

Attached: passport.png (462x593, 496.34K)

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how are the episodes after 2?
the main guy who plays gordon screams so much like a sperg and its starting to feel so samey, anything new happen or is it just the same formula until they beat the game?

>how are the episodes after 2?
wish we knew

gordon loses a hand despite being in power armor, the other scientists turn out to be not human and the security guard is still a bored sounding cunt

This meme died after the first 10 minutes

Reminder that Dr. Coomer was a tranny all along.

This shit fell for the good old "people like this so I should make more of the same shit without anything changing until I beat this dead horse into the fucking ground" blunder.

dr coomer >>>> everybody else > bernie

The mistake was wanting to go through all of HL1. HL1 is fucking long.

gimme that beer first

The beginning part where everything is sort-of normal before the resonance cascade had the best bits, and the insanity of the characters was funnier when it's in the setting of a normal space rather than the apocalyptic shit that is the actual game.

The first one is really the only good one but the science team has some good scenes and callbacks after that. I don't really recommend it but if you really can't think of any other way to kill time then it's not so bad.

Gordon losing his hand is a shit bit

The free online encyclopedia that NO ONE will EVER edit again.

i feel like it was just a way so the streamer wouldn't have to fight anymore and can just walk around and look

Am I missing something here? What the fuck is this thread?

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half life but the ai is self aware

episode 3 just released dude

oh, i actually thought you guys were making this stuff up

A bunch of overly obnoxious retarded 16-20 year olds thinking they're funny when they're not. What do you expect from zoom zooms.


epic memes, modern Yas Forums

and have fun

Yas Forums being a bunch of self-aware wolves. They bitch and moan and cry about trannies, but then turn around and eat up everything one is involved with.


Dr. Coomer is literally voiced by a tranny, user. twitter.com/hp_hollowtones

I thought I was having a stroke reading this thread, glad to know I’m not alone in my confusion

kek, fucking degenarate
hes still pretty funny though

Dr. Coomer starts to realize he's stuck in a videogame but overall it mostly feels kinda samey. unless all the little bits start flowing together into something bigger during the finale, the beginning was by far the best.

Benrey turns out to be an otherworldly nightmare and replaces the Nihilanth bossfight and harasses them throughout Xen, and Tommy turns out to be the G-Man's son and they go to Chuck-E Cheese's in the end of the finale for Tommy's birthday party.

Also, Dr. Coomer pulls some straight-up DDLC shit by directly addressing Gordon in a post-credits message.

Does anyone really care

>Leaves the extremely unfunny and cringey chat in the middle of the screen

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he disabled it after the tranny spam

kek seriously? does it appear in any videos?

benry, guard, is still boring and makes series trash whenever he opens his yapper

It gets blurred halfway through one, then disappears right at the end. Even through the blur you can see the spam going a mile a minute.

not gonna lie, the gman VA is on point.

Needs more work on his unnerving pauses.

look at the chat

the security guard is the worst part of this entire project

How about a bullet instead

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Are the other episodes funnier? I only laughed twice and I’m normally amused by the stupidest shit

based and factual

He was funny in the first episode, since then the passport joke has dragged on for way too fucking much.

It becomes a critical element in the storyline by the finale, where he replaces the Nihilanth bossfight and Gordon has to go on an LCD-esque adventure to destroy the passport in order to kill him.

The sudden appearances, like in the test chamber and some elevator, always get me, otherwise he's too repetitive.

The character (Coomer) was by far the best thing about the series even if the person who voiced him turned out to be a mentally ill person.

Attached: HELLO GORDON.jpg (3121x4096, 2.97M)

Mentally ill how?

the t word.....

A male pretending to be a female despite clearly sounding like a dude.

It is what it is. Still a pretty good VA and played dr. Coomer really well

>tfw the person who played Tommy actually disliked the character

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where did he say this?

Wayne mentioned this during the post-show chat session.


>despite clearly sounding like a dude
despite clearing sounding like an old man, you mean. Seems to match the pattern precisely

It's okay, has its moment. But for me, it's Freeman's Mind.
Just wish the dude updated more often than every three months.

>It was okay when dumb humour happened when I was young

It is samey. Episode 3 has some good moments, especially early on, but it's mainly minor variations on the same shtick throughout. It worked while it was all novel but now is the time to either switch to proper plotlines or go all in with the randumb if you really can't come up with anything else. Instead it's more of the same. Can't wait until "Half-Life 2 and the AI is still self aware"!

They are in fact planning on HL2VRSaAI, but they're intent on making it much more... different. How? Undisclosed as of yet.

Of course they are. They accidentally struck gold and so they'll continue to mine even if they find nothing but stone from here on out. I don't see why I should care about HL2 if they can't even make HL1 entertaining past the half-way point

I just wish it wasn't painfully clear he's only doing it because he knows it is what keeps his channel alive and stretches out each episode because of it.

During the Black Ops fight iirc

I lost interest and closed the video the instant he looked down at his missing hand and haven't bothered watching since

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You're not the audience, in that case. It's the children who bit onto this hook, line, and sinker.



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I've heard through the grapevine they're reaching out to people who used to be in the HL2 modding scene. Map makers specifically.

Tommy is the only one who consistently stays in character. Gordon and Dr Coomer come second.


calm down, reddit

True, and I don't blame them for leaping at the opportunity

That might be fun, but it still hinges on them creating fun and/or interesting situations. All the polish in the world won't save a boring script