The SR2 Patch is coming soon, we're going home to Stilwater bros

The SR2 Patch is coming soon, we're going home to Stilwater bros.

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im tired of waiting

Think that there's people out there waiting for SR3 Remastered, Epic exclusive on PC

To be honest, as someone who played SR3 on console i wanted to see SR2 (pc) would play because i've heard it was better so i am too waiting for it.

I love SR2 so much
Sure Shaundi isn't a hatefuck bimbo but damn, the game was dope

*cue SR3 where they straight up kill Johnny Gat only to retcon it into whatever the fuck SR4 was*

i want to replay it but waiting for the patch

Just release better sound files, that's really all I've ever asked.
But if they actually manage to make it look like SR3 remaster, I wouldn't complain.

This might be to your liking:

That aside, GOTR is getting re-updated for the patch.

Source on soon or are you just shitposting?

I'm just waiting for deep silver to make it ebin exclusive already.

>SR2 Patch
I thought it was getting a remaster or some shit

wasn't there already mods that fixed most of the issues?

SR3 was such a large letdown I tell everyone to ignore it. 1, 2, are amazing. 4 is good but only in the crazy as fuck way (lol at the 'They Live" references".

3 is nigger faggot retard levels of bad.

Either a patch or a remaster version or something. Either way they've said anyone who already owns SR2 is getting the patch for free.

Yeah but not very well, and there was never any way to get the DLC on PC. Multiplayer is also shut down because of gamespy being gone.

How long until SR1-2 remastered, those are the only good games

why are they remastering SR3 and not this

Probably never, SR1 and 2 aren't the meme popular ones so no one gives a fuck about it.

2's PC port getting a fix is a literal miracle to begin with, 1 didn't even have one to begin with. Don't hold your breath.

3 is where it started turning into shit, feels bad

Apparently SR1 is playable on that 360 emulator, though you need a pretty beefy rig for good performance.

me too, been waiting for months. i just wanna play it again :(

>cue SR3 where they straight up kill Johnny Gat
the worst part is that they don't even properly do it
Carlos and Lin's deaths were so harsh you felt them, Gat was just gone after the first mission never to be seen again

>driving the kaneda around rainy stillwater
>this comes on:

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I played SR3 first and absolutely loved it. Intense action, good gameplay. Then people used to say how 2 is much better so I tried it. And was disgusted instead - worked poorly, animations were often way too fast, protagonist was psycho without reason, plot was missing explanations, so on.

Maybe its because Im not from US and this this whole "gang culture" is something totally alien to me. And absurd.

I still claim that SR3 and 4 are much better than 2.


I'm going to be honest. I never cared that they killed Gat. I did not love that character anywhere near as much as apparently everyone else did.

>everyone upset about Gat death
Am I the only one upset about how they killed the Day/Night cycle?
Also the remaster looks like dusty shit from the trailer, like actual Mars atmosphere from Gangsters in Space. What’s worse is you’ll be spending a lot of time in the orange haze since time doesn’t fucking change.

My only compliant is his death was offscreen, we do not see him die for real. Not sure if they actually planned him surviving in IV (which i seriously doubt since the game was rushed as fuck) or insurance just in-case they wanted to bring him back in anudda sequel.

>I still claim that SR3 and 4 are much better than 2
Keep telling yourself that

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>coming soon
How do you know it's coming soon?

Can't decide what's more embarrassing: screencapping your own posts or caring about SR "lore"

And I'm just going to have to take your word for it, yeah sure

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>nitpicking this hard to lengthen the list
I like SR2 better too but come on. I can't rewatch cutscenes wow the game just got ten times worse.

I thought SR3 was the one getting a remaster, what's up?

What will the patch do?

>doesn't care about 60% of the games features being removed for meme trash
Zoom zoom

>I still claim that Sr3 and 4 are much better than 2.
You're very wrong.

adding all the console dlc
may or may not fix the framerate
gotr will be made compatible with it
achievements i think if you're into that sort of thing
and the co-op i think will work again
this is all going to take ages though because its two volition employees in their spare time.

>There's only two guys working on the patch
>On their free time


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ok retard


They didn't. Before 4 came out, the creators said that officially Gat was dead. I think Zombie Gat is in the game too.
There main reason for killing him off was because he didnt have time to voice lines in 3, so I guess since he wasn't busy, they brought him nack.

