What the appeal of lalas?

What the appeal of lalas?

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lil niggas mad cute

cute potato

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Day of the bake.

potatoes are very cute

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They're literally for either pedos or trannies, not even being ironic

They looked great in caster gear and BLM/SMN was all I ever played. I also really enjoyed having that deep gruff voice in 1.0 but they removed it for 2.0.

potato cunny

Apparently such fervent and delusional attraction that all artists draw them 100% off model

mashed potatoes

Flesh lights

Always live Lalatanks in my party

The ass of a lalafell is the scariest place a human dick can go!

they cute

can't avoid that, really
no one wants to actually draw them as is usually except gay people
the rest draw them as basically human children with Lala faces

They are pretty fucking ugly which is unfortunate since in an mmo you shouldn't have an ugly race. People want to play attractive characters but lalas are just too fat and pudgy. They should have been more like Elins from Terra.

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there's no way those girls could fit inside those panties


they look better in fanart

some of my lolibros love em but i just think they look like potatoes, i'd rather a catgirl
some of em are cute, like your pic is cute, but i don't find them attractive or anything

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The Irish have an odd affinity for them for some reason.
Only the Irish are posting or like anything about them.

It's for people that have a fetish for the girls that the Artist Mil draws.

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video game characters, unlike what you posted

Krile and the Sultana are the cutest lalafells.


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Why are lalas do thirsty?

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Their facial features appear too infantile and doll-like so it makes them a bit unnerving and one of the uglier examples of the "anime halfling" trope we've been seeing in a lot of games lately
The ones in Granblue are better

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walking onaholes

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Child races are built for BMC (big monster cock).

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>Poop nose

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Lalas (as well as Harvins and Elins) have the body of a loli but also have thick thighs. Plus they being pint size means you can do all sorts of fun things with them.

Fukken neoteny, how does it work. That's a shit adaptation, actually. Animals get by fine without females doing their best to resemble babies.

Alright, you gotta source a brother

It's cute! CUTE!

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>sexualizing the potatos
this board is fucking finished, not a single TRUE moechad left, I weep for the future and the bright past we used to share

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>cute potato.
user, why don’t you have a seat right over there...

Okay I admit it she's cute.

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On a femlala it's a secret signs that the player is a tranny.

Elin > Harvin > Lyn (from Blade & Soul) > Lala

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Brouni > all of them

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Just post the porn or fuck off you faggot

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They are both very cute and very powerful

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I need cool Lalafell glamours which involve silly hats.

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