Why are there no 3D metroidvanias?
Why are there no 3D metroidvanias?
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I’m gonna list some and you’re gonna give some autistic arbitrary reason as to why they’re not metroidvanias, all these threads play out the same
There were like 4 3D Castlemanias between the N64 and PS2 though.
Have you heard of Metroid Prime? dumbass
Marathon: Infinity, technically
They're called soulslikes these days
Aren't those just Zelda games?
>Here's a bunch of areas you can't reach because you need the Morph Ball or Space Jump or something.
>Here's a bunch of areas you can't reach because you need the Hookshot or Bombs or something.
same shit
Isn't that what the STALKER games are?
Isn't that what the Need for Speed games are?
Dark Souls is pretty close
Not that user but I'm interested, what do you have for me?
Banjo Tooie does what Sakamoto can't
there aren't any, didn't you read the OP?
Dark Souls is 3d metroidvania
Symphony of the night is rather overrated
There are a lot of 3d action/rpgs genre (from Dark souls to Xanadu Next), to which metroidvanias also belong. But metroidvanias are side-scrilling action/rpgs specifically.
I suppose the question is how to differentiate a 3D metroidvania from a general 3D platformer.
Metroid Prime exists and it's a master piece.
Zeldas are action/adventures, while metroidvanias are action/rpgs. The difference is the so-called "rpg mechanics", i.e. levels and stats. In Zelda you can't make the game easier just by killing a 100 enemies and in a metroidvania you can.
Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, Lords of Shadow, some classify Batman Arkham games as such, most of theolder Resident Evils (they almost have the same maps as castlevanias), there are more but i can't think right now.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
There are a lot of metroidvania without rpg mechanics. Being non-linear for a good chunk of the game is the important part. One could -maybe- classify Link Between Worlds as Metroidvania, but the item progression is too open imo.
Metroid isn't a metroidvania, it has no vania in it
Not him but Dark Souls doesnt have a recontextualised world upon the gaining of new abilities.
Sekiro is closer, with the application of new abilities (Swimming, Grappling) providing new substance to existing areas and also unlocking pathways to completely new areas.
Dark Souls however, is all about locks and keys.
For me, a key feature of Metroidvanias is not only traversing old areas, but doing so differently thanks to an upgraded skillset.
>Instead of jumping over these pits, you can now dash over them.
For example.
Everyone else has already posted what I was going to say. Metroidvania is such a stupid term, there’s an insane amount of games not belonging to either franchise that can fall under the descriptor
Hardcode counts as one
The new star wars game
Because every Metroid game (besides Prime), and every Castlevania game is 2D.
Indies always emulate the classics, the ENTIRE philosophy behind every indie game is "make vidya great again"
Would you prefer "Non-Linear Geargated Platformer"?
As long as the majority understand the meaning of the word, which they do, then it's fine.
Spyro 2, Darksiders 3
Not really. Beyond the Lordvessel, there's no "encountering things you can't get to until you find an item." I guess the Orange Charred Ring is actually the best example in Dark Souls, since it's actually a piece of gear instead of just story progress opening doors.
That can't be real
Castlevania 64
Anyone else have trouble playing Super Metroid without a guide/manual? I played all of the Primes first, and in those games, red doors were opened by a Missile.
In Super, red doors take FIVE Missiles to open, and there's no in-game information about this at all. Once the first Missile failed to open the first red door I found, I assumed that I needed another type of beam, bomb, or something. The design philosophy of older games is really weird.
Dark Souls
Fallen Order I can actually agree on, just wish it was a bit longer and more challenging. Despite the meme ending and story, it was an "okay" game.
I thought the floor flashed for a second to indicate that missiles work.
Might be remembering wrong tho
>Shoot red hatch with normal beam
>No reaction
>Shoot red hatch with missile
>It flashes just like enemies do when you damage them
Come on, dude.
door* even
I d-didn't notice the flash...
Any immersive sim, really, Y'know shit like Deus Ex and System Shock. If you want a recent example, then there's Prey 2017 which is basically a System Shock 3.
You don't do that in Metroid games though you fucking idiot
There are some but you are too stupid to recognize them
>Anons calling Dark Souls a Metroidvania.
Dark Souls might be the most misunderstood game relative to its popularity.
And as I said in my original post, there’s still a bunch of people coming up with the stupidest reasons as to why Dark Souls or Resident Evil or some Zelda games can’t fit under the metroidvania umbrella. My point more than anything is that genres are a retarded concept
Shadow Tower Abyss
>while metroidvanias are action/rpgs
So Metroid games aren't metroidvanias because it doesn't have RPG elements? You're dumb, dude.
haven't played Fe yet but I've heard it was a metroidvania
> In Zelda you can't make the game easier just by killing a 100 enemies and in a metroidvania you can.
Name one fucking Metroid game that does this.
Is this real?!
Resident Evil is a bit like a metroidvania.
How about Soul Reaver?
Because 3d sucks for platformers.
>but mario64
Sucks. Bad controls, bad camera.
>but metroid prime
Sucks. Bad controls, shit combat.
>but [any other 3d platformer]
I got some serious Metroidvania vibes from Sekiro when I unlocked the ability to swim.
However I told an autistic guy I work with this and he never looked so offended.
Genres are pretty necessary bro. Finding more games that are like the one you played and giving devs a way to market plus many other benefits.
On the flip side, there are many people claiming that certain games are metroidvanias when they have no business being compared.
So it seems that the issue is with the single genre of metroidvania and not genres as a whole.
In which case we need to properly define it. Then ideally think of a name which fits the definition.
Problem is 99% of video game players are comfortable with the term Metroidvania already. What a pickle.
A ton of 3D games have item- or skill-based progression with backtracking. The obvious examples are Metroid Prime, Zelda and Dark Souls, but also the Arkham games and parts of God of War 2018. The most out-there example is probably Outer Wilds, which has Metroidvania design patterns but the progression is based on your knowledge.
Is this genre basically defined as needing an ability to advance story progression?
System Shock 1 was a 3d metroidvania before metroidvania was even a term
>Going back to Ashina Reservoir with the grapple.
That was very Metroidvania-esqu