Playing through the Kingdom Hearts franchise for the first time.
Should I play the GBA or PS4 version of Chain of Memories?
Playing through the Kingdom Hearts franchise for the first time
neither. read a summary or watch youtube. if you have any taste at all, CoM will be where you drop the series because it stops being a fun disney mashup and starts veering into autistic final fantasy donut steels.
Played all kh‘s know about the story never played com. Kh2 intro explains everything that happened in com.
I mean you already have Re:Chain of Memories so just do that
GBAfags are nostalgiablind anyway, it really isn't that great. Controls are awkward and limited by the hardware. Fewer room layouts makes the game more repetitive.
Reverse/Rebirth is very feature-bereft which makes it kind of boring.
Also the music is bitcrushed to shit
I know it couldn't be helped but Shimomura's music shouldn't have to be mangled like this
>I mean you already have Re:Chain of Memories so just do that
I could just as easily use an emulator so it's no hassle either way. I just want to know what the superior version is.
I've played both and I'd honestly say to play through the GBA version.
GBA. May look worse but easier to get through IMO
How can it look worse if its a completely different graphic style dude?
The only reason this game is poorly regarded is due to the mob fights being somewhat repetitive and having to grind for cards occasionally
The ansem boss alone is worth playing the game for
Either youtube it or play the gba.
You're gonna get burned out real fast since it reuses worlds of kh1 and you'll have to go through them twice.
The ps2 version is an assetflip so you'll get burned out even faster.
Play the GBA version for a bit so how you like it if you do you continue if you don't you just youtube the ps2 cutscenes.
>Should I play the GBA or PS4 version of Chain of Memories
Don't play it at all. It's only exists to make money by reusing assets.
Ideally neither, it's a shit game, just watch the cutscenes on yt.
>You're gonna get burned out real fast since it reuses worlds of kh1 and you'll have to go through them twice.
>The ps2 version is an assetflip so you'll get burned out even faster.
>Play the GBA version for a bit so how you like it if you do you continue if you don't you just youtube the ps2 cutscenes.
Gonna go with this, OP. Play the GBA version for a good few hours and if you aren't feeling it then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube and move on.
>Ideally neither, it's a shit game
GBA CoM is easily in the top 5 KH games
This doesn't say great things about the overall quality of KH games but it is what it is. Speaking as someone who's beaten almost all of them (missing re:coded)
I would say GBA.
They are both rather repetitive games but the GBA version is far more unique. It has its own sprites and more distinct gameplay. If you play Re:COM right after KH1 (which is what the collection expects you to do) it feels like you've been handcuffed. Instead of the freeform combat of 1 now you have to deal with your combos getting interrupted non-stop. It's a hard comparison to avoid since they look and feel so similarly, Re:COM shamelessly recycles assets from KH1 (and some from KH2). Whereas the GBA version is so different that its mechanical quirks are easier to accept.
I also don't think moving from 2D sidescrolling to 3D arenas helped the combat at all. It just made everything slower. To say nothing of the balance issues Re:COM has. And the 3D voice-acted cutscenes leave a lot less to the imagination while being just as sparse as the GBA version. Anime fuccbois in cloaks standing in empty white rooms is easier to accept on the GBA.
GBA actually. They really fucked the gameplay up when they made RE-chain.
GBA dodging by double tapping the dpad is fucking terrible
Just play the remake
Re:coded is actually pretty fun if you can get over them reusing the KH1 worlds AGAINA.
>Re:coded is actually pretty fun
Just fucking no, you easily amused mutt.
The gameplay is virtually identical
Bad taste detected
All of this is true
Plus for a GBA game CoM looks fucking gorgeous and has fantastic sprite art that was all made specifically for the game (even if it's trying to recreate PS2 assets), while Re:CoM is just reusing old assets.
Watch the CoM's cutscenes on Youtube.
>The gameplay is virtually identical
This is like saying Super Mario World and Super Mario 64 have virtually identical gameplay because they both feature Mario jumping on Goombas
CoM is the biggest pleb filter in all of KH.
