How would you fix the ending?

How would you fix the ending?

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I would go back and change ME2 to actually be an important part of the overall plot so the method and means to defeat the Reapers is in place before ME3 starts

Then ME3 could be about implementing what ME2 set up instead of having a retarded plot built around a We Dont Know What It Does Machine that has to end up on Earth for an epic showdown to match an asinine Save The Earth marketing campaign

ME3 has a better ending than 2 lmao, that big dumb fucking terminator human looking reaper was the gayest shit in the series by far

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like 2 is a bit of a diversion from the main story. Obviously they're connected but it seems very self contained as opposed to 1 and 3 which are quite focused in how they're about stopping the Reapers.


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Scrap the star child, control, and synthesis completely they're absolutely retarded ideas
Go with the original dark energy plotline
It always ends with the Reapers being destroyed but depending on what allies you recruit and choices you make the cost to the galaxy will be different
>recruit everyone and make all the right choices: hopeful, optimistic ending where you work together to rebuild everything, Shepard is memorialized as a galactic hero
>recruit 50% of allies or make some wrong choices: bittersweet ending where you mourn some major casualties and the future of the galaxy seems bleak but you have hope you will eventually recover
>recruit less than 50% or make all of the wrong choices: Pyrrhic victory where almost everyone is dead, systems are cut off from each other, and the few remaining survivors are fighting each other over what resources are left, there's little to no hope the galaxy will ever recover

Right here
A whole lot better if you have no knowledge of the DLCs too.

how does this actually work? anything immersion ruining? Does it give you some kind of post-game / end game state like in ME2 where you can just free roam?

would this be the best way to play the citadel dlc for the first time?

I would end the game after mass effect 2 with the bad ending where shepard dies

>I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like 2 is a bit of a diversion from the main story.
You're not. A lot of people feel like ME2 is filler.

It removes all immersion breaking events and makes it fit like a real ending. You can't free roam.
It would be the best way and better if you barely know anything about it beforehand.

It's great filler. Probably the best filler there is. But it's definitely filler.

I'd kill the jews

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Quad me daddy

I'd destroy bioware and then put the series on stasis until another company that shows itself capable of actually writing a plot can take on the mantle.

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Make a Mass Effect 4 and give it more context.
Also, a fun gimmick would be bringing back exploration, being able to attract Reapers and being able to call in the fleet you amassed to help you fight.
If you defeat like 10k Reapers this way, you automatically win and can skip the entire campaign.

Retcon it to all hells. Basically, just do what JAM mod does - destroy the fucks and ride into the sunset and leave Shep alone with his love interest.

Scrap the kid and the relay explosions for sure. Just have a big epic 10s of (gameplay) hours long fight in multiple parts against the reapers in both ground and space combat. Maybe some others like ocean. Shepard leads daring missions, maybe makes some high level decisions, and some 1 on 1 fights with some BBEGs. The ending is simply defeating the reapers and celebrating victory in a partially devastated galaxy.

let the reapers steamroll you no matter how well you prepare

It's not filler anymore when the the filler is the best part in the series.

ME3 is all out war which is why it sucks, you can't really fix it or make it interesting in any way. ME2 is a vacation which is why it worked.

Frankly, that's not a bad thing. Reapers could have disappeared after game 1 and I would have been happy. I wanted to explore the galaxy with Liara at my side.

>Shepard is memorialized as a galactic hero
And retires with his love interest.


2 was so bad it kind of shocks me how people think it is one of the best games of all time. 2 represented the slope to hell that bioware was disembarking on - a slope that has nearly finished them as a company (anthem/andromeda).

>It's not filler anymore when the the filler is the best part in the series.

A lot of the newfags that post on ME threads started the series with ME2 and either never played the first one or just rushed through it cause they were used to ME2 gameplay.

Fuck off, Liara hater.
What's wrong with it, besides the main plot line?

The bottle episodes are often the best ones. They have no obligations to a larger story, only to telling the best contained story they can. It's why middle chapters like The Dark Knight and Empire Strikes Back are often the best. You don't need to establish a world, or wrap up a story. You can just do whatever is interesting and compelling.

Mass Effect 2 is a perfect example. The roster of characters is imo why it reigns supreme. It has the time to get into all their backstory and their personalities. 1 and 3 don't have the same luxury.

Ask the original writer.

ME3 remaster that keeps the good and rewrite what needs too. Just do it. But current Bioware would probably fuck it up even worse, unfortunately.

In order to fix the ending you have to fix everything about Mass Effect 3 plus more than half of Mass Effect 2.

Destroy is the only ending. If you think otherwise you are an idiot. Therefore, make destroy canon and move on from that instead of avoid it completely and making another mess (Andromeda)

It's true

Reapers are a half baked idea which is why drew karphysn ran away to write for swtor because he couldn't fix his own mess. Even in ME1, the strength was the diversity of the interesting locations you visit (in the main missions anyway), the story isn't that great. It's about the journey not the destination. ME2 was the best part about the journey.

yep, this is why attack of the clones is my favourite prequel too. It's a sightseeing experience.

>yep, this is why attack of the clones is my favourite prequel too. It's a sightseeing experience.
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but I unironically agree.

