Tell me about pietro. Why does he wear the paint?

Tell me about pietro. Why does he wear the paint?
Also this dude's music starts out creepy as hell
I love him already

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reposting my fishing haul from last thread

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Anyone got Egyptian clothes or Kicks in their village?

Coco with glasses

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Are villager pictures not in this game?

Dear god why

tell me your qol you want

just got the ship deck flooring. has anyone come across any pirate furniture?

Amiibo scan bonus at Harv's, I believe.

Post 'em.

Attached: Animal Crossing Villagers.png (1120x658, 291.24K)

>Identifying Flowers
>"yep, it's a flower"

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>mfw I finally understand why C.J.'s Japanese name is Justin

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You are now 1 Recipe closer to glory.

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Is there some strategy to this or did you just end up on a rare fish island via Nook Miles

Where do I get this tier maker template?
The first one you get from the website is shit.

oh no my shit island has been exposed

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This is the one I used

Took me a while too.

Here's another one

Does it matter what you decorate your village with? Can certain items lower your rating?

Just found out that you get them for free if you use your town's villagers as models, too.

question, do bamboo trees affect the growth of fruit trees? i have a small orchard and lots of trees have not grown in 2 days but i have tons of bamboo.

amiibos aren't required, you can place your current villagers in and you'll get them.
They're not photos in this game, rather posters for your walls.

>Hot Item of the day: Wooden-block table
>640 Softwood in storage

Time to watch some Scott

Why diddnt i fucking know there is a Dalahäst in AC

How do I get the "egg party hat" and "egg party dress" recipes? They seem to be the only ones I don't have.

Keep collecting eggs of various types. Eventually you end up learning it. Don't know what the threshold is, might be 20 of each type collected in total or it might be 30.

get enough of all 6 egg types to come up with the recipe

You get it from learning all the other egg outfits, which you learn by getting a certain number of eggs.

Talk to villagers

>make an upgraded axe
>now I can only get 2 materials from a tree instead of 3
I don't understand why making it better made it worse?

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There are 35 recipes you get from bottles and from "getting ideas". After that, you get the idea for those two. There are also three more that you can only get on Bunny Day, the Arch, Wobble Toy, and Wand.

tried it myself

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.24M)

Tent music is always random because radio.

>Gold Slingshot
>Not customisable

DAMMIT FISHER! You’re supposed to be infiltrating Tom Nook’s counterfeit turnip operation not using Third Echelon gear to spy on an anthropologic fox sunbathe!

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What makes you think posters replaced pictures, can't both be in the game? I'm gonna be fucking pissed if they took out the pictures, it was great having a quote from the villagers.
Also posters aren't a friendship reward, you can just get them at any time, making them a fucking terrible replacement.

Fuck Kojima and FUCK BRIDGES

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>doesn't know how to play the game
>comes to Yas Forums to complain anyway
sounds about right

Nope its the amount of shit you place. Go nuts

"Alright, I should receive a reply from them anytime now. Let's see here...
>no replies yet..."

I know that feel Gulliver.

Can you actually jump across those? That would be awesome.

You probably planted your fruit trees too close together

Caroline is fine, but three normals is a bit much

Attached: tier list.png (1064x374, 252.73K)

>Not joining the UCA
Never going to make it.

Don't worry, pictures are confirmed to be in the game.

probably a mix of both. rare fish island and throwing away sea bass

gave them all 8 spaces around the trees, for example my coconut trees grew just fine and theyre place exactly like the rest.

post dodo codes i’m trying to shop

Did you terraform that? Because it looks disgusting

Here is mine

Attached: my-image (3).png (1064x555, 250.09K)


Based Sam

The other AC games didn't have material collection for crafting systems. Why would I assume that three strikes from an upgraded axe would fell a tree as opposed to four? Why would I be punished for creating something more durable?

How´s your decorating going?

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Kidnapping villagers to fill my island with sounds a lot like terrorism

Didya notice the sharp blade?

"It's time to exercise the Sixth Freedom."

"No, Sam, the right to fuck anthropomorphic animals is not in the Constitution."

"It is now."

if a villager has cool shit in their house can i get it somehow?

This has already been posted this thread

can you adopt villagers if your island is already at 10? gonna be sad if i can't get one i really want just because bluebear refuses to fuck off

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>Gulliver's phone screen is completely covered in cracks

fucking kek

No, the plot needs to be empty I think. Basically the timing has to line up perfectly.

I think it looks great

Nice looking island bro

Cute cat? Is it the poster, or have she changed since the earlier games?

My villagers. Do I eventually get more?

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So, I know the cherry blossoms are going away, but does bamboo disappear soon too or do I still have time on that? I can just get some and plant it on my island, right?

pietro is cute

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Yes, and keep Audie. She is hard to get. If you don't want her you can sell her to someone because she is very popular.

What are the new villagers that New Horizons introduced?

She wears different clothes in this game, but her appearance is the same

ngl it looks real fucking bad bro
River is jank city with square corners
Waterfalls line up poorly
Cliffs have a tiny hallway cut into it, not ideal for gameplay and looks awful
Furniture terribly aligned

wait what.

The max is 10. You need to build the houses first though.

Maybe she was just unlucky here

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did I miss my chance to get sakura recipes
I only have like 3 and I'm too unmotivated to play the game anymore


Disagree but ok

Thanks, I’m loving the terraforming. This used to be basically a mountain with a lake at the top but now: Audie’s Lagoon

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Your only hope is to stand by the beach all day.

I got my last 4 recipes yesterday and it took me 5 hours.

How are you only getting 2 materials? It takes 3 swings to fell a tree, and you get material from each swing.

>Audie was inspired by the grandma who played over 3,500 hours of Animal Crossing
>Everyone thirsts over her

Attached: worry.jpg (168x219, 5.38K)

Best sisterly villager, go

Nothing wrong with liking 'em old.

Yeah that render does not show her very well, she's very cute in New Horizons

>asking someone as retarded as that if they're sure they can count properly

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The only thing inspired by the grandma is the EN name. She's called something completely different in the JP version


I'm not sure how long it's been in the series, all I know is that it's been around since at the very least New Leaf.

Holy shit someone needs to take your waterscaping permit away

>Stuck with tammy

is there a better way to manipulate it

Katt. Fight me.

Phoebe, Reneigh is good too

What do fishing tournament do?
Should i start preparing fish baits?

I thought it was obvious I meant without cutting it down but I guess not.


please post cool terraforming or layout ideas
I still only have one bridge and one incline and I'm fucking lost on what to do
I feel paralyzed

In JP she's named Monika, after the DDLC character.

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>you can sell her to someone because she is very popular.
You weren't kidding. I thought you were fucking with me.

Not in a rush to evict anyone but Renee but it would be nice if all the DIY house villagers got phased out eventually.

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Katt reminds me of the fat guy in Family Guy that Peter wanted to draw naked.

Every 5 minutes is a chance of a balloon spawn, so just stick near whatever coast they spawn from when your clock is about to hit :00, :05, :10, etc. And don't bother with the Easter balloons.

Some people say that walking into a building and talking to someone inside makes more balloons spawn but I tried it and it seemed like a placebo effect. Balloons would spawn as often as not whether or not I tried doing that.

Just be on the West beach between 6am-6pm and look for balloons ever XX:X0 and XX:X5 minutes. And after 6pm look on the East side.

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