FFXIV 5.3 delayed by as much as a month

Oh no no no no, after the failure that was 5.25 and now this?

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Thank god I unsubbed

Forgot to link

damn and I just resubbed. fuck me

Transferred from Aether to Primal. AMA

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patches do not effect ERP, why should we care?

I feel like the only way to get your money's worth out of this game is to sub when a new expansion hits, unsub, and then sub for a month when the expansion ends and the content is fully added.

How much Hrothgar cock are you sucking now compared to back in Aether?

Almost every DF I go into.
They love fucking me in the asshole with their big pulls/shitty gear and no cooldowns.

Welp, back to retail wow it is.

Wonderful, I'm glad my catbros have been satisfactory.

Patch is good faggot

That's to be expected, at least they're upfront about it. And patch was good.

The only way to get your money's worth is to actuall do the content in the patches
>b-but raiding is pointless
>b-but crafting is pointless
>b-but mount farming is pointless
>b-but fishing log is pointless
If you don't do post-game content, then you should only sub for expansion release.

No rude, how is retail now that you're waiting for shadowlands?

>you should only sub for expansion release

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If I throw Synastry on an MT will they get a 40% increase in healing?

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if you single target heal, yes

>Third or fourth diadem rework yet it still fucking sucks
>Raids and trials continue the new trend of minute long cutscenes in the middle of the encounter that disrupts your play
>1 dungeon per patch from this patch onwards for p-pls understand reasons
>Reused music for trials
>Barebones trial that clearly was made with random previously scrapped assets
>No new boss mount, crafting items for houses, soundtracks/orchestrion rolls because of 'please understand' reasons
>relic weapon 'content' which was already delayed by an entire patch is literally PARASOLS sold off as main content
>Easter event rewards put on the mogstation instead of being given from the event they very clearly were designed for

Nah, the patch fucking blows

>DNC 80 AF gear on femroe
>80% of the time during the transition to first DPS check I get a 10/10 upskirt of my character
this game is fucking sweet bros

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You actually think people care or even play this game? It's literally just a Second Life/Perfect World for RP and ERP at this point. Less than 10% of the total population do savage and less than 1% do ultimates.

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30% of the playerbase had completed a savage encounter the last time the kills were tallied up, and that was based on data made public on unofficial sources (fflogs) which means the actual count likely is higher
Ultimates are a different deal and are honestly a waste of development time

So why is their budget so small? I thought SHB brought them a shitton of cash? Shouldn't we be getting more improvements than previous expacs?

The money goes to investors and other Square Enix projects like KH3 and FF7R
Not even joking, at some point they outright stated that the only XIV-generated profit that goes directly back to developing the game is the profit from mogstation sales

fuck off already

how often do you dilate per day?

How the fuck are they even running the game then? No way are mogstation sales keeping the game afloat.

Dead as fuck

It's bs with no citations

I don't have the image saved but I know there's an image of some guy from /xivg/'s steam purchase history that shows him spending several thousands of USD on nothing but fantasia potions
Never underestimate the sheer profit a handful of whales can generate. Why do you think gacha shit is so insanely profitable despite being a mobile game?

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if nothing else, this gives me plenty of time to get EVERY. SINGLE. RELIC.

I'm just glad 5.25 was so robust and full of content to hold us over...

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>Why do you think gacha shit is so insanely profitable despite being a mobile game?
Because the operating costs are insanely low compared to the profit margins. Unlike a global MMO like FFXIV that needs datacenters, 24/7 staff, and nonstop R&D.

and Square only provides the absolute bare minimum to maintain those
Every weekend the game becomes laggy as shit during the evening and it's been getting even worse since most countries went into lockdown

>20% of the playerbase leaving according to luckybancho census at a time that other MMOs are gaining huge numbers of players due to coronavirus
>relic is one hour of content
>pandemic causes 3.3 to be delayed

Turns out Shadowbringers is shaping up to be a worse expansion than Stormblood in every way except having a better MSQ and setting. The homogenization of Dark Knight and all healer classes certainly doesn't help.

The game is laggy because A. FFXIV requires a lot of character data bandwidth due to everyone being able to do everything on 1 character and B. being the 2nd biggest MMO on the planet

seeing fanboys running damage control for how thin on battle content shadowbringers updates have been has been completely pathetic. there's a serious population of ffxiv players with demented parasocial relationships with yoshida who act like you just insulted their family's honor when you say the game isn't as good as it could be.

>20% of the playerbase leaving
Not surprised. My friendslist went from at least 40 people online to around 7 per day. It's sad

5.0 was the height of this game. It's all downhill from here. Maybe it's time for Yoshida to step aside so we can get someone with fresh ideas in charge and an actual desire to work on the game.

When did the latest Luckybancho come out? Give link.

For me, my server has had daily queues to and enter and my friend/FC list has been way more active since the quarantine.

Nah, scrap the entire thing and make a new MMO.
FFXIV looked dated on launch and will look even worse with the next generation, they clearly have no interest in upgrading it every expansion like WoW does and there's far too much technical debt for it to even be worth it. They can't even implement a glamour log without crashing the servers, that says it all really.

