe.. i can't wait to fit in more by telling my friend how cringe he is

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a tranny or a woman maybe
>inb4 pepe
It's animated and it looks nice.

>anime profile pic
>generic profile description
>47 groups
>104h past 2 weeks
>listening to death grips while playing minecraft
unfunny weeb cringelord
2/10, not even the funny kind of cringe

>based username
>long time user
>trying a little to hard to be "haha gay"
>garry's mod

nothing interesting except system schock 2

Because they're somebody important and you're a fucking nobody.

>post anything on v
>expect anything but negative response
you must be new here

Hi user. I like your post.

Have a good day.

hehe all you my friend ;)

edit: wow! I've never gotten this many likes before
edit 2: OMG thanks for all the new likes!!

Not really i just rarely post. Also like the other user have a nice day king.


>being an insecure weasel that fears people online

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fuck it

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>please masturbate with a string around your cock
is this some immortal technique or a way to lose your dick user

I like, and both ENJOY playing video games.

i'd never do that, that'd be to cringy for me

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haha he said pee pee

Why do you care about some random autist who doesn't want to be your friend?

Why do these people resist?
Just shave that shit off.
Once your hair gets bad enough it literally looks worse than it would if it didn't exist.