RE HD remaster is is unplayable nowadays with archaic controls and stupid door opening animations

RE HD remaster is is unplayable nowadays with archaic controls and stupid door opening animations

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you can disable tank controls and the game even recommends doing so iirc (or at least sets it as the default)

>Has BSAA Jill
It's playable again.

t. zoomie twitch addict

And potato Jill.

And you completly break the game. This is the worst advice.

tank controls are based.

but i agree that the door animation should be skipable

tank controls and fixed camera angles fit together perfectly

REmake actually has clunkier controls than the original.
Spin in a circle in RE1 then spin in a circle in REmake. It's shocking how slow it is in REmake, Jill/Chris are autistic and have to slowly turn step-by-step, like the floor is slippery.

ok zoomer

Everything you just wrote is objectively untrue, and a pathetic troll attempt.

It does not recommend it, and the 2D controls feel and look awful.

i wouldn't know, i didn't played a shit remasters for underages who weren't born in 2002

I'm playing it right now without tank controls and having a great time. Truly a brilliant game.

0/10 troll b8 thread. whoever bites and gets bad should reconsider his life
meanwhile for OP


>I want everything homogenized into the same generic shooter controls
Heaven forbid a horror game has anything to induce suspense.

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>feel like playing this again
>choose between PS4 version and Switch
>go with Switch because portable
>it costs $10 more there

Resident Evil was never good

I thought this may have been the case too but after I played for a bit and started making progress I just got sucked right into the game and began to remember why I love tank controls etc. Didn't have a problem with the door loading screens either.

and the voice acting, and the janky cutscenes, and the bad graphics, and the bad audio quality, and everything else. remake needed.

>Resident Evil remade without the janky voice acting and cutscenes
Literally soulless

>old RE games

Attached: nic.gif (400x200, 3.91M)

Nintendo tax.

soulless is exactly what I'd call jill's animations in REmake

>having one

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It's RE1 that has the most soul, REmake made the voice acting more professional and therefore more soulless.

what fucking suspense LMFAO
I literally can't even take those games seriously because of their technical aspects. Graphics, audio, animations are all fucking awful. Laughable even. Whatever suspense there was I didn't catch any of it because I just finished RE2 and REmake and it was more laughable than suspenseful because of how awful literally everything was.
This desu. RE1 was at least fun. REmake tries to take itself too seriously too much and fails miserably. No fun.

someone actually thinking that re1 is better than REMAKE is such a bad opinion that i honestly can't believe that anyone thinks it and it isn't just extreme contrarianism to the autism extreme

i wouldn't know, i didn't played a shit remasters for underages who weren't born in 2002

Zoomer detected. There's literally nothing wrong with tank controls and fixed camera angles

This exactly.
Zoomies are responsive for slaughtering entire game genres in the past 10 years alone.

yes kiddie, it indeed had suspense and atmosphere.

this made people shit their pants in suspense and atmosphere in 1996

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This is true with RE3 being the most fluid out of all of them. I'm just glad it isn't Code Veronica clunk, those controls make that game unplayable for me.

It indeed did. And some of the best parts still are pretty unnerving today.


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Annie, are you ok?
So, Annie are you ok?

nah man, I'm fucking dying in here.

Yeah its shit. If it isnt over the shoulder like RE4 its automatically trash. 1 and the "remake" is trash because the remake still uses garbage tank controls and fixed cameras. OG 2 and 3 are trash but the remakes are good. 4 to 6 are masterpieces and 7 is also garbage for switching to first person

Eat shit

also, the characters don't curse. It's totally unrealistic in that scenario.

>that zoomer going nuts because the only games knows are modern trash

cope with the fact that the game aged bad

What are people's opinions on Outbreak?

>hate disabling tank controls
>but it gives you such an advantage for those speedruns/real survivor/invisible enemy modes

>whoever bites
You replied, dumbass.

Julia Voth is ugly

dilate, nu jill got that caveman brow

>also, the characters don't curse.
They do, though.

You're shit and you're taste is shit!

>the path to victory is virtually impossible!
There's a modern control option that breaks the game for casuals like you.

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we can only hope

>Complaining about a japanese game having shit controls from 20 years ago
>when it's the remake after half a dozen degrading sequels
>not realizing Japanese games are trash and have no innovation, just clunky movement, menu browsing and poorly animated cut scenes

>REmake tries to take itself too seriously too much and fails miserably. No fun.
Dis-a-fucking-greed. REmake 1 is the best title in the series, the voice acting didn't feel as stilted and the game focused on the ambiance since it had technology to work with that wasn't around in 1996.

that's retarded. you have the quick-turn for that exact reason.

>I literally can't even
stopped reading there. stop typing like a faggot.

Fun fact, those eyeball textures are photoscanned from a picture of an actual dead body.


Thanks for letting us all know your taste is bad.

He's talking about the quick turn you fucking retard

>nuRE zoomer shills now shit on the classics as they have been btfod so many times and their empty shilling narrative doesn't work anymore
this indeed is the new low

the original doesn't even have quick turn. unless you're actually implying that the slow tank turn is somehow less clunky than using quick turn, in which case shut up

>archaic controls
>stupid door opening animations