Loves FF7 Remake

>loves FF7 Remake
Can we finally admit Yas Forums freaked out for nothing and the game is actually good?

Nobody outside of Yas Forums cared about the changes

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Other urls found in this thread:

he hasn't beat the game yet you fucking retard


>h-he'll hate it eventually!
Cope and denial

>some faggot ass shill likes the game he was paid to like

holy fuck bros



Why do you people put so much stock into this fuckers opinions? He's not even a big eceleb

He looks Jewish and that eagle on top of his head looks ready to take flight any moment.


Max is such a normalfaggot larping as someone who likes video games. I hope no one actually takes his shitty opinions seriously.

I did not watch the stream but my friend who watched said he almost cried during the opening cutscene. So of course hes going to like it. I wonder what he will think when he gets to the end though.

>He's not even a big eceleb
He's big in the FGC scene and Twitch
Not Pewdiepie but he's definitely a millionaire by now

Big fish in a small pond. He's the only fighting-game YT channel that most people watch so they just assume he's and expert in his field.

Shame that he's gained enough clout to influence people's thoughts on non-fighting games.

Because he was big on the FGC. That's literally it.

Wow the guy that depends on Final Fantasy 7 Remake for his livelihood isn't saying bad things about it?


General rule of thumb is if Yas Forums shits on it then it's good.

how did he not get cancelled for nigger dagger

Why is this Cali kike cosplaying as Nicolas Cage?

Funny. I feel the exact opposite because I belong here.

Good thing i can think for myself and don't need my opinions formed by a literal hypeman.

>I belong here
Cringiest shit I've ever read

he cried on camera

Yas Forums shits on Mass Effect Andromeda. I guess it's good now. :^)

Can we just focus on that receding hairline?

>if you have a funny name people follow you
So Maximilin dooood

God people are easy.

Lets invent streamer names

I would like to request one Slayer pilebunker webm, thank you

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He's Jewish.

>He's big in the FGC
Oh well truly that gives him the clout needed to be Yas Forums's final authority on whether or not a JRPG remake is good! After all, fighting games are practically RPGs!

I like Max but hes such a fucking shill when it comes to FF7 and Killer Instinct. Its honestly disgusting


His two black friends and a lot of black people in the FGC stood up for him being a good guy and know it was a mistake.

Phaggot McDick face. You can take the name from me, user. It's on the house.

Isn't that the dood who admitted he sucked SueLightnings dick?

So why do we care what a guy who plays fighting games thinks of a jrpg?

>Nobody outside of Yas Forums cared about the changes
oh nononono

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Oh, well now that your favorite shitty e-celeb said he likes something, that means I have to like it now too.

Based is true

I don't. He's not even subtle about being paid by the companies to shill their shit.

We all know Square paid him to promote this game.

Yas Forums and Reddit are the same people

>He got his ugly asian wife pregnant
Kid's gonna be a real el goblino.

I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again. He's a fanboy. That means he was going to like the game regardless of what happened in it. Cloud could have been barrets bitch and this guy would love the game

If you can explain to me why the opinion of this person matters at all.

Uh oh, but I got a tweet saying FF7R bad. Therefore I win and OP loses. My e-celeb better than your e-celeb. :^)

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Max doesn't know shit.

>The English phrase rule of thumb refers to a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation.

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Wait, isn't this the faggot who cried over the Spawn trailer for MKXI?

Peak consoomer.

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Sounds like a copout for being a FF7 loving faggot.

This. He's very vocal about all the trips and early looks studios give him, and that's on top of what he doesn't talk about.

90% of twitch streamers are giga-normalfags who haven't touched a game older than 2013. Their opinion isn't worth shit.

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Seethe harder


Why do you guys do this?

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Based. Oney is like the only good e-celeb.

>caring about Max's opinions outside of fighting games

there is a pic online with the two of them posing together... thinking its real

Looks like they're complaining about false advertisement which is valid.

