How do we go from this

How do we go from this...

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to this?

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You know you wanted to post -that-

Like this.

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It's Tails, the Yoshi of Mario. You could easily make a folder filled with weird pics that derail threads.

He'll always be my brave little boy

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I'll never understand how these people keep their jobs



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I don't know, but it's a shame.

To be fair, he's just why Colors and Lost World are trash, he only did the localization for Forces

Please ban him my poor virgin Christian eyes

Pontac and Graff

Yes and no. True he only wrote Colors and Lost World, but the changes he did to the characters are permanent

>localization for Forces
You mean the same localization that made the story worse through needless alterations (SONIC IS BEING TORTURED, TAILS HAS LOST IT GUYS) that end up feeling nonsensical?

Exactly. Why the retard that only writes shit comedy thought adding that would be a good idea, I have no clue

How do these people get away with this.

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He was fine in Unleashed, Colors and Lost World. The real problem with Forces was its abortion of a plot that put Tails into that situation in the first place. Forces is why you don't give Adventurefags and SatAMfags an inch, because they'll take a mile. The IDW comic is even worse in that regard.

Eh, they wouldn't have chosen him for the writing if they didn't want his tone

He wrote happy tree friends


>blaming adventurefags
Based retardbro

>He was fine in Unleashed, Colors and Lost World
>Adventurefags and SatAMfags
>The IDW comic is even worse
Astounding, every word incorrect

But the problem isnt his tone, it's that the writing is just shit

>He was fine
>in Lost World

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shallow tactless comedy is a tone

how the FUCK did he get his job? nepotism? did sega really not have anyone else?

Probably because he's a comedy writer and was cheap for Sega

Forces is practically SatAM: The Game & Knuckles, and you'd be a damned fool not to recognize that. And Ian Flynn, IDW's writer, writes Amy as Sally in a red dress because he can't get out of his Archie mindset. Mania was made by and for the Classic fans, and it turned out great. Forces was made for the "Where's muh Shadow REEEEE" fags, OC fanfic writers, and Sega corporate, and it was a train wreck.

>Sega puts in the absolute minimum effort for writing and plot, to say nothing about gameplay
Right, execution is never a factor.
You're retarded dude.

>Forces is practically SatAM
This much is true, where are all the people? Where was GUN or some other human military? There were always humans in Sonic, where the fuck are they?

>And Ian Flynn, IDW's writer, writes Amy as Sally in a red dress because he can't get out of his Archie mindset
Ian Flynn did not write Forces and is irrelevant to the games

>Mania was made by and for the Classic fans, and it turned out great
It was a preety nice romhack

>Forces was made for the "Where's muh Shadow REEEEE" fags, OC fanfic writers, and Sega corporate, and it was a train wreck.
>order a pizza
>get a pizza covered in shit
Kill yourself

If Forces was written by fanfic writers that liked Shadow, it wouldn't have been a clusterfuck that mishandled all the characters, refused to explain its premise or plot elements, and couldn't commit to the direction

The producer for the modern games is a retard who says the human world is separate from Sonic's, and whose only writing credit on a big game was for ow the edge

please someone tell him that saying "all's well that ends well" after a city gets destroyed is not a good conversation starter

He's just trying to lighten the mood.

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>Ian Flynn did not write Forces and is irrelevant to the games
It's canon now. As aknowledged by the Sonic 101 video: Amy "has matured into a strong independent hedgehog with a strong sense of justice" which is pretty much Sally Acorn. She's no longer Sonic's stalker damsel in distress.

So? What does that have to do with Forces' writing being shit?

Isn't that for the best? Does anybody really miss clingy psycho Amy? As far as a joke goes, it was thoroughly played out.

I'm no shipper or anything, but making Sonic all "YIKES! A GIRL! I'm OUTTA HERE!" is fuckin dumb.

Remember 4Kids?
They also did ""localizations""

>but making Sonic all "YIKES! A GIRL! I'm OUTTA HERE!" is fuckin dumb.
Holy fuck Sonic is based

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Writers in Forces just didn't give a shit, it looks like they barely know anything about the Sonic cast. Everyone was ruined in some way in that game.
At least it looks like they're trying to forget Forces was a thing. as for Tails he is much better in IDW and they made him alright in the Twitter Takeover, that one OK KO special and M&S Olympics.

She hasn't been that since CD
You're crying for a return to tradition, but you don't actually know the character outside of the one classic game, you dumb nostalgianigger

Nothing. I'm not the poster. Just chimed in to point out your incorrect statement

I've seen this page about a hundred times now and only today do I have an appreciation for just how fucking awful that dialogue is. It's like everything else out shined it and just now as I've gotten used to it it can finally sink in just how bad these words are.

I'm not about to defend clingy stalker Amy but I'd much rather her over a cardboard cutout generic girl who has absolutely zero quirks or personality and really doesn't have any reason to even be around at all without her clingyness. She was a one-note character before but now she's literally nothing.

>N-no! Forces was good! All the characters were handled perfectly! It was the localization that ruined it!
You first, retard

say we do get an adventure remake, what if there were some additions onto the more "infamous" lines?
>"Or I'll have to take it from you by force!"
>Camera zooms across Eggman's face
>"The HARD way!"
>Cut back to Sonic, who rolls his eyes.

>"All's well that ends well, right?"
>Everyone looks awkwardly at Tails

Not as important, but still bothered me
Why is Chaos 0 so thin in Sonic Forces?
I swear he was never this skeletic in Adventure 1

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Sonic was a MGTOW incel this whole time.

That's fair. Writing girls as anything other than "generic non-offensive character" is something too many fail at.

Nigga what. This picture makes me feel jaded, like I should appreciate how simple and Saturday morning cartoony it is, but I can't.

Nah. Adventure 1 and 2, Advance 3, Battle, 06, Unleashed, Heroes, Rush. In all of these she was portrayed has a Sonic stalker, Cream even says she has "Sonic Radar" in Rush. I give you that she hasn't been a damsel in distress for a long time, last time actually being Adventure 2.

>Chaos 0
>in Sonic Forces

Man. I don't like the Sonic Adventure series but even I played through them. This guy doesn't care enough about the source material to even try the games himself. Even though that's his job. You know, to know the source material to create more source material. wtf

he was false fucking advertising

What the fuck is this extrapolation, user
Forces is inherently shit
Original is only marginally better because it doesn't have shit like 'terabytes of selfies"

Imagine caring so little about your job, you wouldn't even play a video game to inform yourself. I tell you, writers have it SO HARD.

Her arc in Adventure 1 was to become her own person so that Sonic would like her, and ended with her beating the shit out of a robot all on her own
SA2 had her sneaking onto a fucking military prison ship and breaking Sonic out of jail to prove to him that she was capable
Granted, she becomes two dimensional after that, but in both of the Adventure games she was someone whose primary strength was a strong sense of empathy and justice, and having an uncanny ability to communicate her emotions and speak to those qualities in people, managing to flip both Gamma and Shadow in just about one conversation

So the localization is not responsible for why the game is shit, which was the logical conclusion of what you said

The point was that while Forces is shit to begin with, Pontac found a way to make it even worse, retard

He's in his 60s and is known for writing incredibly shallow shit like Lazytown and Happy Tree Friends

My point is that the game's even more shit with its localization than without it
Fire those bastards

It was Graff actually but you're right, they made it somehow worse.

If he can't be bothered, he should retire. People unwilling to do a job shouldn't have it.

fuck I can't wait for the next game to come out just so Forces can be forgotten. This game gives me migraine

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Yes, and?
I haven't said anything to the contrary, so you're having a schizophrenic argument with yourself

So, how did you know it wasn't the real one?

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Same way we went from this...

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It'a ok. Sega already forgot about it. In last year's SXSW panel they tried their hardest to barely mention it (they only said that it came out, kek)