>GBAfags are nostalgiablind anyway, it really isn't that great.
Except Re:CoM ruins a lot of the gameplay because of its movement to an open 3D landscape without accounting for how the gameplay works.
>Summons are borderline unusable because of how their attacks work and how big the arena is.
Just look at Cloud's Omnislash sleight. It went from being easily one of the best cards you could have in your deck due to how it clumped enemies together, made you invincible, and could hit multiple enemies in a stack to unusable because it does garbage damage, enemies are spread out, and you hit maybe three enemies during the duration of it if you're lucky.
>Magic is borderline unusable because it barely hits anything
You could hit the entire playing field on GBA, on Re:CoM good luck with Thundaga hitting more than two enemies.
>Enemies are spread out leading to having to chase them and their drops down more.
>The arenas are big and there are multiple waves of enemies meaning constantly having to chase them down.
>You can avoid a lot of attacks by simply running around the arena.
You could argue in GBA you could do the same with dodge roll though but it's effortless in Re:CoM.
>The maps are twice as big with twice the amount of spawns in Re:CoM so you end up dicking around in the maps far longer, and you get less rewards in terms of Moogle Points despite this.
A large room in GBA is a small room in Re:CoM.
>Boss fights are nerfed into the ground, Repliku is a joke as are Vexen and Axel because of their enormous arena.
>Played all KH
>Didn't play CoM
Then you didn't play all KH you fucking retard
>Sonic Blade
They're both easily broken
Besides that GBA is the game more worthy of being played
Based retard. ReCoM plays like utter shit
CoM is actually a lot more involved than Yas Forums is letting on. If you're a dedicated KH fan there's definite fun to be had (if you play hard mode and actually learn the mechanics).
If you primarily get enjoyment from the mainline entries, I would skip it.
so does majoras mask which is considered a masterpiece.
Re:CoM is honestly terrible. Piloting a gimped KH1 Sora against enemies with KH2 animations makes for some very frustrating and unfun bossfights unless you grind so many 9s and 0s that you can lock them out of being allowed to fight back. The GBA game by contrast is built from the ground up to accommodate its own systems and is a spectacularly unique and charming, albeit polarizing, game.
I really don't know why people are so obsessed with the size of the arenas in Re:CoM
In all my playthroughs (which is quite a lot), I have never once had trouble hitting enemies. Not once. It isn't that hard.
Hell, most attacks practically home in, if they aren't AOEs.
>Enemies are spread out leading to having to chase them
Sorta like all the other 3D KH games and 3D action games in general
>The arenas are big
They really aren't that big. Especially with all those enemies.
>You can avoid a lot of attacks by simply running around the arena.
Yes. You could do it in KH1 too.
They're literally the same enemies and attacks but it's only a problem in one of those games. Hm.
>Omnislash went from being broken bullshit obtained early in the game to not broken bullshit
>You could hit the entire playing field on GBA
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
The amount of ways you can practically screen-nuke on GBA is ridiculous.
Or does GBAfagging really just boil down to "I can beat things easier and faster, that makes it better?"
Like, am I bummed that Judgment isn't nearly as broken as it was on GBA? Sure.
But it shouldn't have been that good in the first place.
Not like Re:CoM didn't replace these broken sleights with new ones, anyway.
GBA CoM's controls are just awkward, with L+R to stack and double-tapping to dodge.
Moving around in the map is more awkward, especially if you're trying to dodge aerial enemies (good fucking luck).
The game tries to have a third dimension but doesn't quite make it, so sprites and attacks stack on top of each other despite separate planes.
Then there's little shit like how Large Bodies and Defenders can turn around in one frame. That's fun.
The GBA version is REALLY not that great.
When Re:CoM has more rooms, more layouts, more cards, more sleights, better boss fights, better music, and an actually GOOD Reverse/Rebirth, I do not see a reason to choose GBA over Re:CoM other than nostalgia.
Don't be stupid user.
