Nioh 2 threaq
Nioh 2 threaq
Not at home yet! What did todays patch bring?
Just bug fixes and balance changes, no new content. Apparently they nerfed yatsu no kami and otakemaru's soul cores and buffed others.
I think Nioh 2 threaps are better.
All i want to do is forge an inheritable life absorption on amrita and water sword but the game won't let me.
>Apparently they nerfed yatsu no kami
Anyone can leave a orange inheritable in a revenant grave?
How much did they nerf the snek
He's been carrying my retard ass hard so far
Please say they didnt kill my crutch
>Apparently they nerfed yatsu no kami
The very moment I stopped using it
They reduced the number of bounces by 1, and increased the cost to 8.
And rightfully so, it was too much of a crutch.
he rebounds from walls one less times and costs some amount more anima to cast
>not just using it purely for the poison damage
>ever using any yokai abilities
and what did they do to Okatu?
does less damage to certain bosses
But no changes to damage against poisoned enemies?
>they added the ability to move soul cores to storehouse with triangle
Holy based. I swear someone from their team is lurking these threads.
>8 (EIGHT) (VIII) anima cost
Just fuck my shit up
Use gozuki. It is pretty good.
Any patch notes yet? That sounds nice, I've only noticed buffs to the dojo enemies and Onmyo's Mystic Art for casting.
Which one is Gozuki, is that the swing or the charge? Not at console rn
Unlikely, because if that were the case they would have heard the shit I've been telling them for years.
>Apparently they nerfed yatsu no kami
I literally just used it for the first time and I didn't understand why people were saying it was so good since it did no damage at all.
I guess this explains it.
On a side note. How the hell do I unlock the various skills that requires clearing a mission. Not the dojo ones.
I seem to remember it is the tengu twilight mission, but I don't have that one and I am in the third area.
He's probably still pretty good though, it's in small spaces that he was good in before. When he hits a wall he'll turn back and hit again and he would destroy enemies pretty quickly that way going back and forth like 3 times.
>Holy based. I swear someone from their team is lurking these threads.
Wait until they add dollface and the other 3 as a revenant cameo that died YAZURA'd
Thanks. I already found a buff to a core that heavily needed it before seeing this and am already beside myself with amazement. Gonna have high hopes for these notes.
I honestly never use yokai abilities anyway. I just need him for the poison damage so it's fine either way.
This fucking game explains nothing when it comes to tempering
why not use the snek to poison fat mobs and save your shuriken?
Sorry, didn't mean to mention you
List of buffed cores where?
just yesterday I salvaged all not equipped ones
>Dojo enemies buffed
>and increased the cost to 8.
That's pretty much what every boss core costs anyways, I don't see the problem here
you BETTER be fucking sorry, how dare you
He has posion on his yokai ability? That's nice if so.
also fixed? I had so many instances of the spear going right to the opponents chin without doing anything
Will a kiss be enough?
>relaxed the determination of success in the murder
>The power of the attack is increased by increasing the power of a powerful blow
Well thanks. That helps. Seriously though I can sort of tell some of the changes and they seem alright for the most part, but I'm not so sure that Otakemaru change will be enough, and Sword of Execution certainly didn't need a buff.
I can't be the only one who tried to go and commit die in the interim
Practically all the shitty one that no one mentioned, here's what I tested.
- Aberrant Soldier
- Wheel Monk
- One-eyed Oni (tracking buff but cost nerf)
- Gyuki
- Daibarra Bocchi
- Umibozo
- Toxic Slime
- Shuten Doji
And a few other I think.
Well I can reply to you anyway.
What does it really need to explain? The only thing it doesn't explain is the only thing that it could get away with not explaining, even though it is honestly the one thing everyone would want to know. Talking of course about the conflicts.
thats actualyl pretty cool. Now where are my axe buffs?
admit, aside from triangle rolling axe is bad
>Daibarra Bocchi
This guy seemed good for crowd control at first goance
>Now where are my axe buffs?
Why do you want a glue drop rate buff
Are any of those actually good now? "Sake Drinking Doji"'s was especially disappointing.
What mission do I need to clear to unlock the early skills such as Focused strike for Tonfa? I can't find shit in google.
How's Aberrant Soldier, Daidarra Bocchi and Shuten Doji now after patch?
Then not a buff but a fix
You need to continue in the story to unlock dojo missions, and you can access them if you have a certain amount of weapon proficiency
Apparently True and Through got buffed.
Can anyone test?
>Fixed a bug where the level sync was not reflected in the monster attack
It's about fucking time. I hope they did it for everything
Aberrant Soldier got a huge recovery reduction, which is really the one thing it needed most and the one thing I wanted most. You can basically move right after firing, it's great.
Daibarra Bocchi is in a pretty good place now, hits about as hard the same as Osakabehime, but in a smaller, (still huge), area.
Both Shuten-Doji and aberrant soldier are faster you can cancel the end lag quite early now, nearly halves its cast time.
Also forgot to mention magatsu warrior got a recovery and damage buff, now hits like a truck when usng 9 anima.
>Nioh 2 already doing no-fun-allowed "balance" patches
Fuck lesser umi bozu
Fuck lemon flavour oni bi
At the blacksmith I rolled “Untouched Ninjutsu” on an Accessory, but in a different Accessory I can’t get it no matter how much I roll. What gives?
english list please, cant figure out what the translated skills are supposed to be
>fixed spear
>buffed cores that needed buffing and nerfed cores that needed nerfing
>buffing a bunch of shit that was useless before and making a ridiculously good skill have an appropriate cost
>no fun
you guys " BUT MUH OP BUILD" fags sure whine a lot
Commission user here,time for the third reveal. what's your vote?
They are buffing shit too you axegrug
That's pretty cool, I'll have a test run with Shuten-Doji, Aberrant Soldier and Magatsu.
>hurr durr
only having one or two cores people actually use is the opposite of fun
maybe there will be some actual variety now
Based commission user doing god's work
Anima recharges so fast anyways. Were people really just spamming the snake over and over? I use it maybe 2 or 3 times per boss and almost never in the level unless I'm in a panic situation.
>they buffed hatchets?
>doesn't need buffing, it's KINO
I was just about to check that. On a max charge it now does increased damage, more than high strong and Heaven Flash which outperformed it previously. My test numbers are 375 on a high strong, 347 on Heaven Flash, and 416 on True and Through at full charge, so a very good change overall. Minimum charge is 264 and likely still won't see any use.
Where are the previous reveals? I must not have been in thread then.
pls link
Did you commission tummy-chan?
>that damage
This is quite literally the only patch they've made that's actually done some real good. The last two were mainly enemy nerfs, some slight bug fixes, and a "text drop rate" buff that still feels completely random.
>already max level and all texts farmed
>FF7 remake today
>still play Nioh 2 instead
Has Squere Enix botched it?
How many texts are there?
>that kino.. incredible
check the pastebin
Breddy awesome.
How do I farm myself to 300 quickly?
So where is my Ultimate Sword of the Cross buff?
She was revealed last thread with dollface when she won the last poll
>running seven miles away from enemies after every single attack
>panic double dodges constantly
farm Okatemaru but you max naturally by farming texts
Last time's winners were Tummy-chan and Dollface, which are these. I'll check the current vote in 5.
It's been buffed you can now put active skills on it.
>W-what kino is this... stupendous
I hope you didn't have to pay for that trash.