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Other urls found in this thread:

Look real fucking spooky desu.


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What do you mean

Is it possible to get a tan from the Sunwell?

that is a joke right?

Attached: file.png (600x538, 192.7K)


>nigger elves with white facial features, basically saying "niggers can look good but only if they look white"
>Yas Forumstards still mad and pedophilic

Attached: 1566491785669.jpg (3024x4032, 1.83M)

That's what happens when you stand near Sunwell too much


What's the point of this? Has the blood elf community ever expressed a wish to be black?
It looks horrible.

They look like demons.

Thanks blizzard, now i can finally kick niggers out of my groups because they can finally put yellow stars on themselves.


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I wonder if they put black elves in to distract from the blue eyes so the outrage is split.

Blue eyes confirmed Horde only.

Attached: 562235.png (1169x839, 1.01M)

the eyes are less detailed, i cant see the iris

Could you ever see the iris?

High elves look different (white sclera) but holy shit what a stab in the back, the seething will never end

that looks like shit

Could very well be NPC only, we won't know for sure until it is properly implemented. Notice how the other eye options can be heterochromatic but blue is apparently the exception.

>complaining about nothing
Oh Yas Forums

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Have they finally separated eye color from face preset?

I am not complaining, it just seems so strange
where did they come from all of the sudden?

>lmao why do you even care guys, you'd have to be racist to even think this is bad, go back to Yas Forums, stop taking issue with it, be quiet xD, haha stop saying it's bad, lol that's so cringe, you guys are Yas Forumstarded hahaha, lol, stop seething lmao

Probably fel corruption, the biggest question is why they can have two different eye colors when it is established canon that their eye color is influenced by the sunwell or exposure to fel.

>THANK YOU SO MUCH BLIZZARD oh my god i am SO Happy, thank you so much, elves desrve this diversity too so much thank you holy #$%^ im going to cry
>NICE. I am so happy for this, cannot say how long I've wanted to have elves that have darker skin tones.
>Eeeeee! Am so excited! Wish there were some tattoo iterations, but this is an excellent start!
>It's a fantasy world ... yet elves can't be dark skinned? If you don't like the darker skin tones, you don't have to use it, but I know a ton of people who are going to be so happy to be able to give their Blood Elves darker skin finally.

>People who are saying 'black blood elves dont exist' need to just edit their posts with 'i'm a racist btw' because nowhere does it say elves are ONLY fair-skinned. Nowhere.
>And so what? Let people enjoy being able to make characters how they want, ESPECIALLY Black people who play this game who want to play elves with a skintone like theirs.
>I'm so happy. I have friends who are happy as hell they wont be forced to play a white elf. Let people be happy and tone back your racism.

we wuz elves n shiet

I don't even get if it's ironic anymore. Are people seriously triggered by dark skin in video games or is it just trying to bait people who also pretend like they're triggered?

Elvish niggas

>lmao haha why do you even care about this, you're just triggered by brown people aren't you, that's right you're triggered, you're literally shaking like those alt-right trolls told me in 2014 on my tumblr

no wide nose, no bill cosby hair, no big goofy lips,no smaller cranium size

this is a white elf left smeared with dead jew ashes on their face

I know it may come as a surprise to you but not all black people have the same cranial structure.

But they don't look good, they look like pajeets

Can I get yellow eyes with this is the real question.

Forest ape
Moon ape
Eyelves (because you can only see the eyes when it's dark)
Glaive chuckers

Help me out there, those don't sound right.

>elves desrve this diversity too
What did they do to deserve the punishment of "diversity"?

Joining the noble nigger faction.

>ESPECIALLY Black people who play this game who want to play elves with a skintone like theirs.
I'm white and I can make characters of every skin tone, it doesn't matter what mine is when I make a fictional character.

Why are blacks so racist that they feel they need their character to be black just because they are?

>nu-Yas Forums

Black people don't actually give a fuck if their character is black or white, probably a white simp who wrote this post.

It looks like there's just a dark shadow cast over her, but it's only affecting the lighting on her skin.

They even go mad when an emote isn't black

i doubt that

You and I both know that blacks prefer to create white-colored characters anyway. It's nobody's fault, humans just find whites more attractive for some reason.

Coon Elf
Dindu Elf

They need more monkey jaws otherwise they're white elves with a black skin

>desrve this diversity
That's like saying someone deserved to be forcefed rat poison.