>implies that ReCoM is less broken than CoM because Omnislash isn't good
Sonic Blade annihilates 80% of bosses retard
But user, every boss is fair and has a learnable strategy. The Axel and Marluxia battles are excellent examples. If you don't understand the mechanics, it's likely you'll spend the whole game grinding high cards and push your way through like a caveman (or a 7 year old).
Only and idiot would do that. Which is why you definitely didn't, right?
I implied the exact opposite
>Not like RE:CoM didn't replace these broken sleights with new ones, anyway.
They're both busted, just in different ways.
GBA, for the love of god.
Nah, fuck that.
So why are you even bothering to talk about Omnislash in the first place?
I don't know.
I guess it's very important for GBAfags to have THIS broken sleight instead of THAT broken sleight.
Only played KH1 and 2 on PS2 will i miss anything if i just play KH 3 without millions of spinoffs and remasters?
Like other people have said, just play the GBA version and watch the remade cutscenes on Youtube.
> I have never once had trouble hitting enemies.
You don't seem to understand, it's not about having trouble hitting enemies, it's about how spaced out they are and how much you have to run towards the things.
>Hell, most attacks practically home in, if they aren't AOEs.
Yes they do, the point is that you still need to run quite close before the attack magnetism actually happens. In GBA you are in a cramped, confined space and have to think about your card usage rather than
>They really aren't that big. Especially with all those enemies.
How can you say this when Twilight Town and Traverse Town arenas exist? They're enormous, Wonderland has some big ones too. Castle Oblivion is the only time I can say they're a decent enough size.
Again, you seem to misunderstand. My point is that Omnislash went from being a very good summon to unusable because of the arena size. Omnislash was developed for the GBA arenas specifically, so when you port it over to a 3D arena it becomes worthless. Any benefit it has is now useless, IT EVEN WHIFFS ATTACKS. Simba's now worthless because he can only hit the direction you're facing and the cone of the roar is garbage for the damage it deals. Most magic is only useful as sleight bait rather than using them for high tier magic in Re:CoM, they serve no purpose due to their awful reach outside of select -ga spells during bosses like Vexen and Axel.
>Is this supposed to be a good thing?
Again, the entire system is built around stacking enemies and using effects to take advantage of that. It constantly encourages it. Re:CoM throws that entire thing away and now you have attacks and sleights meant to be hitting stacks that hit one enemy at most.
>Not like Re:CoM didn't replace these broken sleights with new ones, anyway.
Sure, Lethal Frame is dumb and so is Sonic Blade, but that's not the point here.
>it's about how spaced out they are and how much you have to run towards the things.
Which isn't any significant amount more than any other KH game.
>you still need to run
Oh no, how awful. Why can't I just stay in one place and defeat everything with ease?
>the entire system is built around stacking enemies
No, I believe that was a limitation of the 2D playing field, not an intentional design choice.
By all rights you shouldn't be allowed to hit an enemy in a lower plane, but it'll happen if the sprites overlap. That's not a design choice, that's a technical flaw.
>Re:CoM throws that entire thing away
Because it was bad, and the only reason you like it is because it means battles are easier to break.
>has more rooms, more layouts
Okay, that's great, but the problem here is said rooms and layouts are far too big, overstay their welcome, take forever to traverse, have double the enemy encounters GBA ever had to simply move somewhere (Just look at the large rooms in Agrabah filled with Fat Bandits and Olympus with its Large Bodies everywhere)
>more cards
The majority of which are gimmick Keyblade variants and you also only unlock a lot of them if you watched 358/2's movie anyway. A huge chunk of them aren't even usable when you can reasonably get them because of how terrible their combo damage is or because of their elemental additions. Random Joker is just a free card that rarely, if ever, drops in a playthrough, Eternal Darkness is easily the worst room in the entire series, and Mingling Worlds is okay.
>better boss fights
They're easier and worse. Dark Riku whiffs attacks constantly, he does less damage, and he's less aggressive with his sleights. Most of the bosses can be avoided by just running in large berths. Re:CoM doesn't even have its Vexen/Dark Riku 3 moment, at best you could argue MAYBE Axel 2 is difficult. and to do that you'd have to pretend Blizzaga doesn't exist. Even Marluxia 2 and 3 are easier when they were piss easy in GBA to begin with.