I can't even begin to imagine how disappointed Chris is with this


well, what they said isn't wrong..........

No one wants to be associated with retards, so they get to say whatever the shit they want.

Same goes for Dunkey.

>which is valid
No it's not
The game is FF7 remade (modern graphics, combat, new soundtrack)

hopefully he recorded it either way

Max isn't even a true FF7 fan.
Everytime I've seen him play it he uses mods.

Using mods should disqualify your opinion on something.

who the fuck is this nigger and why should i care.

and it turned out horribly

Here's your (you)



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Because you don't belong here.

Fastfoot Steve

Title says Remake.

>Retarded meta-sequel is a remake

don't forget modern star wars/game of thrones tier story

I wonder how Max is going to damage control Time Ghosts

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Do what? Speak our minds? Do you think you're only allowed to have an opinion if it's positive?

>Caleb is still live
This nigga really going to plat the game in one stream?


No the game is bad

>game must be good because some literal who likes the game
The demo almost got me to buy the game but hearing about the retarded story changes pulled me back. Is this game reaching BotW tiers of fanboyism to defend it?

Cope and seethe
The game is a success
Have fun creating multiple Metacritic accounts to reviewbomb the userscore (which will be fixed in 24 hours)

Developers have been saying for years the story specifically is faithful to the original. Nothing could be further from the truth. Having similarities does not make something faithful. Changing the story in fundamental ways makes it very literally unfaithful.

>square should be punished
gamer boycott incoming

he's not even up to the ghost janny parts yet you retard

he's only up to the good part of the game so far. It's like that one guy who thought Fahrenheit was good because he only played up to the first half of the game, before the writers shit the bed.

The fact this game is shit genuinely makes me sad bro. I ain't seething at all. I'm fucking depressed.


this dude is right. midgar had perfect pacing. 5 hours with lots of twists and turns and memorable scenes, and then you're out into the real world.

turning it into a 30 hour game with fetch quests and shitty FFXV style sidequests is so unappealing, even if they did add extra worldbuilding etc

lmao it begins

>no argument
>strawman assumptions
>appeal to stop on grounds that it will not matter
Yep. That's a shill all right.

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>trusting Max's shill opinion on anything

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>Caring about Max's opinions even in regards to fighting games

The sad part is how faggots will now pretend ff7 was a 11/10 masterpiece.

>caring about Max's opinions
Should have ended here.


You guys know he posts here, just like the rest of the ecelebs we like to talk about so much, don't you?

He probably already knows about the time ghosts

isnt this guy a pedo with a diaper fetish

You gotta cut him atleast alittle credit, he plays every fuckin fighting game that comes out, hes bound to be shit at a couple of them.

Fucking yawn dude. The same old endless cycle with you fucking drones. Don't you ever get bored of being such a massive retarded faggot?

FF7 wasn't perfect either. They never went anywhere with Tifa's orthopedic panties storyline.

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why argue this and why care so much?

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t. this guy

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this is one of the many questions in life, along with why your mother didn't get an abortion

>don't reply to my thread you're ruining my shilling

I love Metacritic

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He plays for three days when a game releases to get a week's worth of uploads and then back again when every DLC character releases. It's not like he actually plays them for any long term period to actually learn the game.

Remember, Max is a variety streamer.

Hahaha I don't review shit because none of it matters. But cucks that only dole out 0s or 10s with no justification are worthless. Even still they're allowed to do it.

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You look like you're about to cry


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That's actually pretty funny

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>i played gay
>i expected gay
>i got gay

Matt McMuscles the DiaperFur

user, 3.0 isn't just gay. It is literally homosexual.

Max is painfully average, at best, at every fighting game he's ever played. I remember beating him a few times in Street Fighter x Tekken
I remember being excited because I was in a video

>Deleted all his Baiken vods and stopped playing GG after this
>People still listen to what he has to say about Strive

Life is unfair.

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