>Mass relays are the weapon to defeat the Reapers, shoot them into a sun or center of the galaxy with all the black holes or something
>With Sovereign defeated they can't control the entire network
>Citadel is a high priority defense
>Fast forward to the endings
>Bad ending: the galaxy loses and get harvested
>Bad+ ending: the galaxy loses and get harvested, Shepard and a trove of information and help are put on ice for the next cycle
>Sacrifice ending: Shepard gives humanity to the Reapers and the others are all left alone
>Mutual defeat ending: both sides kill each other
>Destroy ending: the mass relays destroy the Reapers and save the galaxy but at a heavy cost of the relays themselves being destroyed
>Destroy + ending: the mass relays destroy the Reapers yet most are unbroken

not being sarcastic at all

the anchients leave a deadmans switch and as the reapers close in it warps space around the entire galaxy and stops all conventional ftl travel but opens up way gates periodically allowing people to fight the reapers on an uneven battlefield and win all reapers outside of the galaxy just wait at the outer edge also there would be a me4

I like this, but I'd also cut like half the new characters from 2. Legion and Zaeed can stay for sure, Mordin too, the rest I'm indifferent on. Then, 3 should have the first half or 2/3rds be ending the reaper threat for real (without the dumb starchild RGB bullshit, just activate it with EDI or Legion or whatever and it disintegrates the reapers), then citadel celebration party and awards ceremonies, with the last 1/3rd dedicated to extended romance scenes with whoever you got with as well as setting up the next trilogy, maybe have a different focus like seeding a lot of new colony worlds or further exploring shit through Omega 4 or Mu relay. Maybe have them discover a previously dormant set of relays that activated when you used the catalyst. Maybe new races back there. Maybe more leviathan bros. Sky's the limit.

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Andromeda should have been what ME4 was. Exploring the galaxy without the relays and setting up civilization again in a galaxy post destroy. If you need a big bad as well, could have them squid leviathans trying to make a come back.

By making indoctrination theory true and give Shepherd a fourth game that starts years after ME3 ended, he was found in rubble, his mind was fucked all this time and while under the Reapers have been raping everything. In the course of the game he defeats the reapers and it ends with him destroying the reaper base thats hidden out in dark space. Then he retires with your love interest game over, or at least they both take smaller roles in military ljfe.

good ending humanity harnesess the blackhoe at the centre of the galaxy to power the shield and is slowly pushing back the reapers
nuteral ending a running war with the in galaxy reapers
bad ending they fuck up the deadmans switch and burn the entire galaxy the shield comes down and kills the reapes waiting at its edge

You need to go back to 2 and start there.

Get rid of 3 entirely.
Re-write it so the whole game (3) is like the DLC arrival, where you have to go round hunting Mass Effect relays that connects reapers outside the galaxy and destroy them. Similar to 1 in that regard. Have a few sleeper Reapers that also also trying to activate these special relays going round the galaxy, and you have to follow their movements.

End game level is where you are trying to destroy the last known relay that connects to the reapers, with the fleet also trying to destroy the reapers.

Would have a good mix of exploration and space battles.

Also means the galaxy stories can continue and reapers are left as a god like background threat.

the gimick for me4 would be that the ancient tech will burn the entire galaxy if you loose the in galaxy war to the reapers to much so you have to unravel teh mystery's of the shield the tech powering it the way gates and what you are going to do about the outer galaxy reapers while waging an ongoing war with the reapers that made it into the galaxy shit would be dope af

A lot of suggestions. Anyway, I doubt BW could make something on par to original Mass Effect games at this point.

What's with the sudden influx of mass effect threads? I just started replaying it too

Shoot them with Thanix cannons.

Perfect series for quarantine binging. I also think it's on sale?


Even though Mass Effect 2 was pretty in many departments, it felt like a waste of time in terms of story potential. The only things we learned in that whole 40+ hour story are that the collectors are the protheans and that the reapers used human DNA to try to make a reaper (which this thread is subsequently dropped and never touched on again).

The 2nd one needed to focus on how they were going to fight back against the reapers. Either, as you said, finding a machine/device to defeat them, or by unifying the different species in the galaxy to get on the same side (which I will say ME3 did pretty well on that front).

As much as I liked ME2, you could almost entirely skip it in terms of plot and go straight to the 3rd one.

Shepard wakes up in the ruins after choosing red ending confirming the indoctrination theory and finishes what he started, other colors being "bad endings."

the DLC on xbox isnt at the very least, they still charge 30 bucks for the ME3 DLCs I'm missing

skip 2 and pretend SOMETHING happened in the plot to make starchild make sense

star child will never make sense its a shitty idea

>it's on sale
Since when?
The trilogy and all the DLC are like, $200 aren't they? Pretty fuckin' weird for a trilogy where the last one came out eight fucking years ago.

but 2 is the best game, why would you want to skip that?

I get the creeping suspicion between the star child and that saturday morning cartoon villain with the katana? There was some goofy parental shit some of the writers were trying to hamfist into the plot. Like a combination of new parents and ones that actually listen to their retarded adolescent ones.

If the prothean artifact on thessia can detect indoctrination and locked down when Kai Leng showed up, why didn't that happen when Shepard was looking around?

You could install mehem if you want to hear orchestral music farted out by a synthesizer.

>the ending

The whole fucking franchise is unfixable.

Filler that's much better than the main plot ever was
Mass Effect is at it's best when its smaller scale and character focused, not fighting evil robot squids to save the galaxy

Don't be a plotfag. Character development and digressive structure was its best qualities.