>and an actually GOOD Reverse/Rebirth
It's the exact same thing just with more annoying to traverse maps and I can't understand how you can make this argument.
I've done the six playthroughs needed for PS3 Re:CoM and then the two needed for PS4 Re:CoM. The game is okay at best, but if you ever have to pick between the two GBA at least doesn't try to pointlessly waste your time with the horrendous Treasure Magnet on Sora and Riku causing you to miss out on EXP because of how quickly orbs disappear and how big the arenas are.
You keep saying rehashed assets as if it was a bad thing in this case. Why wouldn't the game that's set in KH1 with KH2 elements use assets from KH1/2? I'd gladly take reusing if it meant getting Re:Re:Coded on anything except DS.
Story is not great so you can just play it without giving a fuck.
>Which isn't any significant amount more than any other KH game.
But it is significant when you have a system based around usable cards, EXP and card drops flying around with the shortest Treasure Magnet ever, and constant encounters in a map with enemies always chasing you. It leads to massive annoyance very quickly. You don't have magic on demand, you don't have combo boosts, you have finite attacks, and the entire system you are aping originally intended for it to be used in a confined space which is why you have limited combos and these attacks that have such short range.
>Oh no, how awful. Why can't I just stay in one place and defeat everything with ease?
Great job being disingenuous. The point here is that Re:CoM requires you to chase down minor enemies in every single encounter, for multiple enemies, for multiple waves. This means your regular fights go from maybe 10-20 second increments to minute or more long fights. Pair this up with the fact that you have 6+ encounters in the smallest rooms in Re:CoM and upwards of 12 in the large rooms when GBA has maybe 6 in large rooms and you get tedium to the extreme. There's a reason why Riku fights end up abusing Dark Riku Lexaeus jump spam for everything just to speed fights up.
>and the only reason you like it is because it means battles are easier to break.
The reason I like it is because a majority of my attacks that I have to expend and recharge are actually useful. Again, what is the point of magic if it hits maybe two enemies and you have to permanently throw away a card for it while not even killing them? What is the point of summon cards taking up like 120+ CP just so they can deal horrendously bad damage to enemies and even miss when I can fit four to six Keyblades that deal more damage than it in my deck? Entire card types are garbage in Re:CoM, even your friends are completely useless, Donald is useless because of the magic issue, Goofy is only useful if you go Goofy Tornado, and so on.
I understand it perfectly fine but that doesn't make it fun. It's a poorly polished experience cobbled together from parts that don't match. The tighter action-game combat doesn't work well with the ability for you or the enemy to just cancel each other's attacks with breaks. It's clunky and unrewarding to engage with, a gameplay experience that is less than the sum of its parts.
>It's the exact same thing just with more annoying to traverse maps
Are you forgetting the speed breaks, Duel, and additional sleights?
On GBA Riku is completely useless outside of Dark Mode.
>But it is significant when you have a system based around usable cards, EXP and card drops flying around with the shortest Treasure Magnet ever, and constant encounters in a map with enemies always chasing you.
OK be honest with me. How often are you ACTUALLY losing EXP, missing cards, or having trouble escaping from enemies on the map?
Because for me, that rarely ever happens.
>The point here is that Re:CoM requires you to chase down minor enemies in every single encounter
And I'm telling you this is no different from any other fucking game ever
Having to physically move to your enemies isn't an issue in KH1, KHII, BbS, Days, Re:coded, DDD or KHIII, so why suddenly is it an issue in Re:CoM? If the GBA version didn't exist, you wouldn't even THINK about "having to chase down enemies" and "how big the arenas are"
It's only a problem for you because it isn't exactly as it was on GBA, not because it's actually bad.
>There's a reason why Riku fights end up abusing Dark Riku Lexaeus jump spam for everything just to speed fights up
Because it's busted? Dominant strategy? There's no reason to do anything other than what's most effective?
