Kek animal crossing is now banned in china
Kek animal crossing is now banned in china
lmao based
insects don't deserve nice things
japanese people can play AC just fine, though
China doesn't deserve shit.
this is what you get for fucking with the worlds economy with your fing batsuit
chinese love being oppressed is what I've learned.
I like to wear Chinese clothes in Animal Crossing, wait for someone to say something racist to me, then I let Nintendo work their magic.
Quick rundown?
Honk Kong wants to become a separate nation from China, the Chinese president doesn't like that and is trying to shut it down by censoring the internet. Basically the same thing that's happening in America.
the chinese should fuck off, my mask in the game probably won't protect me from their jinping virus
90% of the time the china banned something is a lie. Like when they "banned pewdiepie". Or winnie the pooh being banned. Its all so tiresome
Chinese is not a race, Terry.
how are they going to ban an entire game? remove it from the chinese eshop in switch?
Reason for ban?
>Say Free Hong Kong in an online game
>Immediately mobilize the attention of the largest populated country in the world as their supreme leader scrambles to either shut you down or shut the game down
Pretty fucking hilarious
What I've learned from living in China is that they just wanna live their lives and they're incredibly apathetic towards politics.
The coronavirus thing changed that quite a bit, and a lot of people openly dislike the government now.
you actually live in a bubble where you think this isnt actually happening?
Imagine defending subhuman chinks
Very nice, chinks deserve to get endlessly dabbed on as long as they put up with Xi's shenanigans
>What I've learned from living in China is that they just wanna live their lives and they're incredibly apathetic towards politics.
Makes sense when you're not allowed to have an opinion. You either lay low or prepare to have your life ruined, though that's always been a necessary sacrifice to take steps towards democracy.
>chinese are oppressed by their government, and you should care
>chinese are subhumans who should not be defended
then explain devotion being banned.
is it safe to say free honk kong here?
The Chinese eshop only has one game and that's new super mario bros deluxe.
There's always been places to have an opinion. It's just a pain in the arse to find them. It's sort of like Yas Forums ten years ago -- you don't generally go on it unless you hear about it from someone else AND you're okay with the weirdness.
For the most part, it's just a combination of "we can't change anything" and "things seem to be going alright anyway". It gets said a lot, but do remember that the great famines and megadeath purges are within living memory.
Can the rest of the world just ban china?
We do. Chinks find it pretty hard to get jobs elsewhere compared to HKers and Taiwanese people.
no one said we should care. more countries should solve their own personal issues. it's not like they're incapable of it.
It didn't get banned you stupid nig it got removed from steam
Great, now if we can also remove Canadians we can be free from the Chinese menace in animal crossing
Don't forget Aussies
nigger the most powerful country in the world can't even get free healthcare together, how tf is a migrant worker shitter in the middle of some huge city nobody outside of china has ever heard of meant to change his entire country of a billion+ people
Your eyes doesn't seem to work so why bother
civil war when? CHINKS RISE UP
>Politics in animal crossing
fucking end it
Unfortunately China is where a lot of the world's labour and manufacturing comes from.
It'll only happen when there's a huge economic crisis.
So, uh, soon, maybe.
Ironic. I've been to china and there's winnie the pooh everywhere. Used a chinamans phone and used chinese google. Its not banned. Same for pewdiepie. Youtube isn't pupular in china so nothing is banned on it.
The most censorship china does is in regards to hong kong and its legitimacy as a state. Which is what the US does in regards to israels state or country issue.
I can't read any of this shit
If China becomes unstable, then that means that Chinese science could be slowed. Which means that human genetic engineering could be slowed. Which means that various races of people with genetically lower IQ will have to wait to be uplifted. Which would be a very bad thing for the USA.
Winnie the Pooh itself isn't banned, referring to Xi as Winnie the Pooh is. China loves that fucker for some reason
Imagine defending America in 2020. They're just as bad a china. But you got brainwashed by america's """""free media"""""" and not chinas state media which is just less subtle.
You can play it, just not on steam.
China doesn't use Yas Forums. They have their own social media. In fact that copy pasta you guys use is reddit tier because no one in china has Yas Forums.
why the fuck would pewdiepie be marginally popular in china?
They banned it in wow..
>referring to Xi as Winnie the Pooh is.
No its not. Stop moving the goalposts.
The Japanese were imbued with a soul when america beat the shit out of them.
Chinks are so fucking retarded
Blizzard did/activision. Welcome to the free market bud.
ok chang
What I found weird while over there was that Yas was blocked but wasn't. Which makes sense considering the NSFW nature of Yas Forums and the porn ban but prior to the splitting of the two sites Yas Forums wasn't blocked. It got blocked like the day after the split.
>work 18 hour days
>no kids
Yeh real soulful people
>now banned
but video game consoles and games that don't got through the censor already are banned. As far as I know the Switch can't be sold in China
>Boycott Japan
>Buy and play Japanese products
>boycott Japan
>Playing a Japanese game on a Japanese console
Fucking Kekreans
Stop bad mouthing Korean
Koreans are dumb
They just need another dose.
They are not a smart people
You go missing if you don't love him.
Incorrect use of moving goalposts. This is clearly another person making another statement (not argument, that's important.) And if you really want an argument; even if only 10% of that stuff is actually getting banned (which I call bullshit on) it's still a pathetic, shameful and disgraceful way to react.
Nobody has ever said that chinks were smart