What's the point of playing games on a PC? It's more expensive than consoles and games are just ported from consoles anyways.
Is it really worth spending $4000 on a Facebook/fap machine?
What's the point of playing games on a PC? It's more expensive than consoles and games are just ported from consoles anyways.
Is it really worth spending $4000 on a Facebook/fap machine?
Other urls found in this thread:
>More Frames
>Superior FPS
>Total War
>less americans and bongs
PC is superior, lmao
My pc cost the same price as the latest consoles with all the upgrades and runs better.
OP btfo.
>This thread every single day
Please post screens of the PCfag that absolutely destroyed you to the point where you have to make these cope threads
consoles cost more tho. you need a TV, couch, and forced to pay $1000's to play online
my PC was around 650USD years ago and i'm comfortably taking it into next gen. PC is only expensive if you want it to be, and i wish i had spent more, honestly, just to have nicer things
in fact, poor people in 3rd world countries cannot really into consoles. consoles are mostly a 1st world luxury. their logical choice is to slap together a cheap build that can run, say CSGO, and a whole world of games, both old and new, opens up to them
PC is for losers who don't have real life
Call me when I can play Factorio on a $300 console.
All you need to spend is ~$1000, in most cases a few hundred bucks less. It's just autism when it gets above that, people buying GPUs they don't need, lots of extra storage for porn and anime, high end monitor they won't get to max out, etc.
With console I'd have to buy a good television and every game is 60 bucks. Also the game library is very limited as well as the whole system's functionality.
Also, controllers suck ass.
considering you can just plug a controller into a pc there is virtually no reason to have a console over a pc.
You are paying for convenience with a console.
>s it really worth spending $4000 on a Facebook/fap machine?
No, I use mine for work.
It's cheaper in the long run as you save on online (free) and games (not necessarily piracy, games in general are just significantly cheaper on PC). Also the retards spouting the $4000/"you have to upgrade every couple years" memes are so fucking wrong. I still have a 970 from 2014 and it runs pretty much everything 1080@60 and some games @144.
i used to play music in halftime shows for professional sports teams with both big and small entertainment groups
are video games one of the only hobbies where people willingly refuse to better their hobby by getting a PC?
I grew up in the 80s/90s so I'm happy with consoles. I played on a Trinitron CRT til near the end of gen 7 and then went without high speed internet or cable tv for most of gen 8. Zero interest in pc gaming and if I did, I wouldn't limp into it with one that runs shit equal to current gen consoles so yeah I'd definitely be spending over 2k easily.
And exclusives.
Not only that but gaming is the only hobby where the marketing strategy for new products is to retroactively denigrate old products,
it's like..... people who don't know anything about the subject..... act as if they know everything about it..... and they have to put feelings and opinions into their posts...... why is it like this?
Don't forget to take your ritalin user!
What's the point of console when it only does a fraction of what PC does, and worse?
Not him but can you explain?
SJWs can't cuck me from boobs on PC.
Because console gamers are brand fanatics more than gaming enthusiasts.
So true. I can't make wojak edits on my Xbox.
What's the point in being a poorfag when nothing is stopping you being a rich fag. You're not retarded are you?
look up steam surveys. top 3 gpu used are budget GPU's weaker than the xbone pro
pc gaming is driven by piracy. its the main appeal. you can put together a cheap 2nd hand gaming pc after some weeks of parts hunting
imagine every new $60 game for free on release
why would you need to spend 4k?
Bait somewhere else
You can't do jackshit on your Xbox except a handful of things MS explicitly allows you.
It's hilarious. The Sex will be better than 95% of PCs for 5-10% of the price.
But you do know it has nothing to do with being poor or rich right? There is even a europoor in here admitting he has a pc that runs like an xbox 360 because it's the cheaper option. I have just had sex before so gaming on a pc seems unpleasant. M+kb is for faggots too.
pretty sure that the 1060
which is the most common gpu rivals the xbox one x
But I don't play AAA shit made by suits. Why would I even own console then?