Just like there's no reason not to use Judgment in GBA, or Mega Flare in Re:CoM.
The most broken option is the go-to option.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the size of the arena.
>The reason I like it is because a majority of my attacks that I have to expend and recharge are actually useful.
Read: broken
>Again, what is the point of magic if it hits maybe two enemies and you have to permanently throw away a card for it while not even killing them?
Again, "why can't I kill everything at once?"
>Donald is useless because of the magic issue
As if he was any good to begin with, RNG-ass ass healing bosses
RE:COM feels like a asset flip
it was slap dashed together to make final mix more marketable
>Are you forgetting the speed breaks, Duel, and additional sleights?
I could have sworn speed breaks and Duel were part of GBA Riku but if they aren't then my bad. Don't remember any new sleights either.
>How often are you ACTUALLY losing EXP
Constantly. I'll kill a guy and his confetti of EXP gets flung everywhere causing me to have to run around or I'll get hit as I'm going to pick something up. Twilight Town is notorious for this and Wonderland is fun with it as well. I have to purposely ignore combat to go grab the EXP, webm is an example. Castle Oblivion will constantly have enemies flinging EXP everywhere.
>Because it's busted? Dominant strategy? There's no reason to do anything other than what's most effective?
Because it's the fastest way to deal with a majority of the enemies and not have to chase them all over the place with a character that is horrendous at fighting enemies.
>not because it's actually bad.
No other KH game requires you to run around for EXP. Sure, you may have to chase enemies down, but you know what you also have in those games? Glide. Doubleflight. Air Slide. Combo Boost. Air Combo Boost. Magic that only requires a slight investment of magic which recharges. Vacuum magic like Aero and Magnet. Regular attacks that don't require me to expend resources. Treasure Magnet. All of these things so you can catch up or bring the enemy to you without issue. Thundaga in KH1 and 2 is like twice the size it is in Re:CoM and does three times as much damage. The other games also have limited encounters unlike Re:CoM's set encounters and less enemies to boot.
>Read: broken
So then tell me what usage summon cards and magic cards have in Re:CoM. What's the point? Summon cards require absurd point investment, deal garbage damage, and miss all the time. Magic outside of Curaga deals okay damage at best and has horrible AoE so it's better off being used as a card breaker sleight. Items, Keyblades, and Bosses end up being the only good things.
I genuinely don't understand this mindset. Do you not enjoy playing the games? It's not like you don't have time to play them, we're all in fucking quarantine right now.
Speed break, Duel and Holy Burst/Inverse Burst are new in Re:CoM.
Holy Burst is the only sleight usable as normal Riku.
>Because it's the fastest way to deal with a majority of the enemies
In other words, because it's dominant strategy like I said. Which, again, has nothing to do with the size of the arena and everything to do with efficiency. You do it because it's broken and easy.
>No other KH game requires you to run around for EXP.
Even in CoM you have to do this, it's just a smaller field. Really the problem is with EXP being prize drops in the first place. I still don't know why they did that.
>but you know what you also have in those games? Glide.
Re:CoM added Glide and Superglide
>Vacuum magic like Aero and Magnet
Re:CoM added Magnet Spiral
There are also plenty of long-range, homing, and wide-range AOEs like Raids, Homing Fira/Blizzara, Mega Flare, Freeze, Tornado, Quake, Firaga Burst
>So then tell me what usage summon cards and magic cards have in Re:CoM
The whole game is sleights, I don't know if you knew that
This webm triggered my ptsd can't believe I actually did this shit
>Which, again, has nothing to do with the size of the arena and everything to do with efficiency.
The point I'm making here is that people opt for it so that you don't have to chase the enemies as much. yes, efficiency is a main point, but the less you have to run around with an enemy chasing more enemies the less annoyance you will run into. Not the best point but that is mine.
>it's just a smaller field
Exactly, making it a non-issue. EXP almost never has to be run after, you usually absorb it right then and there because it's not confetti.
>Re:CoM added Glide and Superglide
Outside of battle as far as I recall and even if they do the arenas are too small to justify the jump + startup + land time for such a thing but too big to make chasing them not annoying.
Which I've already explained are almost all worthless. Cloud whiffs, hits only one enemy at a time three times, and does less damage than a full Keyblade combo. Simba only hits enemies in a cone in the direction you're facing and only a certain distance away while dealing maybe a fourth of a Neoshadow's health. Dumbo hits in a short range in front of him for low damage. Mushu at least has range and some damage. Genie is useless because he spams magic that can be absorbed.
Firaga/Blizzaga/Thundaga/Aeroga all have horrendous range and aoe on top of the damage being maybe a third of a Neoshadow's health or so and the further into the game you go the more they have a chance to get absorbed. Stopga is a waste compared to anything using Stop as part of an attack. Graviga has no enemy that justifies its use unlike in KH1.
Raids are useless because it hits one enemy and usually gets absorbed so they're only useful for breaking.
The endgame full map spells are pretty much the only thing worth investing your points into and even Megaflare gets absorbed.
This basically leaves Curaga.
I did it twice.
On both characters.
PS3 & 4? My deepest condolences brother
>EXP almost never has to be run after
Wrong. To my recollection, you don't even HAVE Treasure Magnet on GBA. If it's more than a couple pixels away, you have to go get it. Though, I don't think it spread out as much.
>Which I've already explained are almost all worthless
You know that summon cards can be used with other card types for sleights, right?
E.g. Gifted Miracle, Terror, Confuse, Quake, Tornado, Shock Impact, Firaga Break, Mega Flare, Reflect Raid
Also, it looks like you've JUST been complaining about Cloud's two-card sleight, Cross-slash. Because Omnislash makes him fly around the arena, locking on to multiple enemies.
I hardly ever use summon cards in either version so I wasn't familiar with the Re:CoM variant.
>Genie is useless because he spams magic that can be absorbed
This is no different than GBA though
>even Megaflare gets absorbed
Oh, a couple Red Nocturnes are left standing after wiping the screen, I guess it's fucking useless now.
>Re:CoM added Magnet Spiral
Oh, and this also only hits three times, doesn't absorb everything, will not absorb a second wave if you kill one from it, and misses the slaps that it does from when I recall trying it.
I also ran out of room, but I'd once again like to reiterate that you have multiple enemies (4-6+) per wave, usually two to three waves per fight, and you have to load into this fight. Twilight Town for example has encounters with 8 Soldiers per wave. GBA by comparison is 2-4 enemies per wave, two to three waves, and they're in a confined arena. On PS2 you have to do this fight in a decently sized arena chasing enemies around using summons and magic that were developed with the GBA version in mind, not the PS2 version. You also have to avoid enemies out in the overworld while smacking objects to gain MP unless you want to grind Agrabah with Aladdin. The MP gain is also lower than in GBA meaning you need to fart around maps more, and the maps themselves on the overworld are bigger. Just compare how enormous Treasure Trove rooms are in GBA to PS2. In GBA it's like one second to reach the chest, in PS2 you have to go across half a damn room or in Traverse Town's case you have to go roundabout or jump and waste time grabbing a ledge.
GBA has none of this. None. You load into fights, yes, and you have to smack stuff for MP/cards, but you don't have to chase enemies all over the place, EXP disappearing is barely an issue compared to Re:CoM where it is because of the arena size, there are less enemies per encounter because it's GBA vs PS2 but because of that the enemies hit like trucks, the amount of items in the overworld map is roughly the same despite Re:CoM's being bigger so that just bloats things further, Re:CoM has pretty much double the amount of enemy encounters in the overworld, and this all leads to a bloated mess that's in no way more enjoyable than GBA, least of all as Sora.
Since the start of the quarentine, I’ve set the goal to get into the KH franchise.
I did. It nearly killed me in the process, I swear. I had red eyes, headaches. I fucked up my jaw too.
Anyway here’s what I did, took me 2 weeks
> Kingdom Hearts 1. I already played that one years ago, also, the game is hella annoying. I just watched a yt summary
>read about all the retarded shit on CoM
>watched the movie
>played through KH2
>played through BBS (do only the aqua stuff and watch the rest on yt if in a rush, but the game is pretty great and short)
> watch the recoded bullshit i dont care
> I loved the 3ds port, very pretty. Played the first fifteen minutes, had a blast with the WEWU cast, opened youtube and watched the entire game. Fuck it. I just want to play a current gen game
>went through the rest until kh3
Thought i would die of a disney overdose
>and this also only hits three times, doesn't absorb everything, will not absorb a second wave if you kill one from it
Why is every single counterpoint you make "but it isn't broken enough?"
This entire argument is you mad at Re:CoM for not letting you screen clear.
Everything is "but it doesn't hit enough enemies," "it doesn't do enough damage," "it won't hit the second wave."
Fucking good. GBA CoM is broken as shit. You SHOULDN'T be wiping the floor with every encounter in the game.
Not that guy but the sheer frequency of encounters in CoM is exhausting and having access to slights that will consistently kill squishy enemies very quickly and efficiently by the halfway point of the game is definitely a good thing.
>I had red eyes, headaches. I fucked up my jaw too
>only played 1 1/3 games
>watched the rest
zoom zoom zoom
Is this bait?
I did play it but never finished it because the gameplay is utter shit if you don‘t play the gba version
this is long bait
>If it's more than a couple pixels away, you have to go get it.
Which is covered by a dodge roll which you will be constantly doing anyway and you do have a minor treasure magnet but it's very close to Sora. In Re:CoM you physically have to run over to the thing taking seconds where you're open to damage and they disappear twice as fast.
>Also, it looks like you've JUST been complaining about Cloud's two-card sleight, Cross-slash.
No, I've been complaining about Omnislash. In Re:CoM Omnislash will fling him into the air, and he flies to the side of enemies a lot of the time causing the attack to complete miss, or an enemy will simply move sideways and Cloud can't hit at all, he only locks onto one enemy at a time and only attacks three times. In GBA he does the same thing, he flies, locks onto an enemy, slashes them, and does that three separate times while also mobbing. The difference here is that in GBA it's impossible to whiff because of the screen space and it does good damage to multiple enemies while in Re:CoM it's worse than a stack of three Keyblade cards.
>I hardly ever use summon cards in either version
Okay, that's fine, but my point here is GBA at least can justify using said summon cards in battle because the cards either grab a stack, hit a stack, or deal good enough damage. In Re:CoM they all have weird stipulations to use them, are very situational, can't hit a majority of the enemies because of the arena, and their cost makes them prohibitively expensive for the deck compared to just throwing in more Keyblade cards.
>This is no different than GBA though
Sure, that doesn't negate everything else.
>I guess it's fucking useless now.
Again, my point is that in GBA a majority of the things you list can be used in regular battles. In Re:CoM they're piss all useless a majority of the time. Donald Flare I think it was called is now unusable because Donald barely hits anything.
>You SHOULDN'T be wiping the floor with every encounter in the game.
You DON'T wipe every encounter in the game like it's nothing. Enemies can still attack you in the stack or escape it, you bounce off of Defenders in stacks, you take more damage than in Re:CoM, enemies are far more active and liberal with their card spam in GBA which is why everyone jokes about it being a game primarily based on dodge rolling, and my entire point which you keep ignoring is that the game has always been based around fighting enemies in close quarters while Re:CoM does everything in its power to replicate the same effects of GBA without the limitations of GBA.
Have you ever even played GBA? Because it sounds like you never did if you think you wipe the floor 24/7. You're more often than not getting your ass kicked or highly damaged and Sora is slow as hell at recovery times meaning you have to time your dodge rolls somewhat. The entire point I'm making is that Re:CoM wastes your time far more, rewards you far less, and makes cards that were good or at least usable in GBA a complete waste of your deck capacity thanks to the arena size effectively making a majority of your options presented useless.
PS4 just play on Easy and get it over with fast