ITT: Sexy characters in video games

ITT: Sexy characters in video games

Attached: 20200410_165110.png (1080x2220, 2.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Screenshot_20200410-164941.png (2220x1080, 2.02M)

Is this last origin? Where the fuck are you niggers getting these high res images from? I've searched everywhere and all I've found were bits and pieces, never a proper compilation.

>bugman gambling addict phoneshit

Attached: isabelle.jpg (924x1400, 284.35K)

sad panda has the rips, sure they're elsewhere as well.

>gacha shit is a game
Since when?

Attached: 1504078693244.jpg (1250x1000, 599.99K)

what the hell am i looking at, it hurts my eyes

Attached: MvHjIFL.gif (268x142, 1.87M)


Attached: c0d997fdca33cc963fd4fb5cd7c2095b.png (800x600, 254.8K)

Attached: Screenshot_20200409-192535.png (2220x1080, 2.07M)

Is this that korean gacha again? what's the name?

imagine if this game wasnt shit lol


>being gay

Yeah how's that treating you?

>sad panda has the rips
Isn't that largely incomplete? I don't remember having seen the ones posted in this thread there.

>no u
ok tranny.

sad the game's gone down the shitter

wheres the new game you stupid gook

Attached: 1519706535139.jpg (7680x4320, 3.93M)

not an insect, now dilate harder

What's a good sexy anime game to play?

Oh god im gonna COOOOM


Attached: 1561736465386.webm (536x832, 2.85M)

>not an insect
>posts and defends insect """"""games""""""

Yeah you do that delation thingy.

Attached: smug c.webm (600x422, 1.38M)

what game?

>implying I play them and not coom at the art instead

gook phone shit #1984546456

Does your mom know you call people "insects" on the internet?

>using discord tranny meme
>too stupid to find actual porn games

Must be hard being a low IQ nigger.

>discord tranny meme
says who fag lmao
>actual porn games
I do both

>babbys first Illusion shit
phoneshit teir garbage

That takes more effort that Generic RPGMaker game n°28934792, you know.


Black Panda

Last origin

Attached: Screenshot_20200408-153957.png (2220x1080, 2.22M)

I just checked sad panda, it’s not on there.

Gatcha is not video games, you pathetic little bug

why is she so perfect bros?

Attached: __wattson_apex_legends_drawn_by_nathan_elhanan__f35118be8e195fe733878ec520461606.jpg (1920x2645, 1.76M)

Because she is a drawing and not ingame model, lamo

Attached: 1564119744650.png (229x344, 97.97K)

ASS TOO FUCKING BIG. Yeah not memeing this time, it doesn't match her total body proportions at all. Whoever drew this should be publically executed.

Attached: 15473729312424.jpg (500x529, 77.65K)

>There are people in this thread that don't enjoy gacha games

Attached: HongRyeon_Damaged.png (2048x2048, 2.45M)

pick one

Attached: 1584068494573.jpg (1200x1600, 182.17K)

Where are you getting these? its not on exhentai or anywhere else

That's not vidya

Found the leprechaun

Did you even try?

Attached: Fenrir_Skin_1.png (2048x2048, 1.91M)

Don't have a phone.

How can you expect to play Diablo Immortals this year without a phone, user?


The two characters ITT aren't on there, OP is getting them from a different source.

Maybe know...plays the game?

Op pic is the best so far

Which character from that game has the biggest whitest butt

>17 images ITT so far
>only 2 in-game images that aren't gachafaggotry

Attached: pkyn6sKZAr1y1qfjoo1_1280.jpg (669x653, 75.79K)

yet you post a cat instead of contributing

Attached: bajima shouhei.png (1500x796, 1.51M)

>another non-vidya image

Attached: 1581974816839.png (620x460, 492.86K)

Which game has sexier art, Last Origin or Destiny Child

Stop posting cat. Start posting waifus
Last Origin. DC is tame af

Attached: d02bd5966bc6ca5663fe33b9e586e44d.jpg (1154x1257, 217.35K)


Attached: 1566717796707.jpg (995x1080, 251.96K)

Post more of this sexy girl please, that is the type of girl you bring home for real love, real romance

>he hasn't played Skullgirls

She's a real cutie.
Play FGO!

Attached: 0699edcb5bec2b983f2108f43cbb9ef5.jpg (900x1450, 490.43K)

Daisy is sexy

Attached: 1570165862133.png (2200x3400, 1.67M)