Halo thread

Halo thread

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I like Halo 5's multiplayer. Its fun.

Infinite still has no gameplay, supposed to come out this year, and COVID-19 hasn't done anything to halt production. I am supreme worried

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>COVID-19 hasn't done anything to halt production.
Why would it? This is 343i we're talking about. They don't give a shit about putting a good product out. COVID-19 takes away development/production time. All that means is instead of delaying to accomodate, they put out an unfinished buggy piece of shit.

my sides I remember

I dont even remember the last time Halo showed new trailers outside of E3.

All we've gotten were two new 'vid docs'

>no marty
It's irredeemable trash no matter what

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Was that confirmed? cause so far hes still rumored to be on board.

Halo 4 Cortana is peak Cortana and if you disagree you're probably a homosexual.

You are the epitome why Halo is a disaster

Doesn't anyone really cares for infinite at this point? 343 can't even manage to port the x360 titles properly with their spaghetti code to pc or the xbox one.

Dead thread like the game that died at Halo reach. Fucking disgrace to the Bungie team

thanks for bumping it.

>Nu-halo deeigns

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she makes my peeny feel weird but I still prefer 3's

Don't forget the lead creative director leaving the shitshow lmfao.

Last I heard, 343 never approached him and the halo 5 guy was doing the soundtrack. But hey, if they get Marty then they'll get my interest, so that'd be nice.

2 > 3 > 2A > 4 > 1
Also you're a faggot.


Finally played through all the Bungie era games in the MCC and I think atm this is how I would rank the campaigns. Played on Heroic for the first run, gonna do Legendary runs soon. Shame I missed out on the series peak but I just never had an Xbox until the One.

You're gay.

Agree the same, but with 3 in front of 2

Is reach's sound still fucked?

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shit games, shit fanbase

He has a nice look.

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Envisage the aroma.

What a casual, you're supposed jump to legendary when you play the game. Who the fuck plays the game on heroic lmao

I'd put 3 in front but 2tana's smug personality won me over, on top of the fact that cortana's only really in halo 3 for a mission and a half.

It's actually really well balanced in arena gameplay. I can't explain why but I really hate playing big team in 5 though, and warzone is obviously cancer.

Marty probably would have seen the shit and be like hold the fuck up. What the fuck are you doing to my music, this is not even close.

thank you for that bump

Rate each game's multiplayer and sound design, go!

Recently got all the achievements in Halo 5 and now I feel like finally getting the MCC to play through the whole series on Legendary in anticipation for Infinite. Gonna be excited to go through Halo 1 and 2 for the first time.

What if they let you make a corona themed character?

You know they can easily work from home. They have top of the line Microsoft conputers/software, they can easily share files over the internet, unlike Sony or any other company. In b4 >m$ or Microsoft tech sucks or whatever retarded shit Yas Forumsermin say.

Multiplayer 2>3>1>Reach>5>4
>Eat shit triggered Halo 5 fans
Sound (This is subjective) 3>2>Reach>4>5>1

shit taste senpai

1 is best.

Refer to It says >Eat shit triggered Halo 5 fans
Follow it.

I treat the trilogy very close in terms of how great it was, I only put Halo 2/3 in front because how ahead it was in the social aspect and what features included e.g Forge, boarding vehicles, larger weapon/vehicles variety including detachable turrets, larger map pool, weapon locking on, customisation including achievement value, equipment I could add to this list even more. But those are on top of my head.


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Do people around here still play Eldewrito?

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I feel like some of these designs would work with the reach art style

this is how spartans were portrayed in the books.

Play invasion you fucks, I'm tired of waiting

>it's another "elites get their banshee stolen because some spartan rushes elite spawn" round

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Not my fault if you're teammates are a bunch of idiots lol

Red vs Blue did it better.

As far as 343-exclusive designs go, ones like Orbital, Wetwork, Oceanic, CIO, Locus, and arguably Defender are fine. Side note: as much as people rip on chink-lookin shit like Raider/FOTUS or crumpled up ones like Infiltrator/Ranger, the real worst of the bunch has got to be the completely uninspired designs like Operator and Aviator

yeah the dude who directed battle born left wow such a loss

Last I heard of Marty he was working on a VR game called Golem or something

BUILT for Sangheili COCK.

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Recently just finished CE playthrough; way more fucking difficult than I remember.

The Fight To The Control Room with the endless rooms of Elites and the bridges with the Elites/Hunters really pushed my shit in for a while

No they weren't? (although it wildly depends on the author and the book)

not him but I thought it was fun too, yeah I didn't like a lot of things about the game but it was good in its own right; it definitely should have been some sort of spartan 4 spinoff

What will they be like?

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Why would you start it with an OP pic of the worst halo, faggot?

hopefully not more of 343s dopy fucking slack jawed gator aliens

Because it's fucking great now shut the fuck up.

holy shit this is so fucking bad, how and why was any of this approved

>Mk VI >Recon >Scout >AA >>Operator >Gunigier
look how they massacred my boys

"no" you are a baiting nigger, fuck you; only the most braindead waypoint fuckazoid would ever say what you just said

Looking like retarded orcs and playing like retarded children, just like in Halo 4 and 5.

Yup and I got you to say the n word.