Like what? PS4 might be the worst console I bought cause a good 2/3 of the games I bought wound up on PC a half a year or year later.
Except you have to filter through shady sources and hope you don't get a virus. I play on consoles and haven't paid $60 for a game in over a decade though.
xbox one x still is cheaper system overall and gets better performance than that and the rx580
it has to do with console meme magic
ah, but you can also play all the steam shovelware exclusives and games from 1997 that run on toasters! look at this backlog! anyone up for some zork?
>The Sex will be better than 95% of PCs for 5-10% of the price
Being able to afford a 3k pc, you kind of need a life.
Even a kid with a paper route can get a console
Nowadays there are less exclusives compare to ps2/ps3/xbox360 days and some and perhaps all of the hits are probably coming to pc anw.
here you go retard
Lmao, housewife-tier post.
Why game at all if you're so busy with getting laid and winning at life
Look its pretty sad that you keep making these, just play on whatever, OP, I genuinely feel bad for you I'm not kidding
soiest post
>people buying GPUs they don't need >high end monitor they won't get to max out.
Those are the people who need a expensive gpu though. Kind of bad point you're making
T. 2080ti 4k 144hz chad
>*plays League only*
Same damn threads every day. Dont you guys ever get tired of this shit?
I mean consoles are fine for people who can't afford any more, or simply don't care about gaming enough to spend a serious sum for a better experience.
What total war game do you reccomend
I have more than enough money, my grandparents were landowners and I have everything I need, not my fault your ancestors were worthless and couldn't make your life worth living
I mean I have sex for like 20-30 mins a night and play games for like 3-4 hours a day. I don't want yo be in my cuck corner on my pc playing games though. This reminds me of the high def tv debates we'd have when I worked at an electronics store. People will pay big bucks to use something that they're told is much better but that their human eyes can't even notice.
my pc has made me cum harder than any person has, it's definitely worth it
there's way more to fapping than just looking at a picture or a video for 5 minutes
My le hardcore pc friends but with Destiny 2
Dead genre, all the RTS worth playing came out 20 years ago. Please don't tell me you need a 1000 USD computer to play Praetorians or Rise of Nations.
Spending 4000 dollars on a gaming PC?
Why would you spend 8000 dollars on a facebook machine?
Imagine spending 20000 dollars to play on a machine that only runs DOS.
You try to compile shit with a console, I'll watch.
I'd bet money I played more games than you this year on consoles than you did on your pc and actually paid for them, supporting the industry.
>People will pay big bucks to use something that they're told is much better but that their human eyes can't even notice.
console peasant cope
1050ti is better than Xbox bro. At least can get 1080p60 on medium while Xbox is at fake 1440p
You have to be real brainlet to catch a virus, last time I had one was in early 2000s an was only starting with PC gaming, but even than I just reformated and continued on
>I consume more products than you and give more to the big man! Ha, suck on that!
Holy shit, user
The cost of building my PC in 2012 and replacing broken parts since then comes to a grand total of around 900€.
It's understandable that a c*nsole faggot only looks at prebuilt prices - it can't assemble a PC to save its miserable life.
You play games that will never be on consoles like
>anything with dedicated servers
>anything with modding
Lmao, faggot is seething so hard he makes same thread every day
so neckbeard shit, gotcha
Yeah I love playing with retarded russians and brazilians, so much better lol
I prefer to play on a console because I don't have to build it myself and I like to keep my work separate from gaming
My PC effectively fills the function of
>Gaming system
>Television (who watches broadcast since 2010???)
>Phone #2
>Work station
And many others. Makes sense to invest some.
I bought a used gpu after the miner crash. Got a 1060 6gb for $130. My total for my pc was under $400 when I first made it. Originally had a 770 in it. Thats why you go pc. upgrading is significantly cheaper. When you factor in the cost of buying a ps4 and a ps5 Ive saved a lot of money because I only have to buy a gpu.
Cpu upgrades are very few and between because games never push cpu much.