These games have my favourite character creation system, being able to swap between a fat ugly bastard and a thick bimbo whenever you wanted through plastic surgery is fun as fuck, you never really feel stuck with the character you created at the beginning of the game. I remember 2 having far better clothing options than the later games, but I haven’t played those in a while

2 let's you mix and match clothing layers, most clothes have more than one style of wearing them too. (Pants can be sagged, hats can be tipped to 8 different angles ect.)

I mean that's how it's been since 2009, but now official

Will it be EGS exclusive as well?

Oh no, not the opinion. How will Yas Forums circlejerk ever recover.

>Locking Maero's bitch in the trunk of a car.
>Having it put in a car crushing arena that Maero takes part in.
>He crushes the car, killing his girlfriend. He celebrates.
>Boss walks out with a smug as fuck slow clap.
>Throws Maero the keys.
>"Should've offered me more than 20%"
>Walks away with a smirk.
In Sr3 the boss would've just showed up at the arena and batted him into space with a giant sex toy.

The fucking Belgian asshole at the start of the game GETS CRUSHED ON ACCIDENT BY A FUCKING BALL

and the villain in the end is a luchadore

I mean, SR3 ending with Holding Out For A Hero is pretty fucking dope, not gonna lie, but the game is mediocre at best, compared to how fucking good 2 was, DLCs included.

It’s a patch, not a “remaster”

For me, It's Fight Club.

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Not 100% sure about that, considering sudden SR3 remaster.

Aight, redownloading Saints Row 2 again. I loved Fight Club.

Also Eric Gryphon is the politician from the first game, prove me wrong

Same, demo derby was solid too.

If I’m not mistaken, the leads were WWE fans so it bled through unfortunately. It was all a big joke too. Angel was in like 2 missions and is the most forgettable character of the franchise.


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Angel who? I remember the Luchamania something vs Killbane or what was the villain's name in 3, and the huge VTOL airship landing in Steelport soon after

It’s literally a patch, it’s supposed to unfuck the broken Steam version. If they were going to remaster the game there wouldn’t be two people working on the project

Every gang had someone you recruited to help fight them. Angel was Killbane's ex tag team partner helping you take down his army of luchadore criminals. He's the guy who forces the "drive with a tiger" missions

That I remember.

Not gonna lie to you Yas Forums, I'd love to sniff those pants

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>protagonist was psycho without reason
So what? did you no play the game or did you not pay attention?

>protagonist was psycho without reason, plot was missing explanations
Naaah, that was alright. The protagonist had his reasons, and plot was obvious.


>Want to replay a mission to see different choices/ hear different voicelines/ just enjoyed the fucking game
>Only option is replay the entire game

Going for le funny open world game was a mistake. Even GTA V is doing it now and it ruins it. Give us a serious setting and serious story, not this shit gushing with satire and stereotypical characters.

Never played Saints Row 2 before - but bought the Steam edition in anticipation of the patch. Just how exactly is the patch going to fix the game?

I’ve heard such great things about the game. How does it compare to San Andreas (the best GTA)?


Yes that's how 99% of games behave.

>why are they remastering SR3 and not this
Because nobody gives a shit about SR2. I've never understood why the SR2 fanbase is so out of touch with reality. It doesn't matter that SR2 is a better game. The series became popular with SR3.

Stilwater was also so much better than Steelport. Stilwater had pretty much every environment you could think of while Steelport is a generic city where the most unique area is that middle island where the zombie breakout occurs.
I was so annoyed that every single paid reviewer out there back in 2011 made a big deal of LMAO LOOK AT THAT WACKY CRAZY CUSTOMIZATION IN SR3 when SR2 already had much deeper customization.

He's not who you think he is
>tfw too many people only know Dex from SR2 and actually want him dead instead of coming back as Gat's comedic foil

I liked SR3, and even finished SR4 twice despite having some sour taste during and after it, but even knowing what a shitfest PC SR2 was I tried to replay it multiple times despite it lagging on all my configs since 2008. And I even finished it once, and it still is my favorite one.
If only they didn't make the side quests give you immeasurably imbalanced weapons.

Check the comment sections of the SR3 remaster videos. Every comment is about SR2.