>more character customization is a bad thing
only retards on Yas Forums could spin this like it's a bad thing

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>EVERY fantasy race ever imagined has to have ALL the possible human phenotypes
>by making every fantasy race the SAME, we'll bring beautiful DIVERSITY to our settings!!!!
This trend is so fucking retarded.

Ah yes, let's drop the lore consistency, just to support tearing the moral fabric and wellbeing of the society at large. If you don't, you must be a retard!
>this is what leftards actually believe

>I'm so happy. I have friends who are happy as hell they wont be forced to play a white elf.

They hate white people and it's cool and politically correct.

Elves shouldn't ever be black unless they're drow, whom are literally black and are all turbo sociopaths.

You're not serious. You can make niggerelves now?

Why? How? How exactly does it fit into lore that a race known for their pale silky skin and mostly blond hair can now look like this?

Like, what's the canon excuse? Were they hit with radiation? Did they get sick? Too much mana-weed? What?

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How many black people play world of warcraft.
Seriously, just a rough estimate.
I cannot fucking imagine it, I have played since vanilla and met thousands of people, both on EU servers and US servers and never once have I met a black person. Plenty of Mexicans, Brazilians etc. But never a black person.

Who are they even pandering to here? A vanishingly small black segment which probably could not care because they're not faggots and thus do not play on the horde, or hysterical, emotionally stunted eternally adolescent white 20-something girls with colored problem hair who screeches and squeals about diversity, even though their blood elf will stay the palest skin color as it always was?

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>have in-lore, canon reasons for why races look the way they do

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high-melanin user here.
No, we never asked for this.
No, I don't choose to play the literal aryan fantasy race and expect it to look black in some form.

Don't blame us for what (they) do trying to please us.

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>adding options is "pandering"

why are you upset


>Africa literally doesn't exist in your fantasy world
>"Why are there no Africans in your game?!"

and I was actually thinking about resubbing....


>a toy, a fantasy game
>with fantasy lore without any literary value
>written by a bunch of white dudes

Close proximity to the Sunwell enriched their melanin. If they're not careful, they're gonna get magic skin cancer.

everyone who disagree is a poltard, wonders why everyone from pol disagrees with you, they end up in pol because you put them there, circular arguments are fun eh?.

>have in-lore, canon reasons for why races look the way they do
No you don't. Original dev team were a bunch of white supremacists.

LOL alliance gonna be pissed

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Change mutant and ghouls to dragons and magic and there you go.

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Lol and Yas Forums will still support blizzard

yum yum eat that blizzcum

Good Tom.
I'll push you a watermelon through the bars of your cage if you keep at it.

this is a poor excuse for a complaint when they've been raping the lore nonstop since vanilla. just admit you don't like niggers

>Point out that there's an established lore basis for the features of every single race in the game
>Ask what the lore basis for the new racial features are
Where did it all go wrong?

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Anyone with half a brain knows this was pushed by danger-hair guilty whites. It's always the same shit.

This is not character customisation
Character customisation is when you take a base model and change the small details of the race's features
Completely adding new skin colours completely changes what it means to be a blood elf
If you want nigger elves at least make them a different race of elves

>retarded Yas Forumstards can't handle black skin in their fantasy games

Despite only making up 13% of the Blood Elf population, melanated elves are responsible for 55% of mana tappings

WoW lore is trash and ruined warcraft

Actually I'm more of an Bweeb than an Uncle Tom.
I don't need the white man's approval, but I don't need the blame for what liberal white girls are demanding.

Black people hate all other races. The only demographics that are actually capable of not being racist are whites and sometimes some asians (not Koreans or Chinese). At the most, blacks will pretend that they don't hate everyone that doesn't look like them, but the majority of them are so bad about it that they can't even stand other blacks with lighter skin than them.

Even in-lore elves with darker hair were usually half-breeds between elves and humans. To have brown or even black hair was canonically looked on as if you were only half and elf, or at least lesser of one. I understand why Blizzard let us pick brown, black and even red hair for our elves because that is sorta kinda within canon that a few High Elves had darker hair. But the vast majority, 99% of them, had blond or shades of blond without exception.

Even then the skin was always pale, bordering on white with tints of pink. What possible lore could nu-Blizzard have made up to allow this monstrous change?


Nobody likes niggers, not even other niggers, but there's an actual reason to not include them this time.

>The only demographics that are actually capable of not being racist are whites
Note: white excludes slavs

Elves come from literally dark trolls, what you are talking about.

As a pale skinned Asian man, when can I expect pale-skinned Mag'Har orcs with almond eyes? It's racist that they can only be brown with African and Caucasian eyes.