>quarantine happens
>all of the sudden people wanna buy Nintendo Switchs
>the whole appeal of the Switch is to play on the go
>can't go anywhere because of the quarantine
Why are consumers like this? What the fuck was stopping them before?
Quarantine happens
The appeal of portable console to me was always just playing in my bed conveniently, and to a lesser extent, not needing a TV
Nints are lazy as fuck they juwt want to play in bed
>all of the sudden
Consumers at large finally have enough spare time to play games and they voted with their wallets
Switch is a good local multiplayer machine for family to spend time together.
>most families only have one tv
>with everyone in quarantine, everyone is home
>this means if people are watching tv, you can now no longer play xbox or PS
>Better buy all the toilet paper and leave the food!
After 3 years the Wii was available everywhere. It was still a hot item until 2010 but sales were going down and you could buy one. The Switch meanwhile is still hard to find
parents buying them for their kids, and autists buying them because tranny male crossing only allows one save file per console.
the appeal of the switch was to play on the shitter
Before Covid-19, anyone could easily buy a Switch. Now it's difficult as everyone is buying one as well scalpers increasing the price of it to 400 bucks than 230.
alright can someone tell me why mario's mustache is different color than his hair?
The Switch was easy enough to find for a long time, obviously Covid 19 has hit production.
Most people pick a system based on games. Nintendo has the best local multiplayer, since everyone else gave up on that for some reason.
My hair is dark brown but my beard is red and light brown/blond except on the bottom which is darker than my hair. Lots of people have strange colored facial hair compared to their hair color.
I think the reality is that it’s hard to buy a switch because all the fucking stores are closed, dumbass.
>the whole appeal of the Switch is to play on the go
The appeal of the Switch is Nintendo exclusives. The "on the go" part is just the latest gimmick.
It /was/ the cheapest full-game system to buy.
Literally cost-based decisions.
>all of the sudden
It's because China is under lockdown and all your Switches are made by people in concentration camps, so no more are being produced. Morons.
I have dark brown / black hair but a the tips of my beard are red.
It happens sometimes
People buy PS and XB only to go out and brag to their friends about having the last next gen high tech 4k 60fps shit, but when they want to actually have fun and play games, they buy a Nintendo console instead
No Animal Crossing I guess.
Really I guess Animal Crossing doesn’t exist.
I'm black and my pubes on my foreskin are blonde.
>the whole appeal of the Switch is to play on the go
only retards play in handheld mode
>sold my switch for £200 the week before lockdown started
This, I got a gba sp because it takes up no space. I hated using the joycons in handheld anyway, they felt so cheap
as usual, nintendo built the console around a gimmick but people don't really care about that gimmick, they buy it for the games. switches are selling out because people have nothing to do and they see animal crossing getting shilled on every online platform. they really lucked out with this quarantine
>mad they aren’t buying PS4s
Keep coping.
maybe the switch was never for manchildren
switch was a bad idea since the start, i didnt waited for a fucking Switch mini, i want a fucking Switch that doesnt have the handheld stuff, im not autistic enough to play it outside.
You aren't a manchild, but you're most certainly a newfag.
there's no point in buying a xbone and ps4 when the new consoles are coming out soon
What said plus Ring Fit Adventure.
Keep it docked forever then, brainlet.
Animal Crossing just released.
People want to elevate their mood with BINGBING rather than play AAA crisis machines, which they are living though in RL at the moment.
I never see anyone with their Switch in public aside from little kids
One word: families.
It's the only console with good, family fun local multiplayer. With loads of kids out of school and parents working from home/out of work but getting stimulus cash, the Switch is the obvious choice when little Zoomies get bored of their iPads. Gen-Xer and Millennial parents are nostalgic for playing Nintendo together when they were kids and hope to give their own kids the same experience. Sure some had already bought their kids the Switch, but younger Zoomers were often just given an iPad, but now they're bored with it and demand something more.
That's because Covid-19 affected the supply chain. Nintendo said months ago Switch production was going to be affected because of China shutting down.
why would more adults be out with switches? Kids bring them out for distractions, and for their parents to manage them easier.
Amazon made orders available last night here, so got it whilst I could. Payment went through and should be expected to arrive on the 30th. Meanwhile, I'm emulating.
>buying a switch when you can emulate it
>Buying a $2000 pc to emulate a $250 console
Getting it for the family more than anything.
If it can be of good, recreational use, that's all that matters.
Call me when Switch emulation is PPSSPP tier.
Hes a manchild. Not only is he new hes copying wojak posters but without wojak.
So they can play while their boyfriends wife watches Netflix
Overpaid there, lad.
>all of THE sudden
>the whole appeal of the Switch is to play on the go
Bedroom dwelling teeny bopper thinks 'portability' means going down the Swing Park.
What I find funnier is the fact that people try to sell you this piece of shit in used condition at $700 on Amazon.
Whoever is mad enough to pay these prices should get their whole offspring off the gene pool.
>most families only have one tv
Where the fuck do you live? The 1950s?
i can go to my living room and play it on my couch fucking comfy
cope harder snoy boy
They want a system to shut the kids up
It's either £279 or £299 here - standard price for the Switch (battery upgrade, not original).
All stock - old and new - are out with only Lites being the stick-arounds.
>I have no argument and thus must use hyperbole
fucking this
what's even more retarded is that i walked into a walmart the other day and they were fully stocked, so i'm not sure why everyone is freaking out about a "shortage"
Not sure but I'd only play docked anyway. Not a fan of how the portable mode turns Switch games into GBA games.
Your Walmart is a very special case. None of the Targets, Walmarts, or Bestbuys within 250 Miles of where I live in Philadelphia have any.
they're not updating inventory on websites. just walk into one and you'll probably be surprised.
It's not the 80s anymore, boomer. While houses have many screens these days, most only really have one TV. At most there might be an old computer monitor that also accepts HDMI input, but for the most part it's all phones and tablets these days.
The appeal of the switch is that it actually has games, unlike the competition.
why would you buy a ps4 or an xbox when both system have been on a hard drought for nearly two year?