What's probably happening is that FFXIV did get a big influx of bored quarantined players the same way other MMOs did, but the amount of veteran players sick of raidlogging all expansion and leaving probably offsets that into a net negative player count.

>5.0 was the height of this game
Maybe for the MSQ. The savage/ex trial were the easiest the game has seen. And all the jobs were nerfed into homogenity, especially healers.

Looks like the WoW shills are out in full force now that Shadowlands Alpha is out. But they will keep falseflagging thanks to anonymity.

>in every way except having a better MSQ and setting.
>tfw thats the only reason i play this dumb game anyway

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FFXIV literally has uglier overworld areas than modern WoW somehow. I thought the empty sparseness of Heavensward areas was just an issue of them getting used to making large maps with flying but it's actually gotten worse every expansion. Areas like Lakeland are an actual abomination compared to the small, richly detailed areas ARR launched with.

I wish they had never introduced flying to this game.

>FFXIV literally has uglier overworld areas than modern WoW somehow
I've mentioned this numerous times, comparing to WoW which already has a shit overworld compared to Guild Wars 2's expansion content and the fanboys just dismiss it. FFXIV has by far the ugliest areas in any modern AAA game, it's not even a competition and vanilla WoW was better designed. The instanced areas are great but they're just hallways, it's not hard to make hallways look good.

Shadowbringers is not living up to its potential and has actually less effort put into providing the players with combat content than either Stormblood or Heavensward. Idiots like you who blindly defend getting no content are why the devs are getting so complacent and think ocean fishing is enough to keep people subscribed. Thankfully, the numbers are speaking and if the second half of Shadowbringers' patch cycle isn't any better I see FFXIV losing a ton of goodwill and the next expansion having less subscriptions than 5.0 did even at launch.

>If you point out where this game is lacking and the increasing laziness of the dev team you must be a WoW shill
WoW is shit too and anyone who believes Blizzard's lies yet again deserves whatever they get.

Since it's EU hours, I'm guessing your server is EU. FFXIV has always never been popular there. Meanwhile NA is bustling as fuck.

Lol get fucked

i love the shit out of ff14 and play almost every day and he's completely correct though. it's kinda disgusting in hindsight how awful this game's playerbase is treated for how much we fund. like shit you have an amazing soundtrack and story but there is NO GAMEPLAY
and dont you dare fucking cite shit like sightseeing logs as real content

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>20% of the playerbase leaving according to luckybancho census at a time that other MMOs are gaining huge numbers of players due to coronavirus

[citation needed]

you're just mad because you paid a sub this month for one hour of content


It literally says right there that it's luckybancho census but you're probably an afk limsa shitposter who thinks luckybancho is fake news.


>other thread

>this thread

where does one talk about ffxiv: the video game?

I mean, MMOs content at this point is just collecting shit. Like pets, mounts. MMOs are just OCD collecting games. If you want actual substance you have to play single player RPGs.

So post the census then nigga. Because the data he's saying is incorrect.


Where do you think you are lol. FF14 is for afking with sexy glam and Perfect LEgend title

in-game like always. I hope you're in a good fellowship, linkshell, or FC and not one as dumb as Yas Forums the underaged board and /vg/ the containment board

That's okay, I need more time to do stuff anyway.

its over bros...........

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Don't worry guys, the playable Bangaa will save our game!

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862k people during a mid no content patch is still leagues above what SB had at launch.

give me playable lupin

Was this going to be the patch that overhauled the pre-expansion content? I heard thay was coming some time "soon".
I tried getting through it once before but it bored me to tears, but I keep hearing good things about the expansion stuff so I'd like to get to that some day.

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Dead game

People are playing FF7R instead of FFXIV lol

the census data predates FF7R coming out anywhere idiot

>Not a single Memoria Misera party on the PF
what went wrong

No one is play FF7R is a complete flop thanks to Nomura

The game broke the street date in many places due to corona.

Low Rent trial cobbled together with most likely abandoned assets. It doesn't even have a unique them and no mount.

Yes, so expect it end june or july

It's 7AM here.

I'm tired of XIV as a whole, just give us the next FF MMO already and make it not fucked up from the beginning this time.

>relic is one hour of content
As opposed to minimum of one hour and maximum of four hours due to FATE grinding?

No reason to run it.



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so why do we have like 15 ff7 threads on the Yas Forums catalog

Enjoy your glorified chatroom you pay 15 bucks for. I hope it's worth it.

why are you pretending you cleared eureka anemos in one hour lol

They're all laughing at it lol. Actually go inside and read the comments

>WoW expansion alpha announced
>SUDDENLY non-stop negative threads about XIV that are 90% "muh one-hour relic" and "muh raids arent real content"
Not gonna lie, postgame SHB does feel weaker than postgame SB to a degree, but that's because SB somehow had the best alliance raid and best EX trials while so far SHB has failed to impress with the shitty Automata crossover and a very weak Ruby Weapon trial, but come on now.

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I still love XIV and resub every two patches, but yeah it would be nice to have an mmo built from the ground up with MMO in mind and not shackled by stupid decisions made